MxF Be My Escape...

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MxF Be My Escape...


earth angel, will you be mine?
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First off, thanks for stopping by!

Please, have a seat.

I love to write, and I prefer roleplays that have detailed plots that we can both work on as we go (we can still develop an idea beforehand) . I will provide descriptive responses to keep the story engaging, and I definitely appreciate attention to literacy. I'm not expecting the next J.K. Rowling, however this will be a more fun journey if we both put in the effort :)

Genres that I wrote in the past were primarily fantasy and romance with a thought-out plot. I still do prefer fantasy elements, but I'm open to ideas!

As far as smut goes, I'm no virgin to the world of sexual writing. Just as long as our characters are warranted to have that interaction where the story sees fit, I'm happy. I just don't want our entire theme to be all about that. We can talk more on details as we go!

Kinks? Well if we get this far in discussion, I'd be happy to share them with you.

For a snippet of how I write and the kind of stories I like, here's an example of a previous roleplay where the story comprised of gifted humans.

The familiar aroma of freshly baked bread greeted my senses, exciting my body to its wake. Before I could fully escape from the world of dreams, a sweet smile formed onto my lips. This warm, divine smell was my expected invitation to begin my day; and the joy expressed on my face was caused from knowing a hungry father and a doting mother awaited me at the table. I shuffled through the sheets and habitually threw my legs over the side of the bed, seeking for the chilled surface of the concrete floor. My feet no longer curled in horror at the touch of the abrasive and chilled ground. I could tolerate the cracked window above my bed that let broken streams of sunlight seep in, or the peeling eggshell wallpaper surrounding the walls that protected me. I was accustomed to living less luxuriously as the Gifted, but nevertheless I had what I needed in order to survive. It just sickened me that across The Wall, even the most mundane of the monsters could waste their meals and not think twice about it. Every bit of bread we shared was treasured, and in my mornings, it symbolized making it through another day as a concealed Gifted in the slums. As my thoughts gathered after a period of sleep, the familiar spark also stirred beneath my skin. I could feel the electricity buzzing within me, like a silent storm, as I rose and proceeded to begin the new day.
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Bump ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*dusts off forum*
Alright, let's give this another go! In need of some writing
*revives forum*
After a long break, I'm ready to get back into the waters. I'm pretty open-minded at this point, so PM me if you might be looking for a writing partner!
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