MxM Casual RP search

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MxM Casual RP search

Ruby Waters

Local time
Today 7:08 AM
[color= aqua] Hello lovelies! I'll try to keep this simple. [/color]

I'm searching for something to help bring my muse back. Just something simple and casual that I can dive into pretty easily. Doesn't mean it has to lack story plot and character detail, if the whole set up is too simple I'll loose even more interest.

[color= red] Rules/ Guidelines [/color]

- Follow the site rules
- No One liners. I prefer at the least two paragraphs, I need something to work with or else I'll loose the rhythm of the whole story
- Try to stay away from super cliched tropes, but having some classic features is fine. I like unique characters
- Smuts alright, I can do any sort of level of smut, but I'd rather it not be a focal point. So many 80/20%? plot to smut.

[color= mediumspringgreen] I don't really have any specific ideas, but I like things that have twists. One of my favorite things to do is to take a fairy tale and give it a big twist, just as an example. I'm fine with modern and fantasy setting, love them both. I like drama and feel good moments. Slice of life and Syfy too. I like everything. But what I'm searching for right now is something more CASUAL [/color]

So please throw some ideas at me and we can chat about what we like. My limits are pretty few, I'm interested in trying anything so long as its not too forced into the plot. I like things that feel like they come natural to the character.
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