MxF Chaotic Chip Despenser

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MxF Chaotic Chip Despenser

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Today 2:06 AM
Hopefully I will be able to get some people to read this and enjoy it, though doubtful since I such with these sort of things and more just plotting and getting things going. So why dont I just show what I like and what I would enjoy doing? Sounds about right, right?


All characters will be 18 and up and all rules will follow the site rules, no way around it!!!

Well for no list:
---- Pretty small as I am open to many things but still have limits. I do not like or enjoy bathroom Kinks or diapers. Just not my sort of Geode or Gem sorry, no offense or hate to anyone who does but they are not for me. And that is pretty much it really, again simple and short.

What I like:
---Asses, nice ass is always great and I do love slapping them!
---Sexy clothing, short shorts best
----Groping and rubbing is very enjoyable
---More than modern setting since I want to do more than mundane life, unless if the plot is great haha.
----Drawn/illustrated face claims, not real.

For Fandoms I like many and the normal sort of weeb sort, I like anime so sue me!

For cravings I have some, which are found right bellow!

--Powerpuff girls/ z:

Aged up to right age and of course more human looking than what they are in the show. I can do either the Western or Anime version and would enjoy plotting and making something with some one! I do like playing a bad guy forcing the heroines to bend over heu heu but it can be cute lovable sort!

Dragonball Z:
Craving to do something with OC or Broly super to any of the females since DBZ has a nice selection!
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