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Welcome to my character thread!
Name: Zena Prime
Apparent Age: 25
Real Age: 371
Years Trapped in Pantum: 171 years
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 10
Species: Draco Durin, Dragon Kin
A species made from a mix of mad science and curiosity. The species is a blend of two very different Dragon species and human. They are a blend of the species known as a Blood Dragon and the nearly extinct species the Ancient Dragon. Blood Dragons are the vampires of the dragon world, the need the blood of others to survive, this trait was passed down to the Durins. The Ancient Dragons were among the first species of dragons to come into existence, they were able to feed off of radiation and magic. This was also passed onto the Durins. Adding human into the mix made the hybrid highly unstable, many did not live past their 50th year. The species was quickly put under a strict law that forbids their creation and all existing members of the species is closely monitored by the Dragon council. Only a small handful remain in the galaxy.
Markings/Scars/Any odd: Scars litter Zena's body, the worst being the scar on her back that stretches from her left shoulder to her left hip. It is a set of claw marks. Ruin tattoos litter her arms. Zena's skin takes on a purplish tone on most of her body, with spotting of black scales on her hips, back and legs. Her feet are covered in black scales and take a more dragon shape with talons that can grow up to two inches in length. Her black scales tail is as long as she is tall, the end of her tail is covered in beautiful golden feathers. Despite the feathers soft look, don't touch, those feathers are able to cut through stone.
Name: Selene Lunacaster
Nickname: Red or Lil' Red
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5 foot 8
Markings/Anything Unusual: She has a birthmark on her neck in the shape of a crescent moon. Her arms are littered with small scars from her childhood, often she would pick fights with the boys in the village.
Bio: Selene grew up on the stories of the wolves and the rules they had set, she was always told to never step off of the path no matter what. For a while she did believe in the old tales, but as she grew older she began to believe that they were nothing but tales. Old tales to keep young children from getting lost in the forest while fetching water. Never seeing a wolf or hearing that anyone else had seen a wolf, made it very hard for her to believe the tales. Twice a month Selene would travel the path that leads to the western mountains to take supplies to her grandparents, who decided to live outside of the wolf tribes borders.
Name: Tala Ancient
Age: 65.08 million years
Age Appearance: 27
Years in Hibernation: nearly 65 million years
Year She Woke Up: 489 AD
Gender: Female
Human Form Height: 5 foot 10
Dragon Form Height: 15 feet tall, 53 feet long, total wingspan of 76 feet
Scars/Markings/Anything Unusual: Both her eyes and hair are golden in colour. Right above her collarbone and in the area that joins to her neck are two holes, those holes are actually where she is able to breathe. Her air ways completely by pass her nose and mouth. She only has a nose to appear 'human'. Claw and bite marks litter her legs and sides, both are from other Dragons and even Dinosaurs.
Species: Ancient Dragon
These Dragons were among the first Dragons to come into existence. Each Dragon was vastly different from one another, no two Dragons were the same, appearance mostly depended on the environment they were born in. But the one common thing the species had with each others were the feathers that covered their wings, backs and tails, some feathers came up on the back of their necks. These feathers while light like normal feathers, they were incredibly hard and sharp to the touch. The feathers were far stronger then any diamond and it was only outmatched by their teeth. Like all Dragons they actively ate precious metals and gems. But unlike modern Dragons, The Ancient Dragons main source of food was Magic and Radiation. While the Earth was young and going through great dying periods again and again, it was perfect for the species to continue on, even while everything else was dying. The species however dont live for very long when compared to modern day Dragons. Their lifespans was any where from fifty thousand years to a hundred thousand years.
Dragon Form Colouring: The majority of Tala's scales are a slate grey in colour, black almost tiger like stripes decorate her back and legs. Her underbelly is a softer grey. The feathers that cover the back of her neck, wings, back and tail are all golden. Its these feathers that give Tala her name, for Tala means Gold in
Bio: Tala was born during the late Cretaceous Period, along with her four other siblings. Growing up was a dangerous task, more so sense their mother left them once they knew how to fly. But even knowing how to fly didn't mean that her and siblings were safe. As Tala grew up, she and her siblings stayed together like many clutches until they were fully grown. Through out the years however, two of Tala's siblings did die, leaving her with only two brothers. Once separated from her remaining siblings, Tala travelled the lands for thousands of years before settling in a mountain range that was plentiful in not only magic but radiation as well. It was there Tala would spend the rest of her many, many years before becoming among the first Ancient Dragons to go into a state known as Hibernation. However, Tala slept far longer then any other Ancient Dragon and didn't wake up until thirteen years after the Mediaeval Era began. While sleeping for millions of year, Tala's body continued to absorb Magic and Radiation. Inevitably her life span was increased to a unknown length of time. Shortly after waking up Tala was taken in by a Elder Rock Dragon, who taught her about the new world she found herself in and even taught her how to take a human form. For thousands of years, Tala lives among human, collecting rare treasures that contain magic and old tombs that held dangerous but wonderful spells. In current times, Tala's personal library is full of dangerous artifacts, books and many other things. Over the years, Tala had made it her mission to keep these items safe and keep them out of those who wish harm onto others.
Dragon Form:
(Images used for Silver were created by me)
Name: Silver Chaos
Original Name: Unknown. The name Chaos came from when Silver had taken on her first mate's last name. While the name Silver was chosen because of her hair color. She had changed her name due to a indecent in a realm that allowed others to control someone if they knew that persons true name.
Age: Unknown, she lost count after she turned one million. Though its safe to assume that she is well over the one billion mark. She appears to be 19-21 years old
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 9
Species: Draco Magnus Durin (Dragon God Kin)
Essentially Silver and the rest of her kind are Demi-Gods. Like normal Dragons and normal Dragon Human hybrids her kind live until something kills them, immortals in essence. However what makes their kind truly different is that they are True Immortals, they can die but they come back to life no matter how many times they are killed. This by all means is not natural. It is a punishment. A Curse. This was a punishment/revenge to their parents, the Dragon Gods. The one who cursed them is known as Father Death, Thanatos, he is the very first God of Death to be born. Thantos did this because his and Mother Life's children had been killed by other Gods and the Dragon Gods did nothing to stop them. So he cursed any and all children of the Dragon Gods to live until time itself has stopped, never are they to enter the gates of Heaven, Hell or anything besides the In-Between. The Dragon Gods get to watch their children suffer a fate that is so much worse then death, more so sense they can never be with their child again. But with this True Immortality and never being able to see loved ones again many of the children fall into Madness, which is them going bat shit insane. When that happens they are sealed away in the In-Between, the void that is in between every realm, universe and dimensions. It is every where and no where all at once. Because of this they have been given the nickname of The Forbidden Species. Silver herself had fallen into this state several times but recovered over time unlike others of her kind. To this day there are only 6 Draco Mangus Durins. One of them is still sealed away, his insanity has been deemed incurable. While the other 5, Silver included are free. Silver is the only female of her species and the other 4 are under her rule, even though she is the youngest of them all. But she is the strongest of them all.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Friends: Lex Kingston, Ivan Dukeson, Red Ragestar and Axel Starweaver
Enemies: Thanatos_ Father Death, Other Gods of Death, The Nameless God, Guthrie_ Dragon God of War, and Hunters/Self righteous people_They all tend to target Silver and call her a true monster
Marking/Scars: Silver as two noticeable scars, one being on her neck_ Caused by her head almost getting cut off too many times, and the other on her left arm_ Caused by getting her arm cut off too many times.
Occupation: Queen Of all Dragons_ most of the dragons that she rules over are in a realm called Drakenlore. And Self appointed Balance Being_ Her kind have no purpose so Silver gave herself one by going to eat realm and balancing the world out to keep it from destruction. If a world has too much Good she becomes a force of Evil, Too much Evil she becomes a force of Good. If a world dosent need any corrections she is Neutral.
Current Location: Unknown, She moves around too much to keep track off…..
Personality: Silver's personally really depends on the world she is visiting, but when Neutral Silver can be calm yet unpredictable and unstable. She also tends to act motherly towards kids. But never less Silver really dosent take anyone's shit.
Dragon God Parent: Zealot, Dragon God of Light
Human Parent: Unknown, Silver can no longer remember her who her mother is.
Power Restrictions: Even though Silver is powerful, very powerful she also has 10 different seals placed on her and is in possession of a item that limits her powers. 9 seals belong to a sealing system called Control Ark. Levels 0 to 8. Level 0 is being all of her powers is released and Level 8 is the first seal to unlock. Though Silver has never really had to go past Level 4 to defeat her enemies. That being said she is bound to fall into Madness the moment she releases Level 0, unable to handle the strength of her own powers now. The 10th seal that is on her is known as the Hounds Seal. Which was created because Silver through a incident became a version of The Baskervill Hound. So unlike the rest of her kind she is also part demon. This part of her is filled with a lot of anger and pain from how it was created. She had also became Purgatory, where all of the souls of the people go when she kills them while she is in her Hound form. She can also activate something called The Hounds Eye that allows a eye of the Hound form to open where her missing eye is to give her a advantage. The final piece of power restriction is a bracelet that is known as The Bracelet of Ra, this thing literally steals half of Silver's current powers no matter which seal she has open. This being said these limiters and restrictions are very much needed to keep Silver stable.
Permanent Weakness: Kryon_ A neon green crystal that effects around 90% of the dragon population. This crystal is very week and brittle until it comes in contact with Dragon Magic. The crystal steals and absorbs Dragon Magic, while becoming harder then the Dragon's scales. With this crystal inside of the body all regeneration slows to human speed and strength is lost. For Silver and others of her kind they become weak as a human depending on the wound they have taken from the Kryon. This crystal can be found in nearly all realms/universes
Most Used Spells/Powers:
-Dragon shape shifting_ This power was a gift from her Father, to be able to shape shift into any dragon species she wishes
-Flash Step_ A movement technique that allows one to move faster then the eye can follow
-Shadow Jumping_ A old and nearly forgotten form of teleportation via the shadows
Weapons: While Silver truly hates dying she dose use this to her advantage sometimes. For her in order to release a single seal she needs to die at least once. But this can be dangerous for those around her. If she is fighting for a loved one they could be dead by the time she comes back to life. Reanimation dosent actually take that long, the moment the wound is healed the Chain of Life that is wrapped around her soul brings her back to life. Because of how dangerous it can be to allow herself to die Silver has two weapons. One is known as Artismis the Cursed and the other is Ezeekeel the Demon of Judgment. Both of these weapons are known as Soul Weapons. They once were people. Artimis had crossed the Dragon God of War and was turned into a weapon for War to use, that was until one day Artimis was stolen and eventually he came into Silver's possession. Artimis also feeds off of his masters life force, with Silver she cant be killed by this making her the perfect master for Artimis. Honestly the two of them are friends. With Ezeekeel however. He was and still technically is a Demon. Silver had killed him after he had killed her son at the time and sealed him in Purgatory for 100,000 years, suffering her pain and his worst fears. Silver made a deal with the demon, become her weapon and take 1/3 of her current powers or go back into Purgatory. Sense then Ezeekeel has been Silver's weapon to use. Both weapon use her blood to become any weapon she wishes them to be. These weapons and her own magic is Silver's first line of defense.

Name: Silver Chaos
Original Name: Unknown. The name Chaos came from when Silver had taken on her first mate's last name. While the name Silver was chosen because of her hair color. She had changed her name due to a indecent in a realm that allowed others to control someone if they knew that persons true name.
Age: Unknown, she lost count after she turned one million. Though its safe to assume that she is well over the one billion mark. She appears to be 19-21 years old
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 9
Species: Draco Magnus Durin (Dragon God Kin)
Essentially Silver and the rest of her kind are Demi-Gods. Like normal Dragons and normal Dragon Human hybrids her kind live until something kills them, immortals in essence. However what makes their kind truly different is that they are True Immortals, they can die but they come back to life no matter how many times they are killed. This by all means is not natural. It is a punishment. A Curse. This was a punishment/revenge to their parents, the Dragon Gods. The one who cursed them is known as Father Death, Thanatos, he is the very first God of Death to be born. Thantos did this because his and Mother Life's children had been killed by other Gods and the Dragon Gods did nothing to stop them. So he cursed any and all children of the Dragon Gods to live until time itself has stopped, never are they to enter the gates of Heaven, Hell or anything besides the In-Between. The Dragon Gods get to watch their children suffer a fate that is so much worse then death, more so sense they can never be with their child again. But with this True Immortality and never being able to see loved ones again many of the children fall into Madness, which is them going bat shit insane. When that happens they are sealed away in the In-Between, the void that is in between every realm, universe and dimensions. It is every where and no where all at once. Because of this they have been given the nickname of The Forbidden Species. Silver herself had fallen into this state several times but recovered over time unlike others of her kind. To this day there are only 6 Draco Mangus Durins. One of them is still sealed away, his insanity has been deemed incurable. While the other 5, Silver included are free. Silver is the only female of her species and the other 4 are under her rule, even though she is the youngest of them all. But she is the strongest of them all.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Friends: Lex Kingston, Ivan Dukeson, Red Ragestar and Axel Starweaver
Enemies: Thanatos_ Father Death, Other Gods of Death, The Nameless God, Guthrie_ Dragon God of War, and Hunters/Self righteous people_They all tend to target Silver and call her a true monster
Marking/Scars: Silver as two noticeable scars, one being on her neck_ Caused by her head almost getting cut off too many times, and the other on her left arm_ Caused by getting her arm cut off too many times.
Occupation: Queen Of all Dragons_ most of the dragons that she rules over are in a realm called Drakenlore. And Self appointed Balance Being_ Her kind have no purpose so Silver gave herself one by going to eat realm and balancing the world out to keep it from destruction. If a world has too much Good she becomes a force of Evil, Too much Evil she becomes a force of Good. If a world dosent need any corrections she is Neutral.
Current Location: Unknown, She moves around too much to keep track off…..
Personality: Silver's personally really depends on the world she is visiting, but when Neutral Silver can be calm yet unpredictable and unstable. She also tends to act motherly towards kids. But never less Silver really dosent take anyone's shit.
Dragon God Parent: Zealot, Dragon God of Light
Human Parent: Unknown, Silver can no longer remember her who her mother is.
Power Restrictions: Even though Silver is powerful, very powerful she also has 10 different seals placed on her and is in possession of a item that limits her powers. 9 seals belong to a sealing system called Control Ark. Levels 0 to 8. Level 0 is being all of her powers is released and Level 8 is the first seal to unlock. Though Silver has never really had to go past Level 4 to defeat her enemies. That being said she is bound to fall into Madness the moment she releases Level 0, unable to handle the strength of her own powers now. The 10th seal that is on her is known as the Hounds Seal. Which was created because Silver through a incident became a version of The Baskervill Hound. So unlike the rest of her kind she is also part demon. This part of her is filled with a lot of anger and pain from how it was created. She had also became Purgatory, where all of the souls of the people go when she kills them while she is in her Hound form. She can also activate something called The Hounds Eye that allows a eye of the Hound form to open where her missing eye is to give her a advantage. The final piece of power restriction is a bracelet that is known as The Bracelet of Ra, this thing literally steals half of Silver's current powers no matter which seal she has open. This being said these limiters and restrictions are very much needed to keep Silver stable.
Permanent Weakness: Kryon_ A neon green crystal that effects around 90% of the dragon population. This crystal is very week and brittle until it comes in contact with Dragon Magic. The crystal steals and absorbs Dragon Magic, while becoming harder then the Dragon's scales. With this crystal inside of the body all regeneration slows to human speed and strength is lost. For Silver and others of her kind they become weak as a human depending on the wound they have taken from the Kryon. This crystal can be found in nearly all realms/universes
Most Used Spells/Powers:
-Dragon shape shifting_ This power was a gift from her Father, to be able to shape shift into any dragon species she wishes
- Fire manifestation and Manipulation_ Her Flames tend to be either blue or black in color
- Magnum Blast_ A spell that shoots a ball of energy at her target and hold the power ratio of a missile. She can be shot as many times as she wants and can summon up to 20 spell circles at once
-Flash Step_ A movement technique that allows one to move faster then the eye can follow
-Shadow Jumping_ A old and nearly forgotten form of teleportation via the shadows
Weapons: While Silver truly hates dying she dose use this to her advantage sometimes. For her in order to release a single seal she needs to die at least once. But this can be dangerous for those around her. If she is fighting for a loved one they could be dead by the time she comes back to life. Reanimation dosent actually take that long, the moment the wound is healed the Chain of Life that is wrapped around her soul brings her back to life. Because of how dangerous it can be to allow herself to die Silver has two weapons. One is known as Artismis the Cursed and the other is Ezeekeel the Demon of Judgment. Both of these weapons are known as Soul Weapons. They once were people. Artimis had crossed the Dragon God of War and was turned into a weapon for War to use, that was until one day Artimis was stolen and eventually he came into Silver's possession. Artimis also feeds off of his masters life force, with Silver she cant be killed by this making her the perfect master for Artimis. Honestly the two of them are friends. With Ezeekeel however. He was and still technically is a Demon. Silver had killed him after he had killed her son at the time and sealed him in Purgatory for 100,000 years, suffering her pain and his worst fears. Silver made a deal with the demon, become her weapon and take 1/3 of her current powers or go back into Purgatory. Sense then Ezeekeel has been Silver's weapon to use. Both weapon use her blood to become any weapon she wishes them to be. These weapons and her own magic is Silver's first line of defense.
(The images used for this character are not my own, they are just a reference for the character. They will be removed if asked)
Name: Hexa Baskerville
Age: 1676
Age Appearance: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Half Demon
Height: Human form- 5 foot 9
Wolf form- 5 foot 5
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Marking/Scars/Anything Unusual: Hexa was born with red eyes. Her back and arms are covered in scars. Hexa eats Demons as a source of food.
Parents: Human mother_ Ann Hunt, Demon father_ Baskerville Hound
Abilities: Shape Shifting, Increased Healing -can regenerate lost limbs but it takes some time-, increased speed and strength, Hell's Howl -Brings fourth a pack of Hellhounds to do her bidding-, Judgement -She is able to pass judgement on a soul if it has become corrupted with the person's sins- and Purgatory -Hexa has direct connection to Purgatory, upon eating the souls of the damned and other demons their souls are sent to Purgatory where they will suffer for the rest of time-
Bio: As a half breed Hexa isnt accepted any where with open arms. Her mother was human while her father is the demon known as the Baskerville Hound. While she was a child Hexa had lived a mostly normal life, though even at that age her red eyes did bring some trouble for her. When she was 6 her mother was killed by a Church group known as The Order. Hexa herself would have died that night as well if her father hadnt saved her from the Hunters and dragged her down to Hell with him. For thousands of years Hexa grew up and lived with her father, learning how to control her powers and how to survive within Hell. It was quickly discovered that Hexa craves the flesh of demons and corrupted souls. Which lead to the discovery of her link to Purgatory, a place that is said to be worse then Hell itself. Her father on the other had wanted to use Hexa and her new found ability to create a bran new army of the damned for himself. Upon learning this Hexa ran away from her father, getting as far away from him as she could, The Human World. Free of her Father, Hexa dose as she pleases. Which mostly is hunting down demons and trying to keep them from taking over the Earth.
Demon Form:

Name: Hexa Baskerville
Age: 1676
Age Appearance: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Half Demon
Height: Human form- 5 foot 9
Wolf form- 5 foot 5
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Marking/Scars/Anything Unusual: Hexa was born with red eyes. Her back and arms are covered in scars. Hexa eats Demons as a source of food.
Parents: Human mother_ Ann Hunt, Demon father_ Baskerville Hound
Abilities: Shape Shifting, Increased Healing -can regenerate lost limbs but it takes some time-, increased speed and strength, Hell's Howl -Brings fourth a pack of Hellhounds to do her bidding-, Judgement -She is able to pass judgement on a soul if it has become corrupted with the person's sins- and Purgatory -Hexa has direct connection to Purgatory, upon eating the souls of the damned and other demons their souls are sent to Purgatory where they will suffer for the rest of time-
Bio: As a half breed Hexa isnt accepted any where with open arms. Her mother was human while her father is the demon known as the Baskerville Hound. While she was a child Hexa had lived a mostly normal life, though even at that age her red eyes did bring some trouble for her. When she was 6 her mother was killed by a Church group known as The Order. Hexa herself would have died that night as well if her father hadnt saved her from the Hunters and dragged her down to Hell with him. For thousands of years Hexa grew up and lived with her father, learning how to control her powers and how to survive within Hell. It was quickly discovered that Hexa craves the flesh of demons and corrupted souls. Which lead to the discovery of her link to Purgatory, a place that is said to be worse then Hell itself. Her father on the other had wanted to use Hexa and her new found ability to create a bran new army of the damned for himself. Upon learning this Hexa ran away from her father, getting as far away from him as she could, The Human World. Free of her Father, Hexa dose as she pleases. Which mostly is hunting down demons and trying to keep them from taking over the Earth.
Demon Form:

(Warning! Lyra is a working in progress and more will be added later one when i figure out more things about her. Her art also is done by me)
Name: Lyra Helm
Nickname: L
Age Appearance: 23
Real Age: 2051
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 8
Species: Child of Death, however, the name of her kind is unknown to Lyra. Though, at the same time there is no real name for her species. Lyra had been born while her mother was dead. Death had been curious and wanted to see what would happen if a child came in to the world while its mother was dead. Something that wasnt human or anything that is known to the world. The species are born with no souls. Typically they are mistaken for Wendigos due to their ravenous hunger. The cold follows them everywhere they go
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Markings/Scars/Anything Unusual: Lyra was born with the skin on her arms black. She cant feel pain and she also cant feel fear.
Occupation: None, she is a beast with a human form
Parents: Unknown, Lyra was orphaned when both of her parents died. She dosent have any desire to look for her parents nor dose she know that they are dead. She had grown up in the the woods without human contact for nearly a hundred years
Powers/Abilities (This is only for when the beast has been awakened):

Name: Lyra Helm
Nickname: L
Age Appearance: 23
Real Age: 2051
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 8
Species: Child of Death, however, the name of her kind is unknown to Lyra. Though, at the same time there is no real name for her species. Lyra had been born while her mother was dead. Death had been curious and wanted to see what would happen if a child came in to the world while its mother was dead. Something that wasnt human or anything that is known to the world. The species are born with no souls. Typically they are mistaken for Wendigos due to their ravenous hunger. The cold follows them everywhere they go
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Markings/Scars/Anything Unusual: Lyra was born with the skin on her arms black. She cant feel pain and she also cant feel fear.
Occupation: None, she is a beast with a human form
Parents: Unknown, Lyra was orphaned when both of her parents died. She dosent have any desire to look for her parents nor dose she know that they are dead. She had grown up in the the woods without human contact for nearly a hundred years
- Humanized, which Lyra is more human then beast. It takes certain events to make her become a beast. She never turned into her other form and was raised by humans in modern times. She has a soul.
- The True Beast, Lyra has lost most of her humanity and is a creature bent of feasting upon human flesh. It dosent matter who you are, man, women, child, they are nothing more then prey for her now. She very very rarely goes into human form. She has no soul.
- Moral Creature/Normal, Lyra is fully aware of what she is and has accepted that she a creature and will actively hunt humans that piss her off. Kids are something she will never harm. Lyra developed a soul over time and due to human interaction she can feel most things. Pain and fear is something she can never feel due to her being soulless once.
Powers/Abilities (This is only for when the beast has been awakened):
- Flash Step_ A movement technique that allows one to move faster then the eye can follow.
- Shape Shifting_ Moving back and form between her human form and her beast form
- Shadow Manipulation_ She is able to use the shadows to form weapons. This can only be done in her human form.
- Copy Cat_ Looking once at something she can copy it easily enough, if its magic for instance, it will only be only at half of the power the spell once was. However, this can be overridden if she understands how the spell works. Same can be done with weapons and other things.
(The image used for this character are not my own, they are just a reference for the character and will be removed if asked)
Name: Sin Blackwell
Age: 1000, in human form she appears to be 21
Gender: Female
Species: Blood Dragon
Height: Dragon form- 6'8"
Human form- 5'9"
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Marking/Scars/Anything Unusual: Sin has a few scars covering her body, a few bullet wounds on her right side by her hip. There is also a long scar running from her left shoulder down to her left hip on her back as well. (These scars show in both forms). Sin's eyes are silver in colour and will change to a crimson red if she is angry, hurt badly or is hungry.
Dragon form- Her main body has jet black scales with a dark grey for her belly and wing membrane. Being the age she is Sin only has one pair of curved horns that follow the flow of her head, curving down then back up towards the sky. There is a row of spikes that run down her spine, starting at the back of Sin's neck and ending at the tip of her tail. The most concentrated spot of spikes on her is at the back of her neck. Sin also has two blades at the end of her tail.
Parents: Birth is unknown. Adopted Mother Vivi Blackwell, Grandfather Goliath Blackwell
Abilities: Shape shifting_ from human to dragon, Realm Jumping, Black fire breathing and manifestation, Shadow Jumping (Older form of teleportation using via Shadows), Basic magic and weapon summoning
Bio: Sin had been raised by vampires in the realm she had been born in, abandoned when she was nothing more then a hatchling. Sin dosent remember to this day what her birth mother looked like or why she had been left to die, all she can remember was the name she had been given at birth, Sin. In Sin's birth realm vampires was a natural occurrence, no one had made them. They were hidden among humans living in peace because of their current King, Goliath. The King's daughter, Vivi, a sweet young thing who was unable to have children of her own had found Sin. Vivi being the kind soul she was had taken Sin back home with her and begged and pleaded with her Father to let her keep Sin, to adopt Sin as her own child. It took some time but Goliath gave in, his only fear however was that what if more of Sin's kind showed up to claim her. However that never happened, Sin had lived happily with her family of vampires for 500 years. That all changed when others of her kind found their way into her realm. In a act to try to get back to their home realm Blood Dragons have been killing any and all vampires that they have came across, even if they werent dragon turned. Due to her age and lack of fighting abilities Sin could only run when her family told her to. Sin quickly in the chaos became separated from her family. In a span of a short week Sin's home realm burned into nothing but ash by the attacking blood dragons. There was no one left but the blood dragons. It took some time but Sin found the bodies of her family, torn and burnt as they were, she still found them. Wrecked with grief and rage Sin had attacked the first blood dragon she came across. She had put up a decent fight but still lost in the end when she received a gash running along her back. After recovering Sin finally left her home realm, she didnt know how she knew this already. From there for the next 500 year Sin traveled and learned. She learned the more basic magic, shadow jumping and most importantly how to fight. Because of her past Sin had grown hate towards her own kind, she knew what they had and are still doing is wrong, very wrong. So she wonders from place to place now, seeking for a place to call home

Name: Sin Blackwell
Age: 1000, in human form she appears to be 21
Gender: Female
Species: Blood Dragon
Height: Dragon form- 6'8"
Human form- 5'9"
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Marking/Scars/Anything Unusual: Sin has a few scars covering her body, a few bullet wounds on her right side by her hip. There is also a long scar running from her left shoulder down to her left hip on her back as well. (These scars show in both forms). Sin's eyes are silver in colour and will change to a crimson red if she is angry, hurt badly or is hungry.
Dragon form- Her main body has jet black scales with a dark grey for her belly and wing membrane. Being the age she is Sin only has one pair of curved horns that follow the flow of her head, curving down then back up towards the sky. There is a row of spikes that run down her spine, starting at the back of Sin's neck and ending at the tip of her tail. The most concentrated spot of spikes on her is at the back of her neck. Sin also has two blades at the end of her tail.
Parents: Birth is unknown. Adopted Mother Vivi Blackwell, Grandfather Goliath Blackwell
Abilities: Shape shifting_ from human to dragon, Realm Jumping, Black fire breathing and manifestation, Shadow Jumping (Older form of teleportation using via Shadows), Basic magic and weapon summoning
Bio: Sin had been raised by vampires in the realm she had been born in, abandoned when she was nothing more then a hatchling. Sin dosent remember to this day what her birth mother looked like or why she had been left to die, all she can remember was the name she had been given at birth, Sin. In Sin's birth realm vampires was a natural occurrence, no one had made them. They were hidden among humans living in peace because of their current King, Goliath. The King's daughter, Vivi, a sweet young thing who was unable to have children of her own had found Sin. Vivi being the kind soul she was had taken Sin back home with her and begged and pleaded with her Father to let her keep Sin, to adopt Sin as her own child. It took some time but Goliath gave in, his only fear however was that what if more of Sin's kind showed up to claim her. However that never happened, Sin had lived happily with her family of vampires for 500 years. That all changed when others of her kind found their way into her realm. In a act to try to get back to their home realm Blood Dragons have been killing any and all vampires that they have came across, even if they werent dragon turned. Due to her age and lack of fighting abilities Sin could only run when her family told her to. Sin quickly in the chaos became separated from her family. In a span of a short week Sin's home realm burned into nothing but ash by the attacking blood dragons. There was no one left but the blood dragons. It took some time but Sin found the bodies of her family, torn and burnt as they were, she still found them. Wrecked with grief and rage Sin had attacked the first blood dragon she came across. She had put up a decent fight but still lost in the end when she received a gash running along her back. After recovering Sin finally left her home realm, she didnt know how she knew this already. From there for the next 500 year Sin traveled and learned. She learned the more basic magic, shadow jumping and most importantly how to fight. Because of her past Sin had grown hate towards her own kind, she knew what they had and are still doing is wrong, very wrong. So she wonders from place to place now, seeking for a place to call home

Name: Zena Prime
Apparent Age: 25
Real Age: 371
Years Trapped in Pantum: 171 years
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 10
Species: Draco Durin, Dragon Kin
A species made from a mix of mad science and curiosity. The species is a blend of two very different Dragon species and human. They are a blend of the species known as a Blood Dragon and the nearly extinct species the Ancient Dragon. Blood Dragons are the vampires of the dragon world, the need the blood of others to survive, this trait was passed down to the Durins. The Ancient Dragons were among the first species of dragons to come into existence, they were able to feed off of radiation and magic. This was also passed onto the Durins. Adding human into the mix made the hybrid highly unstable, many did not live past their 50th year. The species was quickly put under a strict law that forbids their creation and all existing members of the species is closely monitored by the Dragon council. Only a small handful remain in the galaxy.
Markings/Scars/Any odd: Scars litter Zena's body, the worst being the scar on her back that stretches from her left shoulder to her left hip. It is a set of claw marks. Ruin tattoos litter her arms. Zena's skin takes on a purplish tone on most of her body, with spotting of black scales on her hips, back and legs. Her feet are covered in black scales and take a more dragon shape with talons that can grow up to two inches in length. Her black scales tail is as long as she is tall, the end of her tail is covered in beautiful golden feathers. Despite the feathers soft look, don't touch, those feathers are able to cut through stone.

Name: Selene Lunacaster
Nickname: Red or Lil' Red
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5 foot 8
Markings/Anything Unusual: She has a birthmark on her neck in the shape of a crescent moon. Her arms are littered with small scars from her childhood, often she would pick fights with the boys in the village.
Bio: Selene grew up on the stories of the wolves and the rules they had set, she was always told to never step off of the path no matter what. For a while she did believe in the old tales, but as she grew older she began to believe that they were nothing but tales. Old tales to keep young children from getting lost in the forest while fetching water. Never seeing a wolf or hearing that anyone else had seen a wolf, made it very hard for her to believe the tales. Twice a month Selene would travel the path that leads to the western mountains to take supplies to her grandparents, who decided to live outside of the wolf tribes borders.

Name: Tala Ancient
Age: 65.08 million years
Age Appearance: 27
Years in Hibernation: nearly 65 million years
Year She Woke Up: 489 AD
Gender: Female
Human Form Height: 5 foot 10
Dragon Form Height: 15 feet tall, 53 feet long, total wingspan of 76 feet
Scars/Markings/Anything Unusual: Both her eyes and hair are golden in colour. Right above her collarbone and in the area that joins to her neck are two holes, those holes are actually where she is able to breathe. Her air ways completely by pass her nose and mouth. She only has a nose to appear 'human'. Claw and bite marks litter her legs and sides, both are from other Dragons and even Dinosaurs.
Species: Ancient Dragon
These Dragons were among the first Dragons to come into existence. Each Dragon was vastly different from one another, no two Dragons were the same, appearance mostly depended on the environment they were born in. But the one common thing the species had with each others were the feathers that covered their wings, backs and tails, some feathers came up on the back of their necks. These feathers while light like normal feathers, they were incredibly hard and sharp to the touch. The feathers were far stronger then any diamond and it was only outmatched by their teeth. Like all Dragons they actively ate precious metals and gems. But unlike modern Dragons, The Ancient Dragons main source of food was Magic and Radiation. While the Earth was young and going through great dying periods again and again, it was perfect for the species to continue on, even while everything else was dying. The species however dont live for very long when compared to modern day Dragons. Their lifespans was any where from fifty thousand years to a hundred thousand years.
Dragon Form Colouring: The majority of Tala's scales are a slate grey in colour, black almost tiger like stripes decorate her back and legs. Her underbelly is a softer grey. The feathers that cover the back of her neck, wings, back and tail are all golden. Its these feathers that give Tala her name, for Tala means Gold in
Bio: Tala was born during the late Cretaceous Period, along with her four other siblings. Growing up was a dangerous task, more so sense their mother left them once they knew how to fly. But even knowing how to fly didn't mean that her and siblings were safe. As Tala grew up, she and her siblings stayed together like many clutches until they were fully grown. Through out the years however, two of Tala's siblings did die, leaving her with only two brothers. Once separated from her remaining siblings, Tala travelled the lands for thousands of years before settling in a mountain range that was plentiful in not only magic but radiation as well. It was there Tala would spend the rest of her many, many years before becoming among the first Ancient Dragons to go into a state known as Hibernation. However, Tala slept far longer then any other Ancient Dragon and didn't wake up until thirteen years after the Mediaeval Era began. While sleeping for millions of year, Tala's body continued to absorb Magic and Radiation. Inevitably her life span was increased to a unknown length of time. Shortly after waking up Tala was taken in by a Elder Rock Dragon, who taught her about the new world she found herself in and even taught her how to take a human form. For thousands of years, Tala lives among human, collecting rare treasures that contain magic and old tombs that held dangerous but wonderful spells. In current times, Tala's personal library is full of dangerous artifacts, books and many other things. Over the years, Tala had made it her mission to keep these items safe and keep them out of those who wish harm onto others.
Dragon Form:

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