Avengers Meets Lord of the Rings

Currently reading:
Avengers Meets Lord of the Rings


Mistress Leggy of Amethyst
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Welcome to the Sanctum Corrupting Influence Confirmed Responsible Adult 1000 Posts!
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Today 4:24 AM
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Bonjour, mes amies! My name is Legolass, because I am a lass, not just cause I have an ass. I have been writing for about twelve years now, though only roleplaying for about ten of those years. I like to write fantasy and action, so I feel this plot is particularly perfect for my abilities and skills.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
My replies vary in length between 500-1000 words, and I typically respond multiple times a day when I'm not dealing with executive dysfunction.

Alright, so my tolerance level for gore is 'please keep the organs inside the body, please'.

Now, onto the reason I am posting this thread. I had the idea after stopping to think about how Legolas from LOTR is the only immortal member of the Fellowship. The idea is that he is one fo the last elves to decide to leave for the Undying Lands, and before he does he learns that the ring of Sauron is not actually destroyed. Not fully. A piece of it managed to survive, and Mount Doom is gone, having fallen dormant with Sauron's vanquishing. He still has the chance to return though, because of that partial existence. However, his orc armies are gone, for the time being. Anyway, with Mount Doom not a viable option and the adultier elves and wizards now gone, Legolas decides that he will stay in Middle Earth and hide the ring. Keep guard over it until either Mount Doom reactivates or a solution presents itself.

However, this takes far longer than he thought. He stays and watches the history of Middle Earth be forgotten, the dwarves and elves fading into nothing but myth and legend. The once-great structures of Erebor and Khazad-Dum become nothing more than crumbling rock. The continents move and fuse. And finally, the history of the MCU takes place. And SHIELD discovers the ring and its growing immense power. And Legolas? He meets people through working with the Avengers to find the ring again and destroy it, that remind him so much of people he once knew and may never know again. He stayed too long, and the way to the Undying Lands were closed to him.

Just let me know if this sounds interesting to you!
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