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- Today 4:13 AM
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- 67
- Age
- 27
My merry band of misfits.
Name: Alexander Vriathis
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 23
Race: Human/wraith hybrid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 5"10
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: mid-length shaggy, dirty blonde.
Eyes: vibrant green
Skin: somewhat pale
Build: lean but defined.
Sexual Preference: Anything that strikes his fancy.
Abilities: Able to become incorporeal, able to manifest a glaive to fight with, can induce fear easily into the minds of the weak minded(gets harder the stronger the mental defense). Energy siphon (drains the life energy of nearby things to replenish self, but costs him more humanity every time its used). Is skilled in adept forms of offensive and defensive magic ( I.e magic beams and shields).
Weaknesses: sanctified weapons, light magic. Is susceptible to but not out right required to follow necromantic commands( stronger the necromancy the harder it is to fight it). Cannot tread on hallowed ground and cannot most holy sites.
Likes: whatever strikes his fancy
Dislikes: bigots, liars, hypocrites, and slimes.
Hobbies: woodcarving, exploring, and irritating local baddies.
Personality: Slightly arrogant,does whatever he feels like doing at the moment, sees things through to the end, presses buttons, and can sometimes be overdramatic.
Skills: adapt in hand to hand combat, skilled in use of swords and glaives, can cook decently.
Clothing: Wears a dark blue cloak, with a standard full leather ensemble with steel bracers, and thick boots.
Weapons: carries around a sword at the hip, and can manifest a glaive when needed.
Bio: Alexander was born to a human mother and a wraith for a father, and was raised by his father in he dark realm. There Alexander learned martial skills, and weapon combat. For years he was used as a weapon in his father's army, laying waste to human forces that stood in his path. One day a human battle-mage struck him down and gave him an ultimatum, die here a monster, or come with him as a human. Alex took his offer and learned more if his human side and of magic. Many battles were one after that, his father forces pushed back, Alex then confronted his father on the field of battle. The fought, Alex then takin the choice to seal his father in hell, at the cost of his dwindling humanity whenever he uses his darker powers. After that the land saw an age of peace, and Alex choice to forget his past and move ahead with his life, seeking to experience everything he could.
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 23
Race: Human/wraith hybrid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 5"10
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: mid-length shaggy, dirty blonde.
Eyes: vibrant green
Skin: somewhat pale
Build: lean but defined.
Sexual Preference: Anything that strikes his fancy.
Abilities: Able to become incorporeal, able to manifest a glaive to fight with, can induce fear easily into the minds of the weak minded(gets harder the stronger the mental defense). Energy siphon (drains the life energy of nearby things to replenish self, but costs him more humanity every time its used). Is skilled in adept forms of offensive and defensive magic ( I.e magic beams and shields).
Weaknesses: sanctified weapons, light magic. Is susceptible to but not out right required to follow necromantic commands( stronger the necromancy the harder it is to fight it). Cannot tread on hallowed ground and cannot most holy sites.
Likes: whatever strikes his fancy
Dislikes: bigots, liars, hypocrites, and slimes.
Hobbies: woodcarving, exploring, and irritating local baddies.
Personality: Slightly arrogant,does whatever he feels like doing at the moment, sees things through to the end, presses buttons, and can sometimes be overdramatic.
Skills: adapt in hand to hand combat, skilled in use of swords and glaives, can cook decently.
Clothing: Wears a dark blue cloak, with a standard full leather ensemble with steel bracers, and thick boots.
Weapons: carries around a sword at the hip, and can manifest a glaive when needed.
Bio: Alexander was born to a human mother and a wraith for a father, and was raised by his father in he dark realm. There Alexander learned martial skills, and weapon combat. For years he was used as a weapon in his father's army, laying waste to human forces that stood in his path. One day a human battle-mage struck him down and gave him an ultimatum, die here a monster, or come with him as a human. Alex took his offer and learned more if his human side and of magic. Many battles were one after that, his father forces pushed back, Alex then confronted his father on the field of battle. The fought, Alex then takin the choice to seal his father in hell, at the cost of his dwindling humanity whenever he uses his darker powers. After that the land saw an age of peace, and Alex choice to forget his past and move ahead with his life, seeking to experience everything he could.
Name: Lysander Flux
Age: 23
Race: Nephilllim
Height: 7'2
Weight: 225
Occupation: N/A
Skills: Sword play- is a savant when it comes to the use of a sword, he wields a blade as if it were an extension of himself.
Lightstep- is very light on his feet and can move with grace and agility unbecoming of someone of his size.
Linguist- is fluent in a variety of languages, and can write those that have a written form.
Abilities: Telepathy- can communicate with others using the power of thought.
Voice of Angels: His spoken voice can bend others to his will, normal humans that hear his voice are striken deaf, and driven made. Only powerful creatures and heavily warded humans can withstand his voice.
Enhanced Strength: is a deal stronger than a normal man.
Enhanced perception: has senses rivaling that of a werewolf.
Immunity to Demonic influence: mind cannot be influenced by those of the demonic ilk.
Strengths: Perceptive, brave, kind, selfless.
Weaknesses: stubborn, introverted, too trusting, bulky.
Bio: Lysander was born to a nephilim mother, and an angel father. With his mother dying during his birth, he was sent to be raised by his aunt and uncle. At the age of 6 the village he lived in was ransacked by a horde of demons who kidnapped him and killed everyone else. For 12 years Lysander was tortured and made to fight in the pits, being set against vicious monsters with nothing more than his fists. He survived the suffering and eventually gathered the strength to break free. He tore his captors to shreds with his bare hands. That is until he came across an arch demon, who outclassed him in every way, that is until Lysander finally spoke, and invoking his voice of Angels, bent the demon to his will, making it tear itself to pieces.
Finally free, Lysander went out in search of peace, and even after all his suffering, he still held compassion and kindness for the innocent. And he still searches for true peace
Age: 23
Race: Nephilllim
Height: 7'2
Weight: 225
Occupation: N/A
Skills: Sword play- is a savant when it comes to the use of a sword, he wields a blade as if it were an extension of himself.
Lightstep- is very light on his feet and can move with grace and agility unbecoming of someone of his size.
Linguist- is fluent in a variety of languages, and can write those that have a written form.
Abilities: Telepathy- can communicate with others using the power of thought.
Voice of Angels: His spoken voice can bend others to his will, normal humans that hear his voice are striken deaf, and driven made. Only powerful creatures and heavily warded humans can withstand his voice.
Enhanced Strength: is a deal stronger than a normal man.
Enhanced perception: has senses rivaling that of a werewolf.
Immunity to Demonic influence: mind cannot be influenced by those of the demonic ilk.
Strengths: Perceptive, brave, kind, selfless.
Weaknesses: stubborn, introverted, too trusting, bulky.
Bio: Lysander was born to a nephilim mother, and an angel father. With his mother dying during his birth, he was sent to be raised by his aunt and uncle. At the age of 6 the village he lived in was ransacked by a horde of demons who kidnapped him and killed everyone else. For 12 years Lysander was tortured and made to fight in the pits, being set against vicious monsters with nothing more than his fists. He survived the suffering and eventually gathered the strength to break free. He tore his captors to shreds with his bare hands. That is until he came across an arch demon, who outclassed him in every way, that is until Lysander finally spoke, and invoking his voice of Angels, bent the demon to his will, making it tear itself to pieces.
Finally free, Lysander went out in search of peace, and even after all his suffering, he still held compassion and kindness for the innocent. And he still searches for true peace
Name: Alistair Hezac
Age: 26
Alignment: True Neutral
Occupation: Up for hire
Weight:187 lb
Hair: short spikey black hair, has slight stubble.
Eyes: Irises are Jade green. Also wears an eye patch over left eye.
Skin: Slightly tanned
Extra: has right ear pierced and wears a gold loop.
Relationship: Single
Sexual Preference: Women
Personality: Alistair can seem to be a very abrasive and cold person, but in reality is a kind and compassionate individual. He seems cold whenever he is given a task to complete, especially when lives are on the line. Once he deems a person a friend, he becomes a bit of a joker, and loves to make those people smile.
Knife throwing- a highly skilled knife thrower, he can hit bullseye's on targets 45 yards away.
Bladedancer- Is a master of the blade, very few mortal men can match his skill, this skill earned him the name Jade Viper because of his green eye.
Sewing- can sew very well
Herblore- is proficient at identifying herbs and Flora and their uses in many regions.
Tracking- Is a skilled tracker and Hunter, is capable of following trails in many different climates.
Jury-rig Medic- can improvise minor medical treatment from on hand supplies.
Knife gloves- bound and enchanted gloves that manifest throwing knives. Knives are magical constructs and dissipate after a while.
Drakeskin Tunic and trousers-Give him moderate heat and flame.
Gold Locket- a personal childhood memento.
Strengths: Cunning, intelligent, charming, agile, durable.
Weaknesses: selfless, stubborn, abrasive.
Bio: Alistair grew up as part of a group of mercenaries, and learned his many skills there. The mercenary band was Alistairs family, up till the age of sixteen, when he left on his own seeking adventure. Equipping him with what they could they wished him well and saw him off. Once while over taking a keep as part of a contract, Alistair lost his left eye during the battle, though because of this his already uncanny aim grew to new heights. Over the years he crossed paths with his old group, they exchanged tales and laughed over drinks.
Alistair won his gloves after winning a card game with a mage. Fairly.
Alistair now seeks the next great adventure and maybe a little love along the way.
Age: 26
Alignment: True Neutral
Occupation: Up for hire
Weight:187 lb
Hair: short spikey black hair, has slight stubble.
Eyes: Irises are Jade green. Also wears an eye patch over left eye.
Skin: Slightly tanned
Extra: has right ear pierced and wears a gold loop.
Relationship: Single
Sexual Preference: Women
Personality: Alistair can seem to be a very abrasive and cold person, but in reality is a kind and compassionate individual. He seems cold whenever he is given a task to complete, especially when lives are on the line. Once he deems a person a friend, he becomes a bit of a joker, and loves to make those people smile.
Knife throwing- a highly skilled knife thrower, he can hit bullseye's on targets 45 yards away.
Bladedancer- Is a master of the blade, very few mortal men can match his skill, this skill earned him the name Jade Viper because of his green eye.
Sewing- can sew very well
Herblore- is proficient at identifying herbs and Flora and their uses in many regions.
Tracking- Is a skilled tracker and Hunter, is capable of following trails in many different climates.
Jury-rig Medic- can improvise minor medical treatment from on hand supplies.
Knife gloves- bound and enchanted gloves that manifest throwing knives. Knives are magical constructs and dissipate after a while.
Drakeskin Tunic and trousers-Give him moderate heat and flame.
Gold Locket- a personal childhood memento.
Strengths: Cunning, intelligent, charming, agile, durable.
Weaknesses: selfless, stubborn, abrasive.
Bio: Alistair grew up as part of a group of mercenaries, and learned his many skills there. The mercenary band was Alistairs family, up till the age of sixteen, when he left on his own seeking adventure. Equipping him with what they could they wished him well and saw him off. Once while over taking a keep as part of a contract, Alistair lost his left eye during the battle, though because of this his already uncanny aim grew to new heights. Over the years he crossed paths with his old group, they exchanged tales and laughed over drinks.
Alistair won his gloves after winning a card game with a mage. Fairly.
Alistair now seeks the next great adventure and maybe a little love along the way.
Name: Lash Night (Kaatoz Vulon)
Age: Doesn't remember
Race: Dragon
Height: 5'0(Human) 20'0 (top of head minus horns, Dragon)
Hair/Horns: Ivory White, and hair is long and usually pulled back into a ponytail
Skin/Scales: Lightly tanned(Human) Black(Dragon)
Eyes: Violet
Skills: Posses very few human skills, but is a decent shot with a bow.
Abilities: Static Control- being a lightning dragon gives him total electric immunity as well as the ability to manipulate and create electric currents at will.
Momentous Strength- Due to the law of equivalent exchange when entering a human form, he retains his draconic strength and durability.
Flight- can use his wings in both forms.
Communication with reptilian creature- can speak with anything reptilian in nature.
Enhanced Perception- has the vision and smell of a dragon while in both forms.
Clothing: In human form wears a set of black trousers, however wears no shirt and instead uses wings as a make shift cloak.
Build: Well defined in human form.
Personality: Is usually antisocial and semi aggressive to most, but can be understanding and reasonable and will eventually warm to those that peak his interest. He detests those who take what they have for granted and is outright hostile to those that use any sort of necromancy.
Strengths: Strong, Durable, Strong willed, intelligent, perceptive.
Weaknesses: Stubborn,head strong, vulnerable to ground based magic and abilities, heavy.
Bio: ( WIP)
Age: Doesn't remember
Race: Dragon
Height: 5'0(Human) 20'0 (top of head minus horns, Dragon)
Hair/Horns: Ivory White, and hair is long and usually pulled back into a ponytail
Skin/Scales: Lightly tanned(Human) Black(Dragon)
Eyes: Violet
Skills: Posses very few human skills, but is a decent shot with a bow.
Abilities: Static Control- being a lightning dragon gives him total electric immunity as well as the ability to manipulate and create electric currents at will.
Momentous Strength- Due to the law of equivalent exchange when entering a human form, he retains his draconic strength and durability.
Flight- can use his wings in both forms.
Communication with reptilian creature- can speak with anything reptilian in nature.
Enhanced Perception- has the vision and smell of a dragon while in both forms.
Clothing: In human form wears a set of black trousers, however wears no shirt and instead uses wings as a make shift cloak.
Build: Well defined in human form.
Personality: Is usually antisocial and semi aggressive to most, but can be understanding and reasonable and will eventually warm to those that peak his interest. He detests those who take what they have for granted and is outright hostile to those that use any sort of necromancy.
Strengths: Strong, Durable, Strong willed, intelligent, perceptive.
Weaknesses: Stubborn,head strong, vulnerable to ground based magic and abilities, heavy.
Bio: ( WIP)
Name: Zenith Mercury
Age: 19
Race: Magically Enhanced Human
Occupation: Freelance Mage
Height:5" 8
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Mid-Short, Spikey, black.
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Slightly tanned
Clothes: Dark grey leather bracers and boots,Light leather and chainmail tunic, andpocketed black trousers.
Weapons: Short rune etched gladius.
Spells: Purge- dispels most low level cursesand hexes, and clears out most toxins and poisons.
Dark Fire- Conjures flames as black as night, which if come into contact with livingcreatures rots their flesh and bone. (only usable during rage states, and also causes bleeding from eyes and ears)
Flame bolt- casts a projectile of liquid fire, similar to napalm.
Ice bolt- casts a spear of solid ice, formed from the condensated air.
Lightning bolt- a bolt of electrical energy.
Flamestorm- a spell with a moderate cast time that consumes an area with spell fire
Moderate ward- a frontal cast defense spell which can absorb medium level magical energies an disperse them.
Minor healing- heals light wounds, such ascuts, bruises and fractured bones
Strengths: Intelligent, moderately charismatic, expert mental fortitude, problem solver, kind, compassionate.
Weaknesses: clumsy, erratic, prone to fits of rage, drinks a lot.
Personality: Is a quirky and spastic, but does his best for those he considers friends. Is kind and never one to turn down someone in need of help.
Likes: alcohol,friends, magical tomes, lemons.
Dislikes: liars, thieves, hypocrite, and those that are needlessly mean or vengeful.
Misc: Rage State- Do to something in hisforgotten past, he will enter a state of madness in which his magic capabilities rise exponentially until its end or if he's knockedunconscious or receives a near fatal injury. In this state his body becomes covered in glowing symbols and runes appear across his body swimming and thrumming with power.
Age: 19
Race: Magically Enhanced Human
Occupation: Freelance Mage
Height:5" 8
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Mid-Short, Spikey, black.
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Slightly tanned
Clothes: Dark grey leather bracers and boots,Light leather and chainmail tunic, andpocketed black trousers.
Weapons: Short rune etched gladius.
Spells: Purge- dispels most low level cursesand hexes, and clears out most toxins and poisons.
Dark Fire- Conjures flames as black as night, which if come into contact with livingcreatures rots their flesh and bone. (only usable during rage states, and also causes bleeding from eyes and ears)
Flame bolt- casts a projectile of liquid fire, similar to napalm.
Ice bolt- casts a spear of solid ice, formed from the condensated air.
Lightning bolt- a bolt of electrical energy.
Flamestorm- a spell with a moderate cast time that consumes an area with spell fire
Moderate ward- a frontal cast defense spell which can absorb medium level magical energies an disperse them.
Minor healing- heals light wounds, such ascuts, bruises and fractured bones
Strengths: Intelligent, moderately charismatic, expert mental fortitude, problem solver, kind, compassionate.
Weaknesses: clumsy, erratic, prone to fits of rage, drinks a lot.
Personality: Is a quirky and spastic, but does his best for those he considers friends. Is kind and never one to turn down someone in need of help.
Likes: alcohol,friends, magical tomes, lemons.
Dislikes: liars, thieves, hypocrite, and those that are needlessly mean or vengeful.
Misc: Rage State- Do to something in hisforgotten past, he will enter a state of madness in which his magic capabilities rise exponentially until its end or if he's knockedunconscious or receives a near fatal injury. In this state his body becomes covered in glowing symbols and runes appear across his body swimming and thrumming with power.
Age: Lost to even himself
Race: Dimensional Tiger
Appearance: A large tiger even by standard means, standing at 6 feet at the shoulder, and 13 feet long(including tail). His pelt is white, with faintly glowing blue stripes, with steely grey eyes.
Personality: Usually disinterested in most things as he has been around a very long time. When he takes interest in something he usually studies it until there's nothing else to study and then moves on. He's a book fanatic that loves to read a good book, however it can be seen as comical as he does so, and even he knows this and will sometimes do it mess with people, just dont get between him and his books, you might loose an arm.
Fast- Te'sherak is much much faster than a normal tiger, capable of running at 45 mph for long periods of time and having subsonic reaction speeds. Is extremely light on his feet, but usually only uses his speed if needed.
Strong-willed Te'sherak is much stronger than an average tiger, able to tear through steel easily.
Intelligent- Is a brilliant mind but many underestimate him due to him being a tiger
Telepathic- Able to communicate with those he chooses telepathically. However, he usually only does this with those he takes an interest in.
Durable- His pelt can brush off most firearms, baring high powered rifles and cannons.
Backstory: Te'sherak was once a member of a race of being that could travel between dimensions at will, and their bodies acclimated to the new environment so they could survive. He was a proud and intelligent member of his race, having traveled to many world's and seen many things. One day though he happened to catch the ire of a god. The god wasn't happy at his blasphemous words towards the Gods, and cursed him into the body of a tiger. They also made him immortal that way he would have to live the rest of eternity as a beast. After many years of finding no cure, he gave up his search and resigned himself to his fate. He now travels the worlds in search of new and interesting things to study.
Age: Lost to even himself
Race: Dimensional Tiger
Appearance: A large tiger even by standard means, standing at 6 feet at the shoulder, and 13 feet long(including tail). His pelt is white, with faintly glowing blue stripes, with steely grey eyes.
Personality: Usually disinterested in most things as he has been around a very long time. When he takes interest in something he usually studies it until there's nothing else to study and then moves on. He's a book fanatic that loves to read a good book, however it can be seen as comical as he does so, and even he knows this and will sometimes do it mess with people, just dont get between him and his books, you might loose an arm.
Fast- Te'sherak is much much faster than a normal tiger, capable of running at 45 mph for long periods of time and having subsonic reaction speeds. Is extremely light on his feet, but usually only uses his speed if needed.
Strong-willed Te'sherak is much stronger than an average tiger, able to tear through steel easily.
Intelligent- Is a brilliant mind but many underestimate him due to him being a tiger
Telepathic- Able to communicate with those he chooses telepathically. However, he usually only does this with those he takes an interest in.
Durable- His pelt can brush off most firearms, baring high powered rifles and cannons.
Backstory: Te'sherak was once a member of a race of being that could travel between dimensions at will, and their bodies acclimated to the new environment so they could survive. He was a proud and intelligent member of his race, having traveled to many world's and seen many things. One day though he happened to catch the ire of a god. The god wasn't happy at his blasphemous words towards the Gods, and cursed him into the body of a tiger. They also made him immortal that way he would have to live the rest of eternity as a beast. After many years of finding no cure, he gave up his search and resigned himself to his fate. He now travels the worlds in search of new and interesting things to study.
Name: Valeria Vanos
Race: Pure-Blood Vampire
Age: 1256 years
Personality: Valeria is the epitome of vampire class, that is when she's around other vampires. When around others, she tends torelax and let loose.
She can appear sweet and kind when shewants, and usually acts this way to non vampires, but to others of her kind she is coldand calm. At first she can be harsh and hostile to those that bug her, and can take some warming up, but once she does she is a loyal friend. She doesn't see all humans as food, and is willing to see some of the human race as friends.
Backstory: Valeria was born into a pure blood family as the eldest child, but when she hit her teens the humans began purging the vampire race, killing her clan, leaving her as the last. She lived on her own, and stayed away from other vampires as she hated the poshness and nobility of it all. When she matured and came into her powers she became both respected and feared by humans and vampires alike. She lived this way for centuries, growing in her power, she eventually accepted her place among the vampiric court, earning the respect and fear of her compatriots. After a while she grew bored and decided to enter a stasis like sleep until things had changed. She is entombed in a crypt to this day.
Race: Pure-Blood Vampire
Age: 1256 years

She can appear sweet and kind when shewants, and usually acts this way to non vampires, but to others of her kind she is coldand calm. At first she can be harsh and hostile to those that bug her, and can take some warming up, but once she does she is a loyal friend. She doesn't see all humans as food, and is willing to see some of the human race as friends.
Backstory: Valeria was born into a pure blood family as the eldest child, but when she hit her teens the humans began purging the vampire race, killing her clan, leaving her as the last. She lived on her own, and stayed away from other vampires as she hated the poshness and nobility of it all. When she matured and came into her powers she became both respected and feared by humans and vampires alike. She lived this way for centuries, growing in her power, she eventually accepted her place among the vampiric court, earning the respect and fear of her compatriots. After a while she grew bored and decided to enter a stasis like sleep until things had changed. She is entombed in a crypt to this day.
Name: Fenris Rivian
Alias: Sin
Race: Mortal Child of an Elder God
Alignment: Neutral(With good tendencies)
Hair: Shoulder length, iridescent in color.
Eyes: A swirling mix of red and green.
Skin Tone: Pale.
Body Type: Lean but toned,with medium shoulder width.
Appearance: Stands at 5'10 with an intimidating posture, wears black steel half plate armor with matching legs and greaves. Usually wears a dull brown cloak over self. Carries a black scythe, which is made of enchanted Seraphite(blade) and devil's oak(shaft) that is enchanted to collapse into a sickle form for storage.
Powers: As the child of an Elder God Sin is able to wield dark powers, such as control over lesser evils, telekinesis, telepathy, the ability to turn into shadows, basic elemental manipulation, and senses that rival that of vampires. He is however susceptible to holy and divine forces, and setting foot in high temples weaken his powers.
Personality: Sin is a very conflicted individual, he knows of his heritage and what is expected of him by everyone else. And even still he tries to follow a moral code, even if he is a mercenary, he doesn't harm innocents, women(unless they come at him with intent to kill), and children. He likes to think with his heart and do what he believes is best, even if that means doing what others think of as wrong. He is a very harsh and abrasive person, scoffing at fate and being sarcastic whenever he feels it's necessary. He is very honest and straightforward however, he will never lie to anyone, so if he tells you something, it's the truth. He can be kind and caring, but is only that way to a very select group of people. He has a soft spot for children, and will go out of his way to make them smile.
Back story: Sin was born if a unholy bonding of a mortal woman and an Elder God, his mother died after child birth and he was left to his Grandparents, who tried to raise him well. However, he always saw and noticed the way they acted and treated him, like he was a monster. At the age of twelve he ran from their care into the harsh world, finding refuge in the dark underworld of a big city, there he was raised by a group of outcasts, people and creatures cast aside for what they were. There he honed his powers,. Using them to right the wrongs he saw. At the age of 17, he earned the nickname Sin, as his work and skill as a ruthless mercenary grew, so did his fame, many feared who he was and mentions of his me caused shivers down the spines of hardened soldiers. He is now searching for his next job, hoping that he might finally belong in the actual world and fate he was born into.
Alias: Sin
Race: Mortal Child of an Elder God
Alignment: Neutral(With good tendencies)
Hair: Shoulder length, iridescent in color.
Eyes: A swirling mix of red and green.
Skin Tone: Pale.
Body Type: Lean but toned,with medium shoulder width.
Appearance: Stands at 5'10 with an intimidating posture, wears black steel half plate armor with matching legs and greaves. Usually wears a dull brown cloak over self. Carries a black scythe, which is made of enchanted Seraphite(blade) and devil's oak(shaft) that is enchanted to collapse into a sickle form for storage.
Powers: As the child of an Elder God Sin is able to wield dark powers, such as control over lesser evils, telekinesis, telepathy, the ability to turn into shadows, basic elemental manipulation, and senses that rival that of vampires. He is however susceptible to holy and divine forces, and setting foot in high temples weaken his powers.
Personality: Sin is a very conflicted individual, he knows of his heritage and what is expected of him by everyone else. And even still he tries to follow a moral code, even if he is a mercenary, he doesn't harm innocents, women(unless they come at him with intent to kill), and children. He likes to think with his heart and do what he believes is best, even if that means doing what others think of as wrong. He is a very harsh and abrasive person, scoffing at fate and being sarcastic whenever he feels it's necessary. He is very honest and straightforward however, he will never lie to anyone, so if he tells you something, it's the truth. He can be kind and caring, but is only that way to a very select group of people. He has a soft spot for children, and will go out of his way to make them smile.
Back story: Sin was born if a unholy bonding of a mortal woman and an Elder God, his mother died after child birth and he was left to his Grandparents, who tried to raise him well. However, he always saw and noticed the way they acted and treated him, like he was a monster. At the age of twelve he ran from their care into the harsh world, finding refuge in the dark underworld of a big city, there he was raised by a group of outcasts, people and creatures cast aside for what they were. There he honed his powers,. Using them to right the wrongs he saw. At the age of 17, he earned the nickname Sin, as his work and skill as a ruthless mercenary grew, so did his fame, many feared who he was and mentions of his me caused shivers down the spines of hardened soldiers. He is now searching for his next job, hoping that he might finally belong in the actual world and fate he was born into.
Name: Caleb Smith
Race: Human
Weight: 190
Appearance: Has a mediums sized frame, with a well muscled and lean build. Has short shaggy brown hair, and brown down turned eyes. Has a slim jawline and average lips. Usually wears a brown t-shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers.
Personality: Can be a bit of a goof and always seems to get himself into trouble. He is kind and compassionate, even going out of his way to help or protect those he cares about. He is usually the glue that keeps everyone together, even when they don't like each other much. He will protect his friends even when faced with overwhelming odds.
Blind Fist- A secret fighting style originally taught by angels for humankind to use against darker creatures, it hones a person's body and mind to fight most effectively with out the use of sight.
Stage 1(Full visual fighting): Caleb fights with his eyes open, limiting his skill greatly and can be used to deal with most normal human and a few inhuman threats. (Striking Class: Human- Unmorphed Werewolf)
Stage 2(Eyes closed): Caleb closes his eyes and limits his vision, this raises his skill level and allows him to go blow for blow against all normal inhuman and quite a few upper inhuman types. (Striking Class: Morphed Werewolf- High Demon)
Stage 3(Blindfolded): Caleb blindfolds himself, completely removing his vision from the equation and further allowing him to tap his skill, this will allow him to deal with nearly any threat excluding Gods and Princes of Hell. (Striking Class: Elder Vampire- Archdemon)
Stage 4(Clear Mind): Caleb empties his mind and peaks his fighting prowess, very few things can stand his blows, it taking elder God's and Kings of hell to stop him. However it puts physical strain on his body to fight like this for long, so it is used as a last resort. (Striking Class: Lower Gods- Lord's of Hell)
Addendum: Due to the Angelic art, Caleb's mind is immune to corruption, influence, or mind control. He also has a higher resistance to dark energies.
Backstory: Caleb lived a very normal life, having been raised and loved by two parents. He lived with them until the age of 15, when he went in search of self-discovery, he found his way to a remote part of the world, wear he learned of the Blind Fist, and then took it upon himself to learn this fighting style. It was not without risks however, as part of your final rites, you had to complete the Blind Trials, where your eyes are removed through magical means and you have to proceed with many difficult and challenging tests. If you fail, you remain blind until you succeed. Caleb went through it all, and came out on top(after failing twice). He was then allowed to leave, on the mystical bond that he couldn't divulge any of the secrets he had learned. He Now travels from place to place, seeing the world with new eyes.
Race: Human
Weight: 190
Appearance: Has a mediums sized frame, with a well muscled and lean build. Has short shaggy brown hair, and brown down turned eyes. Has a slim jawline and average lips. Usually wears a brown t-shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers.
Personality: Can be a bit of a goof and always seems to get himself into trouble. He is kind and compassionate, even going out of his way to help or protect those he cares about. He is usually the glue that keeps everyone together, even when they don't like each other much. He will protect his friends even when faced with overwhelming odds.
Blind Fist- A secret fighting style originally taught by angels for humankind to use against darker creatures, it hones a person's body and mind to fight most effectively with out the use of sight.
Stage 1(Full visual fighting): Caleb fights with his eyes open, limiting his skill greatly and can be used to deal with most normal human and a few inhuman threats. (Striking Class: Human- Unmorphed Werewolf)
Stage 2(Eyes closed): Caleb closes his eyes and limits his vision, this raises his skill level and allows him to go blow for blow against all normal inhuman and quite a few upper inhuman types. (Striking Class: Morphed Werewolf- High Demon)
Stage 3(Blindfolded): Caleb blindfolds himself, completely removing his vision from the equation and further allowing him to tap his skill, this will allow him to deal with nearly any threat excluding Gods and Princes of Hell. (Striking Class: Elder Vampire- Archdemon)
Stage 4(Clear Mind): Caleb empties his mind and peaks his fighting prowess, very few things can stand his blows, it taking elder God's and Kings of hell to stop him. However it puts physical strain on his body to fight like this for long, so it is used as a last resort. (Striking Class: Lower Gods- Lord's of Hell)
Addendum: Due to the Angelic art, Caleb's mind is immune to corruption, influence, or mind control. He also has a higher resistance to dark energies.
Backstory: Caleb lived a very normal life, having been raised and loved by two parents. He lived with them until the age of 15, when he went in search of self-discovery, he found his way to a remote part of the world, wear he learned of the Blind Fist, and then took it upon himself to learn this fighting style. It was not without risks however, as part of your final rites, you had to complete the Blind Trials, where your eyes are removed through magical means and you have to proceed with many difficult and challenging tests. If you fail, you remain blind until you succeed. Caleb went through it all, and came out on top(after failing twice). He was then allowed to leave, on the mystical bond that he couldn't divulge any of the secrets he had learned. He Now travels from place to place, seeing the world with new eyes.
Name: Hazarien
Gender: Identifies as male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: Thousands of years old.
Race: Demon
Occupation: Current Demon King
Takes great pleasure in making any creature tremble in fear. He takes a twisted joy in toying with and manipulating mortals and on the occasion he gets the chance, angels. He is a brilliant tactician and fighter, his strategy and fighting are made to instill the most fear within his enemies. He is sadistic and malevolent, as well as being calm and collected, which give him an even more terrifying persona, as he could rip someone to pieces and not bat an eye.
HISTORY: Birthed from the fear of humans in the darker parts of hell, he took his place as a lord of hell and the harbinger of fear. When Satan abandoned his post and vanished, Hazarien cut a bloody swath through the demon hierarchy and took his place at the top, he now commands the demon hordes, ready to invade the realm of humans.
Power by Fear: Hazarien is fueled by fear, be it from any source, the more fear the stronger he becomes, and he can store excess fear to be used if ever needed
Hounds of Suffering: Can create and manifest hounds of hell that will serve him and deliver him the fear he craves
Mental Manipulation: Can manipulate the weak minded and fearful into doing what he wants as long as they are not protected by a holy blessing or an angel.
Fear Siphon: When injured, Hazarien can cause the death of nearby humans/angels/animals/demons by breaking their minds with fear and feeding off their life force.
Black Lightning- Can manifest and launch bolts of black lighting that can reduce creatures to ash
Corruption- Can corrupt the good into the evil, it even allows him to make pure angels fall into darkness
Gender: Identifies as male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: Thousands of years old.
Race: Demon
Occupation: Current Demon King
Takes great pleasure in making any creature tremble in fear. He takes a twisted joy in toying with and manipulating mortals and on the occasion he gets the chance, angels. He is a brilliant tactician and fighter, his strategy and fighting are made to instill the most fear within his enemies. He is sadistic and malevolent, as well as being calm and collected, which give him an even more terrifying persona, as he could rip someone to pieces and not bat an eye.
HISTORY: Birthed from the fear of humans in the darker parts of hell, he took his place as a lord of hell and the harbinger of fear. When Satan abandoned his post and vanished, Hazarien cut a bloody swath through the demon hierarchy and took his place at the top, he now commands the demon hordes, ready to invade the realm of humans.
Power by Fear: Hazarien is fueled by fear, be it from any source, the more fear the stronger he becomes, and he can store excess fear to be used if ever needed
Hounds of Suffering: Can create and manifest hounds of hell that will serve him and deliver him the fear he craves
Mental Manipulation: Can manipulate the weak minded and fearful into doing what he wants as long as they are not protected by a holy blessing or an angel.
Fear Siphon: When injured, Hazarien can cause the death of nearby humans/angels/animals/demons by breaking their minds with fear and feeding off their life force.
Black Lightning- Can manifest and launch bolts of black lighting that can reduce creatures to ash
Corruption- Can corrupt the good into the evil, it even allows him to make pure angels fall into darkness
Name: King. (Real name is an amalgamation of animal noises that is incomprehensible to mortals)
Domain: Earth, Wild Animals, Primal Instincts, Wild Places
Motivations: To protect and guard the Wild places, to keep mortal advancement from taking the land fully away from the animals. Will defend the Wilds fiercely and till his last breath.
Strengths/powers: Possesses monumental strength and reflexes, he can adapt his body to have traits from any animal he wishes be it physical changes, or just traits. He can command and control wildlife but opts to just be a guide for them as control would be against the nature of the Wild. The earth bends before him, allowing him to shape it as he sees fit. Can also shapeshift into many wild creatures taking their form and abilities will keeping his mind, the animal forms however are larger.
Weaknesses/flaws: Due to following his more primal instincts, he is subject to a flight or fight response and if he knows he can't win a fight will make a tactical retreat until he can. He hates the technological advancements of mortals as they endanger his wild places
Domain: Earth, Wild Animals, Primal Instincts, Wild Places
Motivations: To protect and guard the Wild places, to keep mortal advancement from taking the land fully away from the animals. Will defend the Wilds fiercely and till his last breath.
Strengths/powers: Possesses monumental strength and reflexes, he can adapt his body to have traits from any animal he wishes be it physical changes, or just traits. He can command and control wildlife but opts to just be a guide for them as control would be against the nature of the Wild. The earth bends before him, allowing him to shape it as he sees fit. Can also shapeshift into many wild creatures taking their form and abilities will keeping his mind, the animal forms however are larger.
Weaknesses/flaws: Due to following his more primal instincts, he is subject to a flight or fight response and if he knows he can't win a fight will make a tactical retreat until he can. He hates the technological advancements of mortals as they endanger his wild places
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