Black, Black Heart

Currently reading:
Black, Black Heart

Just have to wait for @Morpheus now unless anyone else joins. I am excited to see where this goes!
All your characters look good to me and now I just have to work on my own character. All I know is that I'm going to play either a vampire or a werewolf - or I might just play two characters so there at least one of each. While vampires are at the top, werewolves are #2.

Also, if any of you want to play two characters as well, I'm OK with that.
I could make a second character as well, probably a werewolf. I'll make the character sheet but I'll probably have to think about it more since I am not used to playing two characters (At least not in a really long time).
I usually feel most comfortable having a character on either end of a story, but also I'm new to this forum and I haven't been in RPing in a while so, be gentile...
Trig Horlf



He is a very calm man who tries to always see the best in people. He can be a dork at times but most of the time he is just a happy go-lucky person. He can be fairly childish at times. He is very protective of his friends and family. He's cautious around vampires because of stories he's heard but honestly believes they can't all be bad.

Brief Bio:
Trig was born as a full blood werewolf and raised to be as useful to the pack as possible since his parents were protectors of the pack and he was expected to follow in their footsteps. When he was a teen he resented his role because his parents wouldn't let him "waste time" playing with others and would have him train during any free time he had. If he tried to rebel in any way it was quickly stopped and he was punished for it.

Once he was a legal adult he left. His parents were shocked when he announced he was leaving but he had been so secluded from the rest of the pack for his training that he felt no connection to them and honestly resented his parents greatly for it since all he wanted was a family but instead he had trainers.

When he first left he lived on the streets, not knowing much about the outside world. At one point he saw a group of men beating up a guy and his instincts kicked in. He jumped into the fight and held them off of the man until the group grew tired and left. The man turned out to be a part of the mafia and quickly decided to employ Trig as his personal bodyguard since he was getting into more trouble than usual. Since then he has been like his right hand man and despite his playful childish demeanor he is ruthless when it comes to protecting his boss.

  • His direct bosses name is Leon Miriad and he is the accountant for the mafia.​
  • Really loves animals.​
  • Lives with Leon in a sort of roommate situation.​

Age: 30
Race: Werewolf
Appearance: Ambrosiano was always beautiful, even before he became a werewolf. Blessed with dark hair, hazel eyes, and a bronzed skin complexion, he was admired for his beauty, moreover, when he coupled his good looks with an impressive physique. He tends to dress in an elegant matter, though he does sometimes like to dress a bit more extravagantly.

As a wolf, Ambrosiano appears at a pure white wolf with red eyes, his status of alpha clear. Like most werewolves, he appears larger than normal wolves, but like his human counterpart, is considered beautiful by most on-lookers.

Personality: Ambrosiano is generally well-liked by other people. Tending to see the glass half full, he's always cared deeply for others, and helps others succeed to the best of his ability. He tends to be flirtatious with other people no matter the situation but known to be especially friendly with other men. It's unusual for a werewolf, but most are soon charmed by this werewolf's nature and all-around drop-dead gorgeous looks.

Brief Bio: Ambrosiano, or Ambros as he commonly called, started life as a normal human. He grew up with a sense of purpose, devoting his life to helping others, and wanting to make the world a better place. Shortly before his 18th birthday, on his way home from a party, he cut through the woods to get home a bit faster. It was on this shortcut home that he ran into a large black wolf with red eyes, who suddenly attacked him and bit him on the forearm.

Ambros made it out alive and miraculously, by the time he got home, the deep bite the wolf had given him had disappeared. It wasn't until after the night of the first full moon, that Ambros actually learned what had happened to him. He had woken up in the woods, next to 3 strangers and Parrish, a college student that he had met during that party. Parrish explained to him that he had been watching Ambros for a while and after some deliberation, wanted him to be part of his pack.

Declining at first, it wasn't until a few months later that Ambros finally agreed to be part of Parrish's pack, unsure if he could fully control the changes happening to him. Ambros proved to be an invaluable part of the pack, helping other members whenever he could and helping keep them safe whenever dangerous arose. He became an amazing fighter, and three years after formally joining the pack, when he finally began living with them, that Parrish made him his beta.

Four years after becoming beta of his pack, Parrish, unfortunately, met his end after they were ambushed by a group of werewolf hunters. The pack had gotten away thanks to his sacrifice, but as per werewolf law, after Parrish perished, Ambros became the new alpha of his pack. Unsure what to do at first, Ambros just followed Parrish's example, but soon enough came into his own, and with his leadership, his pack became well known in the werewolf community.

AI: Ambros tends to keep his pack quite small. Since he was turned against his will, he doesn't turn others unless they actually want to become werewolves. This has led to his pack being very selective, but very tight-knit as well. Ambros is also gay, something known very well by the rest of his pack.


Age: Unknown, but appears to be in his early 20's.
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Cassius has always looked shockingly young to other people. He retains the looks he had when he originally died, with blond hair, an unblemished sun-kissed skin complexion, and uses his powers to turn his black eyes into pale green ones. With a lean, well-defined figure, he tends to look good in most clothes but is a big fan of showing off to others.

Personality: Cassius is a rather proud and independent individual. He believes in the value of hard work but is quite materialistic, getting the best that money can buy. Despite this, no one can deny Cassius's charm so the vampire never has to work very hard to capture prey, Bold and outspoken, he tends to share his opinion, but most do listen for what he says often makes a lot of sense.

Brief Bio: Cassius was born in Ancient Greco-Roman times, near the infancy of the Roman Empire. He was part of a rather popular noble family but in order to be well-rounded, his family often sent Cassius and his brother and sister to neighboring countries to learn about their culture and customs. It was during Cassius's 27th year, on one of these trips to India, that Cassius was sired by his own retainer, a man named Moratio.

Cassius and his sire spent many years together, first as partners, and even some time as a couple before Cassius decided to part ways with him. The Roman Empire had just fallen and Cassius was ready to start anew and wanted to do more than be with Moratio for all eternity. Using his powers, he would often make himself the rightful heir of a wealthy family, providing himself with adequate funds to live a relatively easy life.

Once the new World was discovered, Cassius traveled there in order to broaden his horizons. He had never really given up his family's views of being well-rounded, but having already lived for over a thousand years, he felt he had seen much of known world already and was interested in seeing something new. As he had done before, he set himself up to be at a position of power and has been there for most turning points in American history, though he did a few centuries spend across the pond when he wanted a change of scenery.

Currently, Cassius's lastest alias, Liam Donahue, is the head of Vestuvius Industries, a hugely successful technology company. Liam's real identity is only known by a few people, most notably by Moratio, who made a recent reemergence into Cass's life and now lives in Aelton. Cassius tolerates him, but doesn't care much for him, especially since he constantly reminds him he sired him,

AI: Cassius prefers to be called Cass. Furthermore, as he has lived for over two thousand years and dated both men and women, he considers himself pansexual.
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I really like your characters, I can't wait to see how we will all interact.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you an update.

I'm currently fighting a terrible case of writer's block, but I believe I should be able to get the thread live by Monday. Thanks for you patience and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

One more thing - before you ask I'm not looking to do a posting order. Just be mindful before you post so the thread doesn't turn into a 1x1. If you plan on doing a conversation with someone please do a joint post.
Im thinking of changing Celia's pic. I had a human rl pic and then everyone used cartoons, but I do like the rl pic more... Is that cool?
I like real people, which is why I used a real person for my character's FC. I don't mind if people use drawings though, so it's really up to you.

[ Age ] 20
[ Race ] Vampire
[ Scent ] Jasmine, Lychee, Vanilla
[ Personality ] Decisive, Adaptive, Vulnerable, Intuitive, Repressed, Observant

None of this is real. Her doll-like expression was not out of practice or discipline to please whoever asked for her services. She had been changed beyond recognition, and to adapt to the crimson distortion of her world, she had suspended her grasp on reality. The only comfort in this cold, breathless world was her voice in familiar song, sparking a deeper will to live inside of her. Iris is decisive, observant, and adaptive in her actions, grasping for a meaning to this forced revival. Her revulsion towards blood, dissatisfaction with her current restrictions, and lack of interest in eternal life make her careless towards preserving her own life. But within, her unabashed and spontaneous desire for excitement has shriveled and wilted…

[ Brief Bio ]
As a newly turned vampiress, Iris has been shackled by restrictions to prevent humans from interfering in her new place in the world. She must never contact those in her past life, or else they would all be slaughtered including herself. She is not allowed to hunt for herself. Therefore, she acts as a song-bird and attendant to vampires in Aelton in return for blood. If she follows her duties and restrictions, she is free to roam the world otherwise. After all, the loss of her life is nothing if she is discovered by hunters or other supernaturals.

[ AI ]
[ Fear ] Iris has held an irrational fear of blood for as long as she can remember. She cannot stand the smell of blood or the sight of blood. The peak of her fear is of the sight and thought of her own blood leaving her body.
[ Turning ] Iris belonged to a normal household with two parents and two sisters. During a quiet, autumn night, Iris slammed the front door to her middle-class home, frustrated to tears by her parent's irate rantings about her future and "lackluster" results. Her path was well-lit but eerily quiet. She hadn't even been able to scream before she saw gushes of crimson painting her vision. The only hint she had was the blades choking her neck as time excruciatingly slowed. At that moment, as her mouth gaped open, she inwardly shrieked and clawed in resistance with all that burned within her. But it was the last single weak beat of her heart.
[ Skills ]
[ Vampire-Exclusive ] Heightened senses |Supernatural strength | Supernatural Healing |Mind Manipulation | Shapeshifting | Aura – Species, Strength | Ether Transportation
[ Human Experience ] Korean | Chinese | Japanese | Vocal Art | Guitar | Piano | Knowledge of Science | Knowledge of Modern World
[ Iris Exclusive ] Vocal Empath | the ability to affect the emotions of others with song
We are officially live! Sorry, it took me a while, everyone! I was fighting a severe case of writer's block and my job finally reopened, so I got a bit busy.

Anyway, when you start, you've just learned about the heir. Yes, the announcement happened in Aelton's Macabre Eye, but there are ways for the other races to get the information, even if they weren't at the initial announcement.

I've also gone ahead and created a cast roster that I will attach to the beginning of this thread, and asked for this thread to be moved to a more appropriate forum.

I will keep recruitment open for three more days to allow more interested parties a chance to join and then I'll close recruitment. All those who are already part of the thread can create a second character but keep in mind that we currently have 7 characters in play.
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