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Inner Sanctum Nobility
250 Posts! 250 Likes!
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Today 4:08 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark

UPDATED: 03/01/2024

「ㅤI N T R O D U C T I O Nㅤ」

  • Greetings, traveler,

    Here's the thing, I went away for a few months for undisclosed reasons, and now I'm back and in need of creative stimulation. So here I am, updating my req thread to represent current wants and cravings. Some of it is the same old stuff from before, I'll add more as I come up with it. I'm also open to being recruited for your story if you think we'd make a good match. I am looking for a story that contains smut for which I have one specific requirement:

    I play the bottom.

    I'm not going to discuss exceptions; I've played enough tops to know that I don't enjoy it. In addition to this, I don't like playing passive characters. Bondage can be fun, but I need something to do, otherwise my posts are going to get really dull.

    I like to keep my word count for posts at, at least, 500 words; 300 for high-action posts like quick conversation and smut. This is a (admittedly not very high) standard I set for myself, not a requirement from you. Just don't give me one-liners and give me enough to work with. By all means give me more, I love long posts.

    If you do want to write together, please send me a PM, don't respond to this thread. If you don't like any of the below plots, and don't have an idea yourself, reach out anyway, we'll think up something we'll both enjoy.

  • Yes Please!

    ◈Choking, slapping, spanking, spitting
    ◈Multiple partners, threeways, gangbangs, harems
    ◈Bondage, hand-cuffs, silk straps, leather, chains
    ◈Anal, creampie, bottoming

    Absolutely not!
    ◈Non-conDub-con is ok
    ◈Bodily fluids that aren't cum or spit
    ◈Underage anythingAny fandom characters that are underage will be aged up to at least 21
    ◈ Feet
  • The sun has just made it over the tops of the pine trees, probably the highest it'll go for a while. The frost on the leaves and grass has been banished—for now. The pebbles on the walk-up are no longer bound together by ice. It would've looked like spring if it weren't for your breath being visible. You can't help but feel it's entirely inappropriate weather for the day. The solemnity of the chapel is broken by the fluttering tones of a nearby lark. It's all wrong.​

    ㅤYou're one of the first to arrive. That's how you planned it. You look into the hall with your cola-brown eyes. A quick assessment tells you that you've never seen any of these people before, even as my grandmother waves at you. You avoid looking anyone in the eyes as you place the bouquet in the clerk's hand—a random mix of flowers, green shrubs with a few non-descript lilies, and yellow roses.

    ㅤYou move inside and place yourself in the back corner. You pick out your phone from your pocket, pretending to be reading something, but your eyes aren't on the screen; they're on me—what used to be me, now encased in a closed casket.

    ㅤYou waft your hands in front of your eyes to try and get them to water. Because you feel like you should be crying—like you owe me that. But there's nothing your tears can do for me now.

    ㅤDo you remember when your uncle was dying? When your family told you not to come back to Canada, they only wanted to see you during good times. I told you if you wanted to go, we would go. And as we traveled, I didn't hold your hand—someone's deathbed was not the time to come out of the closet. So, I stayed behind at your brother's house as you went to the hospital to say your goodbyes.

    ㅤThat trip was so different from our first one. It had been so hot in August that we couldn't walk more than a block through the city without going inside a corner shop to get a drink and cool off in the air-conditioning. Now, the snow was so high it reached the bottom of the windows. We stayed inside, spending time with your family, and that was the trip where we discovered that your mom and I had the same taste in movies.

    ㅤAnd now you wonder if I knew already then that I would abandon you. You hadn't felt it. You were convinced—you knew—that we would be together to the end. What kind of person badgers someone into a relationship, stays with them for years, meets their family, and then leaves?

    You shake your head.

    ㅤThat was precisely why you didn't want to be in a relationship with me to begin with. Somehow, you knew—even at the beginning—that I would end up abandoning you, like all the men before me. And that was why you did what you did.

    ㅤYou didn't want to be the one breaking up, so you tried to push me to do it. You just wanted your life back. So, you set up your plan. You waited for the right time; it had to be a Friday when I was coming to yours late enough in the evening.

    ㅤThe air was thick with moisture when I opened the door. Your hair was wet when you came to kiss me. And it became glaringly apparent that we weren't alone. But he didn't want to say hello—he didn't want to see me. And you told me it was too late for him to go home because he lived in a bad neighborhood—which, I guess, was why you had him clean your place, to begin with.

    ㅤAnd after the deed, you held him in your arms as I laid as still as I now lay in the casket.

    ㅤDo you remember when we went to Berlin? It started so well. You took me to the lounge area before our flight, and by the time we left, we were giggling, and I couldn't feel my face. I wasn't even nervous when the plane took off. Everyone on that plane probably hated us. And we met up with your friend and his new boyfriend—the man you have once said had been the love of your life—and they took us to some seedy gay bar, the smoke visible in the air, a million small cigarettes lighting up the dark like stars in the sky. I took off my sweater; my t-shirt slicked to my small frame so tightly that you could feel the hungry eyes around the bar watching me. And that was the first time you felt glad I let you call me yours.

    ㅤBut then something went wrong. And the pain from that night finally caught up to us, and I—finally—lost my mind. And you had to pull me out of traffic to stop me from running out in front of a car. And I screamed, but in the city's noise, no one could hear me. So, you locked me in a room until I calmed down. Then, as we were taking the plane back to Copenhagen, you told me I had to get over it, or we had no future. And that was the last time we ever talked about it.

    ㅤDo you remember how we'd fight? I would disappear into the bathroom for 45 minutes before coming out. Finally, I'd walk into the bedroom without looking at you and sit down silently. What did I expect would happen? That I'd run to the bathroom to cry, and you'd come running after me? That was not how you played. And so you let me know that.

    ㅤI rolled my eyes at you; I was a master at that. I got up and slammed the door behind me. You hated it when I did that; it was the most disrespectful thing you could imagine. So you followed after me, yelling at me to stop scaring the cats. As I turned, you sent me the glare; for a brief moment, you made me stop as if your gaze turned me to stone. But I remained flesh.

    ㅤWhy did I stay when I didn't want to? Why did I move in? Why couldn't I take my things and my cats and go back where I came from, abandoning you like all the others before me?

    ㅤ"Just go," you said.

    ㅤ"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I answered. What did I mean by that? Talking to me was like speaking Russian. Every syllable was ridden with secret innuendos and double meanings. You needed a Rosetta Stone just to have a conversation with me. Now, you won't ever have to decode me again.

    ㅤYou shake your head lightly as the sun shines through the tall side windows of the chapel. Why do you always attract the crazy ones? There's a slight twinge of happiness as you sit there alone because, in the end, you were right. I was crazy. At the very least, you weren't the one who had to find me.


「ㅤF A N D O M Sㅤ」




multichar • multiple couples • possible polycule
  • Set in an amalgam multiverse between DC and Marvel. But the multiverse is under attack. The first sign is the sudden appearance of several Infinity Stones appearing in the prime universe and merging together. As the barriers between universes falter, several universes are extinguished in a matter of weeks. The result is a single reality with very few survivors left. And then the enemy attacked. Seemingly shadowy beings, very few stood a chance, hero or mortal. This also means that there may be several variants of the same character in said universe from different original universes.

    MC answered a distress call from Dr. Strange. Before Strange was eaten up by the sea of shadows, he threw the Soul Gem to MC. This resulted in MC splintering into the seven different emotions from the emotional electromagnetic spectrum and flying off in opposite directions. One of the entities, Rage, knew he needed more power, and so he flew into hell, taking advantage of the weakened reality to take the title of the Devil from Neron. He then opened the gates to hell long enough to allow most of the remaining living a chance to enter and find sanctuary from the Shadows. Most notable, however, was the fact that the souls of those that had fallen were nowhere to be found.

    So basically, what I want with this is for you to play several characters that can interact with the different prisms of MC. So one might be going through their adventures with Cyclops (words cannot describe how badly I wanna get railed by Scott Summers), while another is with Superman. There can also be several characters in one group; it's the end of the world, and now's the time to live out those fantasies you've been dreaming of.
  • This plot obviously makes it possible to make very different characters by taking a character and making him come from a different universe. It also means you can genderbend very easily. We will be doing character sheets just to clear things up, and I will allow original characters as well if you get a fancy idea. So very open for you to pick whomever you'd like. There's only one character I don't want to have anything to do with. I absolutely cannot stand Tony Stark. He's dead and that's that.

    As we're dealing with really big and powerful beings here, so I want you to make your chars as OP as you can think of. You wanna play Cosmic Thor? Go for it. Phoenix Cyclops? Even better. We'll be evenly matched.

    Here is a list of characters I will suggest.

    Mine are mostly based on characters originally female genderbent. I'm open to other suggestions.
    ◈Raven (Earth 11)
    ◈Billy Kaplan
    ◈Gene Grey (Earth 127)

    These are only suggestions; you are free to pick anyone not on the list.
    ◈Rage:Thor, Lobo, Mephisto, Hulk, Wolverine, Gabriel Summers, Hellion, Sabretooth, Colossus, Venom
    ◈Avarice:Lex Luthor, Dr. Doom, Namor, Darkseid, Apocalypse, Black Cat, Loki
    ◈Fear:Sinestro, Scarecrow, Superman-Prime, Batman, Caliban, Legion, Black Adam, Constantine, Carnage, Norman Osborne, Venom
    ◈Will:Cyclops, Magneto, Hal Jordan, Thanos, Human Torch, Kyle Rayner, Sodam Yet, Poison Ivy, Alan Scott, Aquaman
    ◈Hope:Dream/Morpheus, Superman, Cyclops, Angel, Spider-man, Nathaniel Grey, Flash, Iceman
    ◈Compassion:Beast, Nightcrawler, Deadpool, John Stewart
    ◈Love:Cyclops, Iceman, Gambit, Mystique, Sylvester Kyle, Emmett Frost, Nightwing, Donald Troy, Tim Drake

  • Finally free of the confines his family put on him after his fiasco in Arendelle, Hans of the Southern Isles (MC) is even more determined to get what's his. As a prince of the neighboring kingdom of Corona, he accepts the invitation to come to the wedding between the newly found princess and her rogueish fiancee. But he doesn't plan to go for hors d'oeuvres but to steal the power of the fabled sundrop flower.

    Also invited are his former paramour and her new husband, Kristoff Bjorgman (YC1). As the festivities begin, Hans' adventure becomes increasingly difficult as he tried to deny his attraction to both Kristoff and Flynn Ryder (YC2). Will he be able to get what he wants, or will what he really wants change?

    So the idea is that Hans is going to go to different kingdoms to try and find the power to take over the Southern Isles, and in each kingdom, you'd play the corresponding prince. Pretty simple and open to lots of cooperation.

    Suggested Reading: Tangled (2010), Frozen (2013), Frozen II (2019), Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017-2020), Tangled Ever After (2012)Though our story takes place before this.​



cheating • secret affair • eventual multichar



P R I N C E' S

secrecy • forbidden love • slow-burn
  • You are Arthur Pendragon, the heir to the throne of Camelot, and you are in desperate need of a wife―or at least your father thinks so. To celebrate your thirtieth birthday, princesses, noblewoman, and maidens from all over have been invited to a week-long celebration ending with you choosing your new fiancee. There's only one problem: you're desperately in love with your allied prince, Morgan. And to top things off, your best friend, Sir Kay, fell off the balcony the very night before everyone is supposed to arrive, and you suspect foul play.

    This is a bit more of a sweet, romantic thread centered around Arthurian Romance. If you don't know much about it, worry not, we'll make it our own. In case it wasn't obvious, I changed Morgan to be male* and made them not related rather than half-siblings. We'll have Morgan arrive with his sisters ahead of time, having Morgan work as an advisor since he's better at the political game than Arthur. Romance blossoms in secrecy. It's going to be great!

    *Originally, the name 'Morgan' was male, and the earliest sources don't mention the gender of the character.

    Suggested Reading: THIS THREAD

  • The prince of the moon had his guardians, a harem of guardians, ready to protect him. But as the prince looked down to earth, he fell in love once again. As the two met and exchanged kisses, a war arose on earth, eventually killing the prince of earth. In grief, the prince of the moon ran a sword through himself before his Senshi could come to his aid. In a last attempt to save her son after the destruction of Silver Millenium, Queen Serenity used her power to seal the evil away and cause everyone to be reborn.

    Now in 2023, it awakens the normal university student (YC or MC) with a new destiny. Will he be able to find the other senshi and the moon prince, and who is the charming stranger in a tuxedo and a mask?

    Very basic idea here. Obviously, genderbent, aged-up sailor scouts, with the added bonus that Prince Serenity and the senshi are in a harem together. Whether you play Sailor Moon or I do, I don't care. You can either have a harem of bottoms or be several tops on one prince. Whoever plays the senshi would likewise play Tuxedo Mask.

    Suggested Reading: Sailor Moon Crystal (2014-2017), Sailor Moon Eternal (2021)



harem • adventure • polycule

「ㅤS U P E R N A T U R A LㅤS M U Tㅤ」



blood-play • dub-con • stockholm syndrome
  • Over the last few centuries you've lived, you've learned a few things about being a vampire. 1, while blood is fucking delicious and gives a much better high, it is not the only thing you can use to sustain yourself; tears and other bodily[1] fluids work just as well, presuming you get enough of it. 2, with your mastery of mind control, you can make the experience of being fed upon extremely pleasurable or excruciatingly painful.

    Now here you are on a rather tediously cold and lonely night, and here comes a young man looking for shelter from the snowstorm outside. A literal snack walking through your front door. All you have to decide now is how you want to play with your new pet.

    Could be a one-shot or could be a continuous story, where MC becomes the vampire's willing blood bag. It can be both fluffy and romantic or twisted and dark.


  • You, the god of thunder, has been wronged! Years ago, when a king made his sons compete for the crown, a foolish prince stole your sacred hammer to prove himself the better of the three. As you caught up to the culprit, ready to send the entire kingdom into the sea, the prince pleaded. As compensation, twenty years later, said prince would give you his oldest daughter, who would be a servant in your home. You agreed.

    Now those twenty years have gone, and you return to the kingdom to claim your prize. Only the prince, now king, only had sons. But you will not find yourself wanting a second time. You were promised a servant and a servant you shall have. The crown prince will have to do.

    Inspired by Nordic myth, but not very different from Greek or Roman antiquity, where it was totally not gay if you had sex with your slaves. That being said, you don't have to play Thor; you can make your own god or pick a different one. It would be interesting if your god were married (again, sleeping with your slaves didn't count as infidelity because they weren't seen as humans), but he absolutely doesn't have to be. This can be sweet and fluffy with the god and the prince slowly growing feelings for each other, or it can be dark and forceful. It can be slowburn, or the god can claim his right as soon as they get to his home.


power dynamics • cock worship • divinity



rough sex • exhaustion • magic
  • You are dying of a terminal illness, but you're not going to take it lying down. You know your great-grandfather knew the location of the Philosopher's Stone, and you know it can cure you━it does hold the key to immortality, after all. After six months of searching through journals and diaries, you finally know where it is. So you go into the old temple, moving past dangerous traps and difficult puzzles, and finally, you reach the red gem. And you touch it.

    Growing too hot to touch, you throw the gem to the ground before flames spring from the rock, swirling and twisting about until it forms a man before you, eyes ablaze and flames licking up his naked form. It takes you a second, but then you realize who is standing before you━the ancient witch, Rahotep. You read about him in your grandfather's journals, and only now do you realize that he is the source of the immortality you seek. Moreover, you remember reading about his insatiable passions and his promise to burn the world to cinders as punishment for imprisoning him━and you just released him. Now you have a choice: will you try and convince him to share his immortality with you and join him in his destruction of the world, or will you try and quell his passions long enough to put him back in the gemstone and save the world. You're either a hero or a villain. Which will it be?

    A bit of a complicated backstory, I guess. But basically, there is an immortal being in front of you; he's been locked up in a gem for thousands of years, and he is thirsty. If you choose to plead for his gifts, you'll need to please him, so drop your pants. If you want to subdue him, you'll need to please him, so drop your pants. Probably more of a one-shot, but I'm open to suggestions on how to make it long-term.

  • You finally did it! No witch has ever been as great as you, and here's the proof! You managed to take your reflection and make it real. In front of you is a true copy of yourself, your own mirror image. Now comes the fun part of figuring out just how much this magical clone of yours can do. Is he as powerful? Is he as smart? Is he as good as giving head as you? Only one way of finding out.

    Does this count as masturbation?

    Pretty basic idea. You created a magic clone of yourself, and you find yourself incredibly hot, so you're going to seduce yourself. It can be a one-shot, or we can continue the story for a long-term thing, there are all sorts of trouble they can get themselves into. Do keep in mind you can make as many clones as you think you can handle.


clones • sexual exploration • possible harem



seduction • forbidden love • blasphemy
  • You are Adam, the first man and king over all of Eden. As the first, there is no one to tell you why your loins burn so very hotly whenever Eve passes by you. And she refuses to do anything about it too! What kind of wife is that? You can't ask your father about it; he's such a prude! And you know those delicious-looking apples would tell you about it, but you're not allowed to eat any.

    Along comes a serpent...

    A twist on the tale of Adam and Eve where Adam is the one who is seduced by the Serpent and ends up eating one of the apples━but only after the Serpent shows him all the fun things his wife won't let him do. the Serpent will not be an actual snake but a demon in disguise who turns into a very handsome human. No bestiality here. We can draw it out to where it takes a few sessions before Adam agrees to eat the apple, or we can continue it after he and Eve leave Eden if we want to make it long-term, but one-shot is also fine.

  • You are an alpha werewolf on the run. A younger, stronger wolf has beaten you. But, rather than kill you and your cubs, he has promised to let your cubs live if you disappear from the hunting grounds before the sun rises. You don't have much time, so you run as fast as possible without direction. As the sky begins to change to twilight over the forest trees, you finally stop, exhausted, scarred, and bruised. It's only then that you realize where you've gone. You're in the territory of the Lightning Wolf, an ancient spirit that guards this part of the forest. The last thing you see before exhaustion claims you is a great white wolf.

    Hours later, you reawaken in your human form only to find you've been moved into a bed and covered in blankets. Your wounds have been bound, and the scent of coffee reaches your nostrils. The hut you're in is large, half-built into the rock wall of the mountain, and one of the walls to the outside is made entirely of glass. You realize the lone wolf has taken pity on you, but you also know the stories—that no one survives a meeting with the white wolf. But where else will you go? You only have two options: get the white wolf to help you reclaim your pack or have him teach you how to live as a lone wolf.

    So, you're a werewolf on the run without a pack and unlikely to find one, as you'd be an opposing alpha. Traditionally, you'd be killed by the alpha taking over your pack, but you ran to protect your cubs from being murdered. You've been momentarily taken in by an ancient spirit, but his hospitality only goes so far. Thinking this is a kind of unlikely lovers' story, more of a slow burn unless you just want to get right to the dirty stuff; that works too.


pack dynamics • submission • animalistic



protection • trust issues • manipulations
  • You've lived happily in the tropics with your loving father all your life. Your mother, you've been told, died in childbirth, and your father could never love another woman again. Instead, he poured all that love onto you. With powerful magical abilities, the two of you have lived a life of luxury—and seclusion. The palace you live in is located near a volcano. You have servants and guards to protect the place at all times. This is practically the epitome of safety.

    But now something has changed. Your father is retreating from you, and you don't know why. You feel like it has something to do with your upcoming 21st birthday, where you're supposed to receive your magic. The internet has been down for two weeks, and your father has summoned a spirit to protect you. But, you soon realize the spirit isn't there to protect you as much as keep an eye on you. You consider killing it, but your father would know of that. If you want answers, you need to get the spirit on your side. But how?

    This is a bit more of a seduction, a secretive dance between two people. The spirit is obviously not supposed to be sleeping with the sorcerer's son, so he'll be reluctant but also doesn't get to have a physical body much, so maybe he should just enjoy it while it lasts.

  • This city has a problem. Hubris is running rampant. Just last week, they had to sacrifice the princess to a sea monster because the queen said she was more beautiful than one of the sea god's daughters. And since then, the city has been out of virginal maidens. And now, the water has been tainted by some black disease that makes it impossible to drink. What is needed is another sacrifice.

    Chained to rock near the brook of the tainted river, you try to flee, but eventually, night comes. Seemingly out of the moonlight, a horned stallion appears before shifting into an equally beautiful man. He undoes your chains and gives you a choice: he can take you away from this city and have you come live with him and his herd, or you can do the purification ritual together. But now you understand that it is not your life you have to sacrifice—purity requires purity.

    This should be sweeter and more romantic, even if it is a bit under suspect circumstances. Basically, the virgin can choose to leave the city that would sacrifice his life, or he can go live among the unicorns. Either way, they can make sweet, sweet love.


virginity • love-making • softcore



gratification • cuddling • concubine
  • You are the Dragon King, mighty and powerful. You rule over your dragons from your undersea palace far from the shores of the mortals. Your greatest treasures are your two Tide Orbs—which you use to control the ebb and tide of the ocean. But now an empress of one of the human nations is pleading for you to let her borrow the Orbs to defeat her neighboring country and claim it as part of her empire. Mortals are so tiresome with their endless warring and power schemes. She's sacrificed one thing after the other, jewels, gold, meats—nothing to sway you. You do not let just anyone play with your balls.

    But now she has your attention. In front of your shrine, she brings a young man, a parade in the background. Calling your name, she draws a blade and puts it to the man's throat. This you will not endure. You are not a Blood God, and you will not allow this insignificant mortal to sully your name in red. You send a dragon to the capital to grab the man and return him to your palace. Saved from death, he is very grateful and eager to show his appreciation. It's been a long time since you've had a mate, and if the mortals can take concubines, then why shouldn't you?

    Fairly simple plot. We can either go with a one-shot where the Dragon king and the saved man enjoy a fun night together or make it more long-term, where the human is invited to stay as the Dragon King's concubine. If making long-term, we can try and play around with a plot where the saved man is a spy/thief sent by the empress to steal the Dragon King's magical balls.

  • Once upon a time, you had a lover. He was the firstborn son of a wealthy family in town, so you knew you could never live together publicly. You were content to live in the shadows, you knew that was your place. So you stayed and practically became his servant, but you didn't mind. It was worth it just to be near him. But then he ended things and got himself engaged to an equally wealthy woman. The wedding became a funeral when he was poisoned only a few days before the big event.

    But you couldn't stand to live in a world without him. The pain was too deep. And so you went back into the shadows, and you called on the ancient gods you'd kept there, and you bargained your soul for his. Now he awakens again, yours once more. But this time things are different. This time you literally hold his life in your hands. Now it's his turn to be the servant. And he should be happy to be so—so long as he never finds out, you were the one who killed him in the first place.

    This is basically a necromancer resurrects his former lover and uses his power to make him stay with him. I'm thinking this would be a tad on the darker side, very heavily focused on the power dynamic between the two. It really lends itself more to a long-term scenario, but I'm sure we can find a shortform version if you'd like.


magic • ressurection • servitude



intoxication • sensuality • ecstacy
  • The war with the neighboring country is as ancient as the myths surrounding your gods, but your reign has been especially bloody. Many men have been lost on both sides, and your city is filled with grieving widows and fatherless children. Still, you're safe in your palace, surrounded by your wives and harem. From here, you can command your armies and raise your children.

    In an attempt to end the bloodshed, your neighbors send you a peace offering. You watch from one of your balconies as your soldiers roll it into the city—a large metal cage painted with gold, containing a young man—the most beautiful creature you have ever seen. None of your wives or concubines come near to his beauty. The emissary tells you he is a tree nymph, exceptionally rare. Now you have to decide whether you want to take this creature and incorporate it into your harem or keep it in its cage. Little do you know that your kingdom is doomed, and this nymph is no dryad.

    If you look at the title banner, you might be able to guess what kind of creature you're dealing with. Playing my cards a little close here because I want part of this be you wondering what's going on. There's going to be a lot of partying, a lot of drinking, and possibly a few orgies. All in good fun.

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