Group RP Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle

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Group RP Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle


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Name: Isabella Williams
Nickname' Izzie
Name pronunciation: Is-ah-bell-ah

Sexuality: bisexual (doesn't have a preference likes both genders equally)

Age: 21

Gender: female

Witch: specializes in everything

Personality: Izzie is the type of person who is calm, cool, and collected. In the group she's the one in the middle keeping them all together and making sure they keep their hands to themselves. She has extreme trust issues in general and she as a problem with letting people love her on a relationship level. Izzie is the most knowledgeable in magick then any other member in the group, so she takes her magick seriously. Despite Izzie walking around and holding herself up as a controlled and unflustered person, she is traumatized from her past and has flashbacks daily. Nobody knows Izzie more than her grandmother-- also named Isabella Williams, also her most favorite person in the world.

Appearance: curly blonde hair, hazel eyes that change from green to light brown to gold, tan complexion, and salmon pink plump lips.

History: Izzie was a born witch, her mother practiced voodoo and her father-... well Izzie doesn't know anything about her father, just that he was also a witch. Izzie grew up in New Orleans with her mother and grandmother-- whom Izzie is named after. She and her mother never got along-- it's not that they fought, it's just her mother never seemed to like her or want her. Her mother was less of a mother than Izzie's father was a father-- and that's saying something, seeing as to how he's dead and Izzie's never seen him a day in her life.

Her father died before she was born and there were no pictures-- at least non that she'd seen. Her mother never spoke about Izzie's father and that's when he mother was even speaking to her. Izzie felt invisible to her mom, indifferent and instead of letting it bring her down she shrugged it off. She had gran anyway, she always had gran. Izzie knows everything she knows because of gran-- she was a very powerful witch, but then again she was an elder and they were all powerful since they lived it and done it. When Izzie was twelve her grandmother passed away and Izzie was left with her mom.

Things got a little better, her mother talked to her more-- as in more hello's and goodbye's and how was your day's and actual talk about their day, but that was it. Izzie found her first friend when she was fourteen and also happened to be her first girl crush. Sadly that didn't last long because she died when Izzie was sixteen-- well she was murdered. That's when things went downhill for Izzie, she got night terrors, and heard voices in her head that only grew stronger. When her friend was finally found-- thanks to Izzie's anonymous tip-- Izzie and her mom moved to Massachusetts, Salem and made that their new home-- mostly to keep magick in where they live. Izzie went through her seventeen year old reckless stage because of the events from the year before-- though that shouldn't justify her behavior-- and when she finally calmed down and got her life right, she got into a private college and started anew-- still living in Salem.

From the minute she met her roommate Suki she could tell there was something there, something special. Izzie took a leap of faith revealing who she is to Suki and sure enough Suki was a witch as well, Izzie had to help Suki get in the groove again, but more or less Suki was pretty powerful. Soon Izzie and Suki discovered another witch-- Ryan and they've been friends ever since. The only thing bugging Izzie now-- in present time-- is the fact that she's getting those night terrors again, the ones she got when her friend had went missing five years ago.

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Name: Ryan Hudson
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Witch
Sexuality: Gay

Ryan has a very playful personality but doesn't always sense when it's better to keep his mouth shut. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and can be a complete bitch towards people he doesn't like. He can be quite impulsive at times and it wouldn't be the first time his curiosity gets the best of him. He is very affectionate but has quite a sassy streak to his personality. Ryan can be loud and very in your face, being quiet is not part of his vocabulary.


Ryan is very slender with barely any muscle on his form. He's not very tall either, sporting a healthy 1.70m. His brown hair is quite fluffy in nature and he likes to style it by making it slightly fluffier with product. His style can be described as casual but fashionable. Ryan is a person that takes pride in his looks. His bright blue eyes are the eyecatcher of his face, combined with an angular face and lips on the bigger side.

Ryan grew up with his grandmother after his parents died in a car crash. He never really knew his parents. It was quite a surprise to discover that our dear little Ryan was a witch, as normally only females in the family have the magic gene. Overjoyed, his grandmother taught him what she knew. He practices magic with his best friend and her roommate, even at college.

Name: Suki (Pronounced Sue-key) Senzara

Age: 21 (for this RP only)

Gender: Female

Witch or warlock : Witch

Personality: Perfectionist, Friendly, Envious

A perfectionist by choice, Suki has spent her life trying to be the best. At anything. At everything. She doesn't typically shy away from attention, though she doesn't clamor her way to the center either. She usually has a pretty easy going, friendly demeanor that occasionally gets shaded green with envy as she has a hard time accepting that she is currently not the best witch there ever was.

Appearance: Suki has long dark brown hair that is naturally curly but sometimes she straightens it. Her eyes are dark eyes & for now don't change color (Once she does cross over to the dark side, her eyes will be a dark, metallic emerald green when she uses her power.) She likes to wear monochromatic color schemes, often choosing a single bright color to accentuate her lithe frame.


Suki was the very last born of the 8 Senzara children. Unplanned, accidental and 10 years after her parents decided they were done having kids, Suki wasn't very high on anyone's priority list. Her parents weren't abusive nor were they necessarily neglectful but they did have high profile jobs on the Council that neither was willing to forgo for a newborn. They were often away from home leaving the majority of Suki's care taking to be done by her older siblings; who Suki grew to detest. They were mean, cruel siblings who often used their powers to trap her in an animal form, usually a frog, until their parents returned, sometimes days (if not weeks) later.

Always in the shadows of her older siblings, Suki spent a large portion of her youth trying to impress her parents, fostering that desire for perfection that she still aspires to achieve today. She studied endlessly trying to become the best witch, trying to show her parents that, just like her older siblings, she was worthy of their teachings & tutoring, but nothing she did seemed to garner any attention from either of them and she resented them for that. On her 16th birthday, she left home and never looked back. She'd struggled on the streets for a few years, taking odd jobs to try and pay bills, her witchcraft falling into the recesses of her mind as she started her life anew. Suki eventually stopped blaming her family but she still hasn't seem them since she left 5 years ago nor has she forgiven them. She just recently saved up enough money to attend a private college, something she'd always dreamed of doing, and cannot wait to start her new journey.
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Kydyn Illithri

24 || Bi || Warlock

Personality: Cocky. It's the best word to describe him. His ego is insanely large and he thinks very highly of himself. He proclaims himself to be the best at anything. This can be extremely annoying as when it comes to magic and the like, he excels. Though he is not perfect, he has perfect his own energy to work the way that he wants it to. He is open about what he likes and isn't afraid to take it. He's prideful and quick to anger should he be provoked. Some might find it hard to believe that he cares about anyone other than himself. He just has a different way of showing it.

History: Though he's a warlock and his specialty is destruction or darker magics, this wasn't always the case. Hard as it might be to believe if one found out, Kydyn is a follower of Wicca. How and why he turned toward the darker elements is unknown. However, there is still a part of him that holds onto those old beliefs, even if by the edge of his fingers. Due to his Wicca, his power is heightened when using crystals as this is what he practiced many years ago.
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