Any Beware of Otaku

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Any Beware of Otaku


The Rolling Stone
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Today 9:27 PM
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Hello, friends. I have returned!
I apologize for the hiatus, some family trouble arose and I was kidnapped by obligations. @u@;;

I come to you now in search of some tasty romantic comedy, as slice-of-life is a favorite genre of mine. I have read a large variety of manga/manhwa titles and am just as happy concocting something fresh and original with a partner. I'm something of an Otaku and the culture itself has had a hand in more or less all of my roleplays over the past 10 years. Why stop now?

First, a list of favorites. Everyone involved in our threads will be 18+, of course.

If they are students or if schooling is in some way relevant to the plot, they will be university students and NOT high schoolers, as I would hate to violate site regulation. Grown characters only, please.

You do NOT have to have read these yourself to participate, as I will only be using the basic premise and not the entire story. All plots can be adjusted to suit supernatural themes as per partner preference. I currently have no specific gender cravings on my end and will gladly write for pretty much anyone. xD

Keep in mind I'm very open, so if you're looking to play nonbinary, intersex, or transgendered characters, don't be shy about it! :D

Tokyo Ghoul (anime/manga)
***MxF, MxM, FxF Plot***

Eaters of human flesh dwell amongst Man, with both races doing their best to survive amidst the likes of one another. Whereas Ghouls often form their own groups and communities and have varying opinions of humans, a human organization has formed to exterminate Ghouls; The CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul).

This one is a bit more intense than anything else I'll have listed. I'd like a Ghoul and Human relationship, and this can mean anything from two civilians to an agent of the CCG and a notoriously evil Ghoul. Whatever works!

This will likely be a smidge bloody and have its fair share of action scenes, intrigue, and suspense.
Lovely Complex (Anime/Manga) and Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki (manga)
*** MxF Plot***

Both series are about the trials of relationships between taller girls and their significantly shorter male love interests. Both are absolutely precious, I highly recommend them! The latter is far naughtier than the former.

There's something about tall and/or somewhat broad women that I truly admire, which is of course not to demean those of smaller stature, but I can't help myself. If you would be interested in something like this, let's flesh a story out!
Gal☆Clea! (manga)
***MxF, MxM, FxF Plot***
A nice, 'normal' guy's circumstances take a turn for the worse, and he finds himself living together with his rich, messy, and WILDLY overconfident female neighbor/classmate, as opposed to his being otherwise homeless. She's the type of noisy and graceless girl he cannot stand, but comes to realize that she's actually very loving and means well, and also that she's very lonely.

I LOVE this manga, it's so cute! He becomes something of a nanny/housekeeper while living with her, as he is (presumably) a neat freak.

If this appeals to you, keep in mind that pretty much pairing will work and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Jackass! (manga)
***MxF, MxM Plot***

Character 1's best friend, Character 2, sees Character 1 wearing stockings; This is actually Character 2's most aggressive fetish. They practically fall in love with Character 1's lovely legs and their affinity for stockings and begs to see and touch them more often. Sadly, all Character 1 wants is for Character 2 to love them and NOT just their legs!

It is VERY cute and VERY sexy. x'D It's a very nice read.
Outside of actual anime/manga, there are tons of other romantic comedy slice-of-life setups!
If you have any of your own you'd like to talk about or have any rom-com mangas to propose, I'd love to hear them.

Some others include:
Idol x Fan
Idol x Security Guard
Dance Partner x Dance Partner
Boss x Employee
Mangaka x Manager/Editor
Mangaka x Housekeeper
Police Officer x Yakuza Head
Yakuza x Doctor/Nurse
Older Neighbor x Younger Neighbor
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Hello I'd be interested in an MxM Police Officer x Yakuza head! I'd have to play as the bottom though I'm not the best at playing as the top. ^^;
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