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Today 8:24 PM
Hey! I'm Karma, obviously new to the site and I wanted to say hi and drop some info before I either join or create any rps. With the habit of being pretty straight forward I tend to say my opinion when I feel its necessary so just don't mind me. I do enjoy rping but I've taken quite a long break due to some issues but I'm back now and am hoping to catch a nicely made rp with a good plot. I enjoy well structured rps with at least 2 paragraphs for the minimum post.

I'm into fantasy, action, adventure, mystery, romance and realistic. I usually always play a female as I am one and feel more comfortable playing the role. I do enjoy rping with people who are dedicated. I'm usually on the computer as I do enjoy typing up my stories so I hope that those who sign up to rp with me or that I sign up for actually wanna go through with it.

Anyways, I hope to have a good time here! x]
Welcome to the Sanctum, Karma! I hope you're the good kind. ;D

We've got great variety of members, so I'm sure you'll find some good partners in no time. In the meantime, feel free to pop into chat anytime! There's pretty much always someone hanging out in there, and lots of fun and shenanigans happen within those walls. I look forward to seeing you around!
Hey Karma welcome to the Asylum, hope your finding your way around ok. If you have any questions just pop into chat or aske any of the great staff.( look for those with pretty coloured names) If the person you ask can't help they will point you to someone who can.
Take your time looking around , and making your request thread, most of all have fun. All the best. Nyx

Welcome to your next great obsession... It will be our pleasure to apply the gasoline to your fire....
Hey there Karma, welcome to the site and I hope you come to have a wonderful time around here. Sorry I wasn't here to officially welcome you sooner like the rest, but I've been busy with a big move of mine. Nevertheless, you are considered a wonderful addition to the site and it's family atmosphere. Please come and go as you please and I hope you make plenty of friends around here, along with several fantastic role plays.

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