Calcifer's Roast Session

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Calcifer's Roast Session


Demonic Flame Kat
Chat Monster Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Likes!
Local time
Today 4:58 AM
I'm Calcifer, I'm new to the site but im not new to writing. I stumbled across the site here from a Google search. I'm excited to write with you.
Welcome ! :)
Yes! Yessss! It's working! The endless monotonous voting is working! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHhH!

I played WoW a long time ago, and one of my characters had the same name. Calcifer. And I believe the reference is to the same source material. Oh how I loved that firey little devil.

I'm weird.

Sanctum is cool! There's pretty much a spot for everything, and everyone fits in somewhere. Enjoy your stay, fair traveler!
Anyone got a spare log? It's getting cold in here and this nub isn't gonna last much longer... help... im going out!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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