Back from hiatus

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Back from hiatus


250 Posts! 100 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum Chat Monster
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Today 9:57 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm not new but I'm coming back from a couple of longer hiatus and figured I'd post here just in case any old friends what to say hi(looking at you Rose, Lore, Feral, and Reni).

Things had gotten a little off-kilter when I left but have calmed down a little at least. I am looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and making some new ones as well so anyone that wants to reach out please do so I don't bite(well unless you ask). I am looking to pick up where I left off so will start looking for partners shortly(I'll bump my old search thread shortly). I can't sleep so I think I'm going to be around for a few hours despite it being 4 AM...oh the joys of working the third shift...despite a night off you still can't sleep.
Welcome back to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Good to have you again creative! I hope all is well and I look forward to seeing you around :)
Welcome back :) I'm the old guy that reads a bunch of threads Nice to meet ya.
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