Better Late Than Never

Currently reading:
Better Late Than Never


Local time
Today 3:06 PM
So, I've already been in chat - Hi Necca and Malice - but I guess I should introduce myself. Here goes nothing.

A young woman gazes down on a manor. Inside, she know exactly what was happening. The vampire queen would be cornered, viscous with the humiliation of being brought so low inside her own home. Further away, a human girl lies gasping for breath as the queen's servant pours vial after vial of a pale, shimmering blue fluid over her wounds. One by one, they seal up, leaving blood loss as the last major obstacle.

Miles away, there's an explosion of power. The scent of death creeps across the streets and the entity of Death glowers down at its opponent. Neither side could die - Death knows it isn't his opponent's time yet - but neither can bear the thought of backing down. Of losing.

Coming back to the woman watching this all happen, she smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. It's been five years since the world began. Five years since she first started creating the vampire queen and her servant. Five years since she joined her first role-play site at the tiny age of 15. It's a nostalgic memory.

She stands and turns around, knowing that site is slowly dying. It's time to move on and expand the horizons. She searches and searches and, eventually, she finds something that interests her. Then, she clicks.

And there you have it. I'm a 19, almost 20 year old who was always had a love for writing and creating. I hope I can fit in well here. :)
Really creative intro. I really like it. Pleasure to meet you in the chat. Maybe get a chance to RP with you down the line as well.
I wish I had thought of an into like that. It's nice to meet you.
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