Belated introduction

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Belated introduction

Miss Mayhem

Dark Priestess
Local time
Today 6:58 AM
Joined last week but didn't get around to posting an intro thread. I answer to most shortenings of my name on here, so feel free to call me whatever you like.

I recently stopped roleplaying on SecondLife in favor of trying out forum roleplay, the settings on SL have a tendency to shut down after a few months and I got intensely bored of restarting and rebooting the same character types again and again without time and room to let them grow.

Hopefully I can make a new home here where your stories seem to go on for ages and your characters seem to undergo so much growth. Having poked around a few threads I'm pleased to see the caliber of writing on this site and the kindness of people in the OOC messages.

I hope I fit in!
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, Miss Mayhem. I adore that avatar.
Welcome! We hope you find yourself right at home here with us. :3

Many welcomes, hope your settling in, finding your way around ok?

Any questions try general chat, or staff. They are lovely folks, there are also some longtime residents kicking about who will help if they can.

Request threads are on a rapid cycle so i advise checking at least the first 2 or 3 pages, as well as putting up your own of course.

Hope to see you around, all the best.
And most of all enjoy.
I will call you Bob.
Wait...Bob, tell me, Second Life is still a thing? Man, that is an old game.
Welcome to the site! Great thing about text, it never get old!
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