Character(s) Chai's Character Café

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Character(s) Chai's Character Café


a.k.a. spiced chicken, apparently
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Today 5:46 AM
ehm... *gestures vaguely*
idk how this works so I'mma just start with this one character.

Name: Charlot "Charlie" Owen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Eyes: bright amber
Hair: dark chocolate brown
Body: lean, athletic, ottermode
Personality: Charlot is aggressive, and generally straightforward. However, he's also quite a strategist, and he doesn't take well to plans going awry. When things don't happen exactly how and when he wants, he becomes extremely volatile. He hates his birthname, thinking it sounds effeminate, and most people even within the mafia believe that his name is Charles or Charlie. He does have some more domestic interests, though he is very closed off about those.
Backstory: Charlot was born into the mafia life, raised from a young age with the idea that he would lead it next. His father cared more about having a successor than having a son, and was quite the absentee. His mother loved him, though, and nutured his interests in non-mafia-related ventures. She passed away in his early teen years due to illness. When he was 21, his father instated him as the new leader of the Steel Sun Syndicate.

Distinguishing Features/Habits: Charlot has unusually bright, amber-yellow eyes, as well as a jagged, branching blackish birthmark on his right cheekbone. He's also got black snakebite piercings, and multiple ear piercings.

Clothing Style: nice slacks and a button-up, or jeans with a t-shirt, leather jacket, and steel jewelry.


Name: Liu XiYang
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Appearance: TBA
Personality: quiet, earnest, hardworking, compassionate


Name: Linley Greywillow
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5' 3"
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