Name Quigley Agustus Holliday. (Yes, his father had a western-themed addiction, and was the only thing he gave him)
Nicknames: 'Q', Reaper, Skull Collector
Age: 35
Physical Stats/description: 6'6", 240#, Green eyes, Brown hair with natural blonde highlights. It is slightly curly and is shaved on the sides, but it's long enough on top to make a small 'man bun' which is how he normally styles it. (Not in that annoying kind of way. He is slick but not coky. Think clean-cut, but rugged) Very muscular but scary quiet and agile.
Notable scars: Three bullet pockmarks lining his back in a small cluster on the left side just below his heart. Only two knife wounds on his body. One on his chest, from peck to peck, and one on his right forearm that's covered by tattoos but when the light hits, that's the only time it can be seen. A bit of road rash on his left side up to his left arm up to his face (Not horrible just noticeable) and has knicked his ear. Occurred the same time he was shot in the back.
Left arm: 'Q' has a full sleeve of skulls in flare style with roses, fire, and various artwork weaved between. The total of skulls is thirty-three, and there is room for work. There are feathers that seem to be wrapping from behind like wings.
Right arm: Has roses, flames/sun swirls, crucifixes, a rosary that wraps around the inside of his elbow and ends right at his wrist (palm side). Dog tags of men he's served with while in the military with the dates of their birth and death. There are feathers that seem to be wrapping from behind like wings.
Right hand: A rose inflames the top of his hand, upper digits '
HITS' on each upper digit right to left in bold print, lower digits have '
RIP' from right to left pinky has a cross on it.
Left hand: top has a skull with a bullet hole in it a rose growing out. The upper digits have '
HARD' written right to left in bold. The lower digits have nothing yet.
Back: Massive tattoo of angel wings that incorporate into his arm tattoos. This tattoo takes up most of his back, it's done in black and white, and done in one sitting. He passed out once. It represents the Angle of Death.
Left pectoral: Tattoo M/C. 'Son's of the Horsemen'. Four horses of the apocalypse.
Right pectoral: Brand:
(The sythes are tattooed on his neck.)
Short bio: Quigley was born from the Trailor trash of the year modal. Crack whore with a father who bounced the moment after he named Quincy. He had a crazy love for westerns,
Quigley down under,
Lonesome Dove and luck have it, his last time was Holliday, his father loved
Doc Holliday. His mother didn't raise him having died from an overdose, he was bounced around the system until he graduated high school and joined the military the very next day. He did well for himself there for a bit even got into special forces and became a First Lt. as a Marine Recon specialist. But like all good things in his life, they never last. He was framed for dealing drugs and piled it all on with a good dose of assault and attempted murder. Spent time in one of the military prisons and got out for good behavior about three years later. While in the big house, he made powerful friends and some enemies but the powerful friends offered him a job once he got out, and he joined a motorcycle club named 'The Four Horsemen.' He went from being framed for selling and dealing drugs to actually selling and dealing. They knew he was good at killing people because of his Recon reputation so they moved him up the ranks from enforcer to club reaper.
Then one day, he had enough. He was high half the time, drunk the other. He hated life, nearly drove off a cliff but skidded to a stop nearly wrecking his bike and killing himself. So he told the President of his club that he was done. His Pres said that he would be allowed to take a break, and that was two years ago. He moved two states away, lives in a bit city, and works in a popular club that he bounces for. Since he only was good at a few things in life, becoming an accountant wasn't in the cards for him. This job doesn't pay nearly as well as his last one, but at least he can sleep at night. Well sort of.
Skills/Strengths: Polyglot. (Speaks many languages and can pick them up very quickly). Stealth, (which comes as a surprise for someone so big) hand to hand, knife fighting, close and ranged weapons. Is a Marines recon. Sniper/Scout. (Once a Marine always a Marine). He has an artistic flair, having drawn most of his buddies and his own tattoos. He minted the coines for the club and their President turn them into brands.