Bleeding Ganymede

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Bleeding Ganymede

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Today 10:02 AM
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The year is 2752 and Earth has been out of resources for nearly a hundred years. Massive wars broke out between countries over the last of the available resources, nearly leading to the extinction of the human race. Seeing this danger, the worlds super powers at the time, Canada, The United Territories of the Middle East (UTME), New Zealand, Australia, and the USA, banded together and seized control. Together they formed the United Governments of Terra and began a space program to begin mining and colonizing other planets and moons. The mining operations, called Bleeding Operations, strip resources from uninhabitable planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. The smallest, and newest, of which is based on Ganymede. With a station population of only 5,340 and only 7 bleeders mining, it has been a slow process digging beneath the surface.

Ganymede station serves a dual purpose of mining and water purification of the under surface sea. The station itself is located under 125 miles of ice and water, making it problematic to ship mined materials and water off of the moon. There are only two days every earth month where it is possible to resupply and offload materials, meaning the station needs to be fairly large for its population in order to store everything, though in an emergency, the hydroponics bay could supply the station for 6 months before supplies run too thin for everyone on station to be comfortably fed.

Recently though, strange things have been happening in the mines. The surveyors and Bleeder operators have been noticing odd tunnels that don't appear to be natural in the walls, odd plant life and small insects sprouting seemingly overnight in some tunnels, and even occasional disappearances. In a brief moment of surprising sanity, the station director halted mining operations until further notice, but not before Bleeder #5 broke through the wall of a huge cavern filled with plants and insects never before seen. Unfortunately, the bleeder broke into the cavern 50 meters above the floor, causing it, and its 5 person crew to plunge to the floor. The Bleeder is irreparable, but four of the crew survived with only major injuries. The fifth is currently unaccounted for and is assumed to be crushed under the bleeder.

Eleven hours. For eleven hours, Michael had been sitting at his desk in security room Charlie, watching screens as absolutely nothing happened. Ever since the order to cease mining, nothing interesting ever happened on mining deck B, but he still had to watch the monitors. It was his job to sit and stare at twenty different screens. Usually entertaining things would happen, someone would slip on an overly polished portion of the floor and scatter everything he was carrying, or maybe someone would start a fight, and on rare occasions, he caught people making out in storage room thirteen. He loved turning on the speakers for storage room thirteen and scaring the crap out of the kissing pair inside. But, since no work was being done, no one was doing anything in the mining bay.

The mess hall, however still saw activity as miners with nothing to do would simply hang out and play cards there or talk to one another. The most interesting thing that had happened there thus far was that someone had been caught with cards up their sleeve and the two got into a yelling match. Michael sighed and looked over at the glowing green digital clock to the left of the monitors. 11:32 it showed him with its dull glow. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. The whooshing sound of an automatic door opening behind him alerted him to someone entering the room. He turned his swivel chair a bit and glanced at the new figure in the room. It was just Henderson, the oldest and laziest guard on the team. As usual, he carried with him his holopad, several books, an outdated handheld video game device, and enough food for two people.

"Any of that food for me today?" Michael asked flatly. It was sort of a ritual, Henderson would come in early with all of his shit, and not offer to share any of it. Michael would then leave twenty minutes early and try to forget how much his life sucked currently.
"Nope. If you're hungry, then go to one of the mess halls like everyone else." Henderson said equally as flatly. He set his stuff down on the desk to the right of the screens and looked at the clock. "Almost time for you to leave early." He commented.
"Yup. Almost time for you to ignore the security screens for twelve hours." He responded.
Henderson shrugged and leaned against the wall with a grunt. He was pretty out of shape for a security officer on this station. Everyone joked that he alone brought the average weight up by a full ten pounds when in reality it was more like a fourth of a pound.
Michael looked back at his screens and was surprised to see a group of extremely thin people who were completely naked walking down the hall toward the mess. "Hey, we got streakers on camera 2." Michael said to Henderson.
Henderson walked over and looked at the screen. "Camera 2 huh? Isn't that the one covering the mine entrance?" He asked puzzled. Michael zoomed in with the camera.
"What the fuck!?" He exclaimed. None of them had eyes, ears, or noses and none of them had any gender defining exterior organs.
"They don't have dicks! Or tits, or anything!" Henderson "elegantly" said.
"Really, that's the first thing you looked for? None of them have anything on their face other than mouths too ya know." Michael said, thoroughly disturbed by the creatures. "I'm going to call this in..." He said fearfully as he reached for his communicator.
"Hey, their at the mess hall now. What do we do?" Henderson forcefully shoved Michael's chair to the side so he could get closer to the screens. They both stopped to watch the mess hall.

The creatures, seven of them in total, stood outside of the mess hall and began banging on the doors. One of the miners inside, curious about the noise, walked over and placed his hand on the holo screen next to the door. The door slid open and one of the creatures immediately pounced onto the poor man, tearing into him with its three clawed hands. Michael flipped on the audio and was instantly assailed by the sound of blood chilling screams. Everyone in the mess hall, twelve miners, six engineers, a mechanic, and three off duty security guards, watched in horror as six more of the monsters rushed into the room while the first tore the first miner to shreds. Everyone began running and screaming in panic toward the other doors in the room but the creatures were too fast, they wasted no time and began tearing apart anyone unfortunate enough to be near them.

Two of the security officers pulled out their guns and began firing shots into the monsters while the third made a break for the door behind them. The popping noise of their firearms only slightly louder than the screams of the others in the room. Michael could only watch in horror at the massacre taking place on the screen. Two people were attempting to get a door open, but for some reason it was stuck shut, one of the creatures jumped onto them and indiscriminately slashed at them until they stopped moving, blood splattered the walls, floor, and door, nearly painting the area red. Three others had managed to open a different door but were unable to flee through it before two more of the monsters were on them. Meanwhile, the two security officers were trying their best to shoot the creatures, but bullets didn't seem to even make them flinch. One of the miners had found a metal bar somewhere and was using it to clobber one of the things to get it off of a fellow miner. While it worked long enough for the pinned miner to get free, the monster recovered quickly and simply tackled the miner with the metal bar. The only people remaining in the mess hall were already near the door behind the guards, who continued firing until they were out of rounds. Five, including the two guards, managed to open and get through the last door, but not before the last creature in the room could attack. It jumped onto one of the guards as he was exiting through the door, Michael turned his attention to screen 4, the screen viewing the hall the survivors were in. The guard was trying to defend himself while two others attempted to pull it off of him. Finally, the guard managed to kick it off of himself and back through the door a little ways. The second guard tapped the holopad a couple of times, turning it from a light green to a harsh red color. The creature charged, attempting to get through the door again and was half way through when it slammed shut, cutting it in two. The thing thrashed around on the floor for a moment, then went still. Michael flipped on the audio for screen 4. "What the fuck was that?!" someone said, though it was barely audible over the sounds of pained screams. The poor guard was writhing on the floor in pain, clutching at his wounds and bleeding profusely, a large pool beginning to form under him. "Shit, he's going to bleed out, give me a hand!" two of the survivors began trying to hold the wounds closed as they dragged him down the hall and away from the door. One of the survivors was prodding the dead creature with his foot, slightly dazed from the encounter while the final person radioed for help.

Michael snapped out of his shock and grabbed his communicator and flipped it on. "This is officer Michael Danzig, there is something going on in mining deck B, repeat, something is wrong on mining deck B."
"What's the problem?" Came the response.
"Unidentified creatures are tearing people apart! They're, they're..." He looked at all the screens, seeing similar carnage on almost all of them. "Everywhere! They're fucking all over place and-" He stopped when a loud bang and strange growling noise came from the door behind them. Henderson and Michael spun around, drawing their guns. Michael dropped his communicator in the process.
"Officer Danzig? Officer Danzig! Come in! What's going on?! Officer Danzig!" Neither of the guards payed attention to the communicator. The noises continued at the door, getting louder, and louder, until suddenly, the door dented inward.
"Shit!" Henderson exclaimed. The two of them put their guns away and began frantically trying to barricade the door. But the two filing cabinets, three tables and single chair wouldn't hold long if those things could break through three and a half inches of solid tungsten. The door dented further. Nervously, the two officers back away from the door and pulled their guns out. The door dented further, and further in, until finally it burst open. They opened fire.
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