Any Azazel’s Search

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Any Azazel’s Search


Psychotic Angel
100 Posts! Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Likes!
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Today 7:37 PM
58th Dimension
Hello! Thank you for selecting my request thread out of the many other choices. It really means a lot to me that you have showed me some interest. Anyway that's enough of a welcome, you are here to see if what I want interests you at all.

First things first.

About me: My name is Azazel. I have been role playing for about three years now.
I post at pretty random lengths. You see for me it's all about what I feel from your reply. If I don't feel hardly anything I'll probably do one or two paragraphs. If you godmod and tell me what my character is doing I'm not going to want to reply as it seems more like a chore at that point. However if I feel a lot of emotion and I get something from a post I will work my ass off to show you that I loved it. With that being said if I get some writers block it's hard for me to come back to that reply. The first time reading it is arguably the best time because you don't know for sure what they said. With that being said if I get writers block a couple lines in I will come back to work on it. But if it's a few paragraphs I'll bring it to a close and post it.

Whew, my fingers are tired!

I don't have any requirements for my partners except that they not godmod. I feel everyone deserves a chance to work with someone and share the ideas they love with someone who they think will care. For those of you who want a more sexual role play I am a very kinky person with very few limits. For those of you looking more for story I love all time eras and genres. Yeah, sorry it's not hard to make me happy. But I absolutely adore human/nonhuman roles. Those are my favorite!!!!! I don't even care what role I play I just enjoy those roles. Please PM me with your questions or ideas. I would love to create something with you!

Hope to hear from you soon!
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