Character(s) The Index (BIG WIP)

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Character(s) The Index (BIG WIP)


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Czarina Auclair

Theme song
Battle theme
  • left home 16, champion 21, retired 23, traveling again 25
  • Exudes an air of arrogance from afar, surprisingly humble/mellow to speak too.
  • Resting pompous bitch face
  • Elegant/exquisite dress style
  • Puts time and effort into her outwards appearance, some may perceive this as vain
  • Competitive battling as a form of coping with depression/dysphoria
  • Being better than the rest makes her feel GOOD and emotionally secure
  • Proactive mindset "you can do anything if you put In the time and efficient effort."
  • Uses learning/research to cope with emotions, ie, neuroscience/psychology.
  • Spends much of her time traveling between competitions/badges, adding to her team comps and training her mains at the time
  • Socializing skills are lacking due to an innocently sheltered upbringing, and unforeseen tumultuous teenage years.
  • Only child, adopted
  • Poke professor mother, human psychologist/counselor (with a background in Neuroscience) father.
  • Adoptive parents Deceased
  • Adoptive parents birth dates tattooed on the inside of her left middle/ring finger.
  • Excelled at various instrument classes growing up, but stopped playing altogether around the time she began traveling/competing.
  • Began playing (viola) again after parents passing
  • Inherited parents accounts and heaping life insurance, has never thought about working
  • Eventual intense alcoholic tendencies after parents passing, still struggling with as she begins traveling again. Wants to be primarily sober again.

Age: 26
Height: 5'6
Weight: 115lbs
Build: Slim but Trim, active often

Furret ♂ Diablo
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Frisk
Item: Choice Scarf (actually adorns outside pokeball)
252 ATK/4 HP/252 SPD
(1) Trick (2) Double Edge
(3) U-turn (4) Knock Off
Battle Strategy: Aggressive. Entry hazards or weather setup and subsequent sweep.

Excadrill ♂ Romulus
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Mold Breaker
Item: Focus Sash
252 ATK/4 DEF/252 SPD
(1) Stealth Rock (2) Rapid Spin
(3) Earthquake (4) Toxic

Haxorus ♂ Hadrian
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Mold Breaker
Item: Choice Band
4 HP/252 ATK/252 SPD
(1) Outrage (2) Superpower
(3) Earthquake (4) Dragon Claw​

Ninetales ♀ Acapella
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drought
Item: Leftovers
252 HP/120 DEF/136 SPD
(1) Flamethrower (2) Will-o-wisp
(3) Sunny Day (4) Substitute

Darmanitan ♂ Otto
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
Item: Life Orb
252 ATK/4 DEF/252 SPD
(1) Flare Blitz (2) Earthquake
(3) Superpower (4) U-turn​

Lilligant♀ Adelaide
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: Life Orb
(1) Quiver Dance (2) Sleep Powder
(3) Giga Drain (4) Hidden Power (Fire)

Gastrodon ♂ Casimir
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Storm Drain
Item: Leftovers
252 HP/4 DEF/252 SDEF
(1) Earth Power (2) Scald
(3) Toxic (4) Recover​

Venusaur ♂ Baron
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: Lum Berry
(1) Solar Beam (2) Earthquake
(3) Growth (4) Hidden Power Fire

Charizard ♂ Prince
Ability: Drought
Item: Choice Specs
(1) Solar Beam (2) Air Slash​
(3) Flamethrower (4) Dragon Pulse​

Starmie ♂ Duke
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
Item: Life Orb
(1) Rapid Spin (2) surf
(3) Thunderbolt (4) Recover

Aegislash ♂ Aurelius
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Stance Change
Item: Weakness Policy
(1) Shadow Ball (2) Sacred Sword
(3) King's Shield (4) Shadow Sneak​

Jolteon ♂
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Moxie
Item: Life Orb
(1) Volt Switch (2) thunderbolt
(3) Signal Beam (4) Hidden Power Ground

Hydreigon ♀
Nature: Mild
Ability: Levitate
Item: Life Orb
(1) Draco Meteor (2) Flame Thrower​
(3) Work Up (4) Dark Pulse​
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Scarletta Dralshy'a
- Born on Tatooine; 3620 BBY;
- Joins Sith Mentor; 3629 BBY;
- Late year Typhos Takedown; 3636 BBY;
- Deserts Sith Mentor/Empire; 3639 BBY;
- Officially starts Bounty Hunting; 3641 BBY;
- Joins The Great Hunt; 3646 BBY;
- (WIP)

- (WIP)
- (WIP)
Battle Theme

"If you're all so Eager to Die, then FORM a LINE!!"

Scarletta is an insatiably vengeful spirit and innate Warrior. Born to the blistering shanties of Tatooine slave life, and then remitted to the violent delights and teachings of her Sith Mentor at a mere nine years old, saw this perpetually etched into the echani descendants soul.
Despite the Empire providing the resources for Scarletta and O'dain to advanced their lives, contradictory to her brothers relentless gratitude the apprentice instead developed a strong cynicism of the government over the course of her training, rivaling that of her own Sith Master Zandoran's contempt. The Zabrak prodigy staunchly believed new blood was needed on the throne, pinning the stagnation of the sovereignty on its seemingly timeless Emperor, and his obstinately dogmatic conjectures on wielding the force.
Wary of the Emperors ulterior agendas, and detached to the power struggles the other Sith Lords engaged themselves in over titles and resources, Zandoran's focus was instead trained inward - seeking to study and wholly understand the force in all its contradictions, without ambiguous connotations such as Dark and Light to damper his ever-hastening and unprecedented personal Growth.
Zandoran made quick to capitalize on the fresh traumas of Tatooine slave life, and laid siege to the nine year olds brittle identity in traditional Dun Möch savagery within days of boarding with him. By thirteen any attempted jests at her psyche would be met with a besmirched simper, irrepressible mouth and more likely than not, a saber to the offenders throat.
While Zandoran would keep his apprentice by his side for an extensive portion of their 10 years together - when she wasn't undertaking his mortally vexing tasks, her brother would on the other hand act as his reluctant eyes, and ears into the Imperial Private sectors. Although the Zabrak didn't often directly engage the other Sith Lords in power plays, it didn't mean his network of resources could be caught lacking, and the young adept often remarked on how deep the reservoirs of information he could dip his fingers into were, with a leisurely press of a com button.
Haunted by an insatiable vendetta over her father's debauchery that landed her immediate family into a life of slavery to begin with, and a lack of faith in the Sith Empire and her future therein, she eventually abandoned it shortly after her nineteenth birthday. Stealing her master's ship and charting a course galaxies away where she hoped to evade his ire, and begin a new antagonistic chapter in her life. after two years of service within the galactic black market and hut cartels that made use of her innate deadliness, she wholly adopted the new title of bounty Hunter - like her father before her, and set out to discover his whereabouts through her travels and commissions - to which she has come up with all but naught to date.
Catching wind of a brutal tradition called The Great Hunt, Scarletta decided to return to her godfather on Hutta in hopes of sponsership into the competition and not an attempt on her life for moving on a few years prior.
The infamy she would gain - she knew - could doubly be her downfall as Zandoran was sure to recognize his apprentice's achievements, but also the one ticket to finding her long lost sire...

Age: 26
Stature: 5'9, lean and muscular.
Race: Human with Echani lineage
Appearance: Pale, mid-back length White Hair and Blue Eyes.​

Dun Möch
The Sith aimed to completely dominate an opponent's spirit through whatever means possible by employing their own lightsaber combat doctrine. Dun Möch commonly involved spoken taunts, jeers, and jests that exposed the opponent's hidden, inner weaknesses or doubts, which had the end result of eroding the opponent's will. Mental attacks would also be utilized during combat in order to strip one's concentration with the Force, making an opponent less precise and effective. Such a thing could be quite deadly, especially against Jedi, since concentration was of vital importance when using the Force. As such, Dun Möch embodied using the Force as a form of psychological warfare.

Ataru; Form IV
An aggressive style, Form IV was fast-paced and effective against single opponents, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. Also, it was not recommended for use against opponents wielding blasters. Ataru was characterized by Force-assisted acrobatics, such as somersaults and leaping strikes, both for attack and defense. Another characteristic of the form was the fast, powerful strikes from multiple directions. Notable users of this combat form during the Old Republic included Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. The New Jedi Order preserved knowledge of Ataru, and Jedi Masters such as Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Kyle Katarn all employed it.

Niman; Form VI
This fighting style was a hybrid martial art created by effectively combining elements of the preceding lightsaber forms into a single, generalized form. Niman balanced out between the various specializations of the other forms, covering many of the basic moves, but focusing on overall moderation. This resulted in a fighting style that lacked a significant advantage, but also lacking any serious drawbacks, and thereby not leaving adherents as exposed as some of the more aggressive or specialized forms. Overall, Niman had a fairly relaxed focus on bladework, designed as a simple, easily mastered fighting form for Jedi who preferred to devote most of their time to study and diplomacy. Despite this, it could be absolutely deadly in the hands of a skilled practitioner, as demonstrated by such notables as Exar Kun.

Joyu; Form VII
Form VII was more demanding in terms of energy used due to a broader focus and deeper utilization of emotion. A Form VII practitioner was said to maintain a calm exterior appearance, but they were also stated to experience significant internal pressure, while using the Ferocity Form.[13] In addition, it was described as sometimes paradoxical and unpredictable, as well as filled with concepts that made the form too difficult and unattractive to many students.

Soresu; Form III
Soresu was developed during the widespread emergence of blasters as an offensive weapon. Essentially a development on Form I blast-deflect training, Soresu relied on tight bladework and subtle dodges to provide maximum defensive coverage, minimizing exposure to ranged weaponry.

A form of lightsaber combat developed for taking advantage of a lightsabers ability to be turned on and off, a unique quality in a melee weapon. Quickly shutting off then re-igniting the blade could confuse one's opponent/s, allowing for diversionary feints in combat.​
  • Force Pull
    - A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw close to the user. The greater the user's aptitude with this, the heavier the object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force "wave".
  • Force Disarm
    - Force Disarm used the Force to telekinetically pull a weapon from an opponent's grasp if not resisted.
  • Force Push
    - Utilizes kinetic energy to push objects away from the caster.
  • Force Wave
    - A concussive burst of pressurized air akin to an explosive force projected outwards at an astounding velocity, able to collide with multiple objects/persons.
  • Force Throw
    - Causes objects and even people to be telekinetically hurled at an astounding velocity. A skilled Force user could throw multiple, large objects simultaneously at great speed.
  • Force Choke
    - Used to telekinetically grip/squeeze a victim's throat with the force and restrict blood circulation or airflow.
  • Force Grip
    - Unlike Force Choke which was used to strangle its victim, Force Grip was used to telekinetically grab someone with the Force lift them up into the air then either asphyxiate them or throw them.
  • Force Crush
    - This power allowed a Force user to telekinetically apply pressure to their opponent's organs or body. If not resisted, it could crush the victim's heart or lungs (Indirectly becoming Force Kill.)

Typhos the Titan of Tatooine was a renowned and harrowed bounty Hunter of his time from the mixed breeds own homeworld, one who had killed force users and Mandolorians alike - and Scar would kill him before she turned 17. Letta would be sent by her zabrak master to assassinate the butcher as more than just a vexing trial of might - Zandoran hadn't forgotten Scars still enslaved mother resided on the blistering planet, and his target has been meaningful with the intent to observe how his adept would handle this berth.
Her reward?
Some of the finest quality Beskar from the hunters corpse, refurbished and gifted to the adept by Zandoran after her unhindered return from the trying assassination.

Sith Apprentice (After Typhos Takedown):
- C1 personal comlink
- Breastplate
- (2) Pauldrons
- Plackart
- (2) Clasping Vambrace
- (2) Clasping Thigh Guards
- (2) Clasping Shin Guards

Bounty Hunter:
- C1 personal comlink
- Holo-imager (Camera)
- Range Finder

- Breastplate
- (2) Pauldrons
- Plackart
- (2) Clasping Vambrace (See Weapons)
- (2) Clasping Thigh Guards
- (2) Clasping Shin Guards
As Letta became an adept at dominating the force to her discretion and the various styles Zandoran gradually released unto her, she was finally granted to right to wield a saber of her own. In the same tradition Zandoran's masters (Did I mention he had atypical force training before the sith?) had bestowed his innate privilege: he sealed her away in a deathly silent vault with no rations and no outside interferance to get between the Echani and the spiritual process that would be putting together her weapons with only the force as a tool and guide.
She remained unperturbed and unheard from for 9 days, but effectively produced two interlocking lightsabers and a shoto.

(WIP)Red Crystal.
Electrum accents in shape of Dragon ribs embrace the black post of a hilt, molding into comfortable guides for Letta's fingers to slot betwixt. Golden embezzlements alluding the various curvatures of Krayt Dragon muscles and tendons further garnish the hilt, wrapping clawed hind appendages over the pommel cap that houses a Savage Krayt Fang for gouging.
Above the ribbed grips, 2 1/2"~ sharpened guard-blades protrude on the left and right sides of the emitter matrix.(WIP)

Sith Apprentice:
  • (2) Twin Red Sabers with Interlocking Hilts to form into a singular Dual-Blade.
- Ion Power Cell
- Force Activated - Activation Stud
- Locking Activator
Blade Power Adjuster
  • (1) Shoto - A short lightsaber that fulfills the same function as a dagger.
- Activation Stud
- Locking Activator

Bounty Hunter:
  • (2) Twin Red Sabers with Interlocking Hilts to form into a singular Dual-Blade.
- Ion Power Cell
- Force Activated - Activation Stud
- Locking Activator
Blade Power Adjuster
  • (1) Shoto - A short lightsaber that fulfills the same function as a dagger.
- Activation Stud
Locking Activator
- (4) Type-12A anti-personnel Homing Rockets
- (2) Stun Rockets
- (2) Ion blast rockets (Droids)
Sith Apprentice:
  • (1) Utility Belt
- (2) Tool/Food Pouches
- (1) Holoprojector
- (1) Holomap
- (1) Aquata breather
- (4) Food Ration Bars

Bounty Hunter:

  • (1) Utility Belt
- (2) Tool/Food Pouches
- (1) Holoprojector
- (1) Holomap
- (4) Food Ration Bars
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(The last Sacrifice, prior to Ashes of Dreams)


• Named after her mother who died during childbirth.
• Roescia's father raised her alone in their homestead some miles outside of their small community settlement southeast of zainsik. At a young age Edmund began hoisting more and more of the farm chores on his daughter, intent to instill a discipline and sense of self responsibility in her. Resilience and self-dependance were a must, as finding any appropriate suitor was a slim chance to none so far from civilization.
• Her father was not lazy, he only intended for his daughter to never have to pin her well being and survival on another. After losing his wife he was all too familiar with the fragility of mortal life.
• As a tender aged youth she began setting out on hunting trips alone, leaving her father to look after the homestead. She often times would be gone for the better part of a week or two, and over the years became incredibly proficient with her hunting bow. Roescia carried a dirk and skinning knife at all times outside of the farm, and while not nearly as proficient with them they became familiar assets.
• At 17 after spending a narrowly unsuccessful week in the forest foraging and checking traps, she returned home to find her farm in flames. A raiding party originating from Moyokan had stumbled upon her settlement and homestead shortly after, slaughtering what livestock they could transport, stealing what little value they possessed, and torching the rest. Roesci could hear her fathers dying screams from yards away, but even on horseback it was entirely to late to intervene. She listened to Edmund's short but agonizing death, and watched the party depart from her cover in the woods. She stayed only long enough to bury what remained of her father and say a prayer for the animals that had fed and provided for them, before spurring her horse in the same direction the raiders left in.
• Roescia followed them at a slow gait, taking her time to maneuver through the woods she knew like the back of her hand until they finally settled in for a few days rest some days later.
• As she crept through the overgrowth into their encampment that night, she was greeted with an inhuman shrieking, curious and pensive all the same she approached the scene, downwind of the horses and camouflaged by the forest she laid eyes on the first dragon- or dragonling, she had ever seen. Roescia had only heard of them in passing stories from her father and the townspeople when they would bring in the little produce and resources they had to sell at market. For something that was suppose to be so terrifying and deadly, it seemed so pitiful and small. Standing only at the heighth of a pony, it howled - grounded and certainly not incinerating the nomads that had found a game in running it around between them, piercing its hide through and finding amusement in its dying fit. It made Roescia sick to her stomach. The hunter nocked her bow, and let loose in the first man she had ever actually spilled the blood of.
• Without the help of the dragonling who came to her defense with the sudden discovery of fire, she would have died that night. Outmatched and outnumbered.
• Roescia nursed the chaos wyvern back to health, beginning an awkward and unnatural friendship between the two. As he grew and recovered, she found purpose in the dragon and the wyvern found kinship in the female. She deemed him D'tilerii.
• What most people are unaware of is that dragons have a unique bonding system. While usually reserved for their parents, clutch and life mates, once a bond is truly established it becomes metaphysical. Dragons are capable of projecting their thoughts and feelings to one another, and while humans cannot their leathery companions are still capable of perceiving their emotions and thoughts, and establish a constant presence within their minds.
• 8 years after Roescia found D'tilerii, she lost him. Pushing him forward into a airborne scuffle with an older dragon for the sake of a bounty saw his demise.
• Remembering an elven myth she had heard from the only other couple she and D'tilerii had come to know and love, she made the arduous journey back to their homestead on foot.. when they refused to divulge any further information on the shard that had the proposed power to bring back the dead, speaking of an innate corruption of life Roescia cut it out of the wife and buried them both that day. From there, she started a multi-month journey - piecing bits and pieces together until she arrived at an Inn on the border of a forest, the forest she was certain contained the dungeon with the power to reverse fate.
• It was in this inn that she met Tadeusz, a walkaduma soldier's son. Unbeknownst to her in the beginning, he sought the same, one time use artifact. Many shots and mugs of ale later, Tadeusz confessed his intentions and before he awoke after a tender night spent with his first woman and she - her first man, he found she had lit out in the early morning ahead of him - intent in claiming the shard for herself.
Age: 25
Stature: 5'4, ~110lbs, Slim but Trim.
Personality: level 99 Cynicism. Will throw hands even if you're three weight classes above her! Doesn't need a dragon to whoop your ass - How about she just slaps your shit?! Fight her, bi- what do you mean this is a serious character sheet?! 😡

  • Level 20 Farming
  • Comfortable with a dagger, but not trained in combat. Will still stab you. >:)
  • Mild proficiency in Pyromancy, she can throw some fireballs and otherwise catch things near her ablaze, but is not a human flamethrower.
  • Most proficient with a Shortbow, having been an avid Hunter most of her life.

"Chaos," Dragon.
Black leathery body, White head - Looks like a skull from afar. Black eye sockets, red glowing orbs for irises.
"I laid eyes on the first dragon I had ever seen - well, Dragons an overstatement. He was barely the size of a pony at that time... They were torturing him... Stabbing him through with spears and running him around between themselves..." Roescia opened her eyes, casting her blues his way for a moment before shaking her head.
"I'm babbling like a drunk..." She chuckled, raising a hand to her forehead to try and concentrate. "Anyways, I killed them then and there. Rather, WE killed them... They would've buried me that day if not for him... Believe it or not We raised each other over the next several years, I named him D'tilerii... Turns out," roescia straightened up slightly, still leaning into the male beside her. "Dragons have this amazing ability to speak without speaking. He was in my head, we could hear one another's thoughts. Do you know what it's like to have someone privy to every emotion, every word to cross your mind?"

(Ashes of Dreams, after the Last Sacrifice)

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Thousands of years ago the doomsday prophecy of the mythical Seles (Say-lees) race was fulfilled when the Andratonus comet struck Darius' Surface, obliterating it's many moons and causing the sphere to lose its tediously terraformed properties. The ancient and Godly Seles race was mostly lost to time as very few had the forewarning to escape. They went into hiding fearing the retributions of the Old God - their Creator - that sought to destroy them for their defiance and ascension.
Darius has only recently become habitable again within the last couple centuries and the resources therein are unique and valued across the galaxy causing many powers that be and races to flock in an effort to capitalize on a new industrial revolution.

  • -seles (siren)​
  • -born under star signs dictating their powers​
  • -sometimes a special one ascends and becomes a new sign for others to be born under​
  • -created by an old god and now hunted for their free will and rebellion​
  • frequencies/sound​
  • fixed ears they do NOT MOVE​
  • doesn't know extent of power, memories and trauma locked away by gav and Bettik​
  • thinks Bettik died years ago, doesn't know gav was bettiks mentor and handler.​
  • doesn't know gavs a retired badass, just rich​
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(Ashes of Dreams)​

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