Closed Bethany is up to no good

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Closed Bethany is up to no good

Serene Island

Karma Fairy
April Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 11:44 PM
Vice City Baby
She / Her
I guess I've just been in the mood for playing the bad person lately. I'm a very kind and gentle person in real life, so I guess I find the creative escape of it thrilling. This request thread is yet another take on the shenanigans of being up to no good.

Your character has a stable and long time girlfriend, Olivia (my secondary character). It's a stable relationship that has gotten a bit on the boring side - not in a bad way, but just in a routine way. Olivia's best friend, my character Bethany, is a well known wild child. Someone who doesn't keep a man for long, known to be emotionally unstable, and someone that wiser men run to the hills from. It's hard to spot trouble sometimes from point blank range - your character has heard stories from a different perspective when the two women talked in the same room. But it's a different beast being the victim.

The basis for the beginning of the story is Olivia is in a very dead bedroom situation. The couple are still friends and close, but neither Olivia nor your character are thrilled about the lack of intimacy. Your character, Olivia, and Bethany had planned to go to a music festival some time ago, but with Olivia starting to feel sick - the plans change to just your character and Bethany attending.

The way I see the overall arc of the story unfolding is a nice bit of drama, suspense, and seduction. I'd like to follow our characters from the first moment Bethany tries anything devilish - all the way to seeing how we choose the results to unfold.

  1. How long can your character resist Bethany?
  2. How long is too long before telling Olivia?
  3. What happens to the relationship once Olivia finds out your character cheated?
  4. Does Bethany ensnare your character into a whirlwind of drama, arguments, and unstable lust that is a relationship?
  5. Is Bethany the type of woman to do you dirty just as dirt was done to the one before?

I've watched every single episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians so this is the type of drama I live for and am looking to get into with this slice of life roleplay. Arguments and high stakes drama are a lot of fun to write.


The finer details:
While I anticipate a decent helping of smut in this roleplay, I also equally enjoy the plot points involving the character dynamics, tension/arguments, and the general chaos of navigating such a messy situation. Through Bethany, I intend to give the story a healthy dose of seduction, teasing, and edging. It's just a lot of fun to mess with your character, play hot and cold, and just drive him to the edges of insanity before he ends up in the clutches of Bethany. In short, that's the thick of the character dynamics I'm looking to flesh out.

I'm happy to play Olivia as well and give life to her rush of emotions and ignorance throughout this series of dramatic events. I envision Olivia as a good person wrapped up in a bad situation. Bethany is actually devious and a naturally opportunistic person.

For some more info about me, check out this inventoried post. I usually keep things lighthearted and out of the extreme even when dabbling with darker subjects. This hobby is meant to be a fun release for me and I am very understanding of natural spelling and grammar mistakes.

That's it!:
If this story appealed to you, send me a direct message. I intentionally left the plot directed, but open to interpretation so we can flesh ideas out together as we go. This should be a fun, yet simple one and I'm looking forward to it!

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