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*CG Has entered the Chat*


Life is just a game on survival mode
Local time
Today 9:48 PM
East Coast, USA
Yo, Yo, Yo! Tis I, the Chaotic_Gamer, but I'm a man of many names. You can call me CG, Choatic, Gamer, or even The cooliest most funniest guy you've ever met. I'm just some random guy on the internet that loves living life, making people laugh, and writing awesome stories with the help of other cool people from the web. I've been roleplaying for a number of years, ever since I was twelve. So I'd say I have a good seven years of experience on my shoulders. Although, I've never been able to really find a 'home' on the internet, I have high hopes for this site and can't wait to get things crackalackin'.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome again! :D
A writer has no name... Welcome!
Enjoy your time here!
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