But what's in a name?

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But what's in a name?

nevermore girl

memento mori
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
I'm just gonna make this quick! Hey! I'm nevermore girl, and you can call me Nat. I'm 24 and I've been writing since I was a kid, but I've roleplayed for about 10 years now.

I like writing about traumatized kiddos and their traumatizing worlds, but as far as genres go my favorites are Fantasy, whether it's historic, medieval, or modern. Nevertheless, I also enjoy portraying worlds without magic, especially if it features oppressive governments or has gritty, dark themes. I think the only genre I'm a bit timid with is hard sci-fi, but I'm always willing to give things a try.

Random facts about me:

+ I love cats. I'm sure you would have never ever guessed.
+ I like to mess around with art and doodle crappy things. You have been warned.
+ I don't write smut because I am the most awkwardest turtle to ever awkward.
+ I rarely write fandom stuff but I am always up for Game of Thrones and the Hunger Games because that's the 'All my friends are dead' club, and as I've mentioned before I love sad and angry traumatized babs. eue//

Anyways, glad to be here!
You're welcome, and thank you too : )

My username has a story ; )

I was on another forum, and my name was Aircat, like a pilot. That's why my avatar is wearing a leather jacket. Well, it turned out that Aircat is a brand name for pneumatic tools. I doubted that the Aircat pneumatic tool company would appreciate being connected with somebody's creative writing (especially mine), so I went on a hunt for another aviation and cat related username. I tried stratocat, but that's the name of a popular atmosphere research balloon. It's also pretty close to the famous guitar stratocaster, and I wouldn't want to mislead anyone. So the quest continued. I reached up through the layers of the atmosphere, until I reached the very edge of space, in a place called the exosphere. I checked online, and the only thing called exocat was some obscure catalog of astronomical objects at a French university.

So, Exocat it was!

I changed my sky related images to more space related, and continued on... but the new destinations I discovered, that is another story, perhaps yet to be written ; )
You're welcome, and thank you too : )

My username has a story ; )

I was on another forum, and my name was Aircat, like a pilot. That's why my avatar is wearing a leather jacket. Well, it turned out that Aircat is a brand name for pneumatic tools. I doubted that the Aircat pneumatic tool company would appreciate being connected with somebody's creative writing (especially mine), so I went on a hunt for another aviation and cat related username. I tried stratocat, but that's the name of a popular atmosphere research balloon. It's also pretty close to the famous guitar stratocaster, and I wouldn't want to mislead anyone. So the quest continued. I reached up through the layers of the atmosphere, until I reached the very edge of space, in a place called the exosphere. I checked online, and the only thing called exocat was some obscure catalog of astronomical objects at a French university.

So, Exocat it was!

I changed my sky related images to more space related, and continued on... but the new destinations I discovered, that is another story, perhaps yet to be written ; )

Well, I didn't expect your username to have such a deep backstory! xD I briefly considered 'space girl' and 'space cat' as usernames, how funny. I can fully appreciate your love for both felines and the starry skies! ;D
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