All Blood Solstice - Vampires (OOC & Apps)

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All Blood Solstice - Vampires (OOC & Apps)

As it already says in the app it doesn't work on other supernatural characters.
Yep! I also noticed you implied it's costly. So yeah, that's basically all I'm looking for there. You're good. ^^
That's up to you! My idea was that it wouldn't work on other vampires, would require a lot of energy/hunger to maintain, and would need to be negotiated with players who have human characters you might want to enthrall. If that sounds alright to you, feel free to keep it.
Is my character approved tho? Just asking.
CUB NAME: Princess Snowflake

HUMAN NAME: Lady Frances Cybil Elmebrigge

SPECIES: Werewolf

AGE: 22, appears to be 20


GENDER: Female

PERSONALITY: Frances has a small circle of friends; she is not easy to get to know and is often viewed as a very private individual. If given the choice to stay at home with a few select people or going out with a crowd, she would stay home with the ones she loves.

She is not easily intimidated and seldom cares what others think of her, except her mother. Due to her keep-to-herself tendencies and her stoic attitude, she is often viewed as unfriendly and cold. She is very loyal to the select few she accepts into her circle. She doesn't talk a lot, but when she does, you'd better listen. She has good instincts and is known to be a people watcher. She is often considered moody and dark, and doesn't care to explain herself, but beneath that outer shell is someone who will never turn their back on you.

BIOGRAPHY: Countess Katheryne Elmebrigge while stalking prey in the forest near her home found a wolf cub abandoned and crying in the forest. Katheryne was never a pet person but she couldn't leave the poor cub to die alone in the forest. She took the cub in and named it Princess Snowflake because the white patch on the back of her head looked like a snowflake compared to her black fur.

She raised Princess Snowflake for three years with only minor problems that were paid off and a few major ones that required compulsion to handle. After three and a half years Katheryne walked in on a little girl in Princess Snowflake's doggy bed. The little girl had a streak of white hair in her black hair. Katheryne had killed werewolves in the past as a hunter. She approached the girl and called out for Princess Snowflake. The girl woke up and said yes mummy. Katheryne was more than a little startled. She had never seen a werewolf child; she never thought a child could be turned or would be turned.

She assessed the girl to be around five. After a minor adjustment period and a new name, Princess Snowflake started attending Beatrice Elmebrigge School for Higher Education under the name of Frances Cybil Elmebrigge. The one thing she couldn't get Frances to give up her collar. Katheryne also began training Frances in the ways of the hunter so she could defend herself in human form.

Frances graduated at the top of her class at the age of 19. After graduating Frances began to get more involved in her mother's business affairs and the werewolf community at her mother's assistance. Frances eventually met a werewolf pack that her parents were members of and was adopted by them. Her pack had a rivalry with another pack, this other pack was responsible for her biological parents' deaths. Eventually, the rivalry turned into war. During the war, Katheryne tried to convince Frances to stay out of it. Frances refused; she wanted vengeance. Katheryne gifted Frances a silver sword and armor to protect herself from silver.

During the fight, Katheryne watched from a distance. She was prepared to join, if necessary, she didn't care what Frances, or the other werewolves thought if Frances was in danger of dying she was going to step in and only God could save the bastard. She watched as Frances took on werewolves twice her size, Frances never transformed she used the size discrepancies to her advantage. She nearly stepped in after she was hit in the face by a slash attack, but Frances quickly retaliated, cutting that hand off. Then she smelled something she hadn't smelled since she was a cub, a smell that burned into her memory. It was the werewolf that killed her parents. She savagely attacked that monster. She had him on the run. She transformed, sending pieces of her armor flying in every direction. She chased down the monster from her nightmares, she mauled and disemboweled him. For the coup de grâce she ripped out his still beating heart and ate it. Katheryne never participated in the fight but provided first aid to everyone. After the fight, Katheryne offered to use her limited magical abilities to heal the wounds on her face to prevent scarring, but Frances refused it. Frances took a larger role in the pack but always returned home to her mother.


Silver Sword
CUB NAME: Princess Snowflake

HUMAN NAME: Lady Frances Cybil Elmebrigge

SPECIES: Werewolf

AGE: 22, appears to be 20


GENDER: Female

PERSONALITY: Frances has a small circle of friends; she is not easy to get to know and is often viewed as a very private individual. If given the choice to stay at home with a few select people or going out with a crowd, she would stay home with the ones she loves.

She is not easily intimidated and seldom cares what others think of her, except her mother. Due to her keep-to-herself tendencies and her stoic attitude, she is often viewed as unfriendly and cold. She is very loyal to the select few she accepts into her circle. She doesn't talk a lot, but when she does, you'd better listen. She has good instincts and is known to be a people watcher. She is often considered moody and dark, and doesn't care to explain herself, but beneath that outer shell is someone who will never turn their back on you.

BIOGRAPHY: Countess Katheryne Elmebrigge while stalking prey in the forest near her home found a wolf cub abandoned and crying in the forest. Katheryne was never a pet person but she couldn't leave the poor cub to die alone in the forest. She took the cub in and named it Princess Snowflake because the white patch on the back of her head looked like a snowflake compared to her black fur.

She raised Princess Snowflake for three years with only minor problems that were paid off and a few major ones that required compulsion to handle. After three and a half years Katheryne walked in on a little girl in Princess Snowflake's doggy bed. The little girl had a streak of white hair in her black hair. Katheryne had killed werewolves in the past as a hunter. She approached the girl and called out for Princess Snowflake. The girl woke up and said yes mummy. Katheryne was more than a little startled. She had never seen a werewolf child; she never thought a child could be turned or would be turned.

She assessed the girl to be around five. After a minor adjustment period and a new name, Princess Snowflake started attending Beatrice Elmebrigge School for Higher Education under the name of Frances Cybil Elmebrigge. The one thing she couldn't get Frances to give up her collar. Katheryne also began training Frances in the ways of the hunter so she could defend herself in human form.

Frances graduated at the top of her class at the age of 19. After graduating Frances began to get more involved in her mother's business affairs and the werewolf community at her mother's assistance. Frances eventually met a werewolf pack that her parents were members of and was adopted by them. Her pack had a rivalry with another pack, this other pack was responsible for her biological parents' deaths. Eventually, the rivalry turned into war. During the war, Katheryne tried to convince Frances to stay out of it. Frances refused; she wanted vengeance. Katheryne gifted Frances a silver sword and armor to protect herself from silver.

During the fight, Katheryne watched from a distance. She was prepared to join, if necessary, she didn't care what Frances, or the other werewolves thought if Frances was in danger of dying she was going to step in and only God could save the bastard. She watched as Frances took on werewolves twice her size, Frances never transformed she used the size discrepancies to her advantage. She nearly stepped in after she was hit in the face by a slash attack, but Frances quickly retaliated, cutting that hand off. Then she smelled something she hadn't smelled since she was a cub, a smell that burned into her memory. It was the werewolf that killed her parents. She savagely attacked that monster. She had him on the run. She transformed, sending pieces of her armor flying in every direction. She chased down the monster from her nightmares, she mauled and disemboweled him. For the coup de grâce she ripped out his still beating heart and ate it. Katheryne never participated in the fight but provided first aid to everyone. After the fight, Katheryne offered to use her limited magical abilities to heal the wounds on her face to prevent scarring, but Frances refused it. Frances took a larger role in the pack but always returned home to her mother.


Silver Sword

Yep, werewolves are a thing here. They're very rare in urban Myrelurk compared to the practical infestation of vampires, but they're more common in the cold moors up north and the swamps of the Continent. If you need their lore I will add it to the OOC, but if you want it right away let me know and I will relay it!
Have you thought about making a lore post with the deets on supernatural beings?

Like werewolves only aging half a year per year after they turned 18.
Have you thought about making a lore post with the deets on supernatural beings?

Like werewolves only aging half a year per year after they turned 18.
That's one of the things I need to work on: limits to immortality, additional lore, that sort of thing. The idea is to have everything ready in a week or two.
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