MxF Character Crushes

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MxF Character Crushes


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Today 5:18 AM
Might be an odd/cringe and slightly selfish thing to post but if anyone wants to start a RP as any of these characters, please let me know. I mostly play as OCs but let me know your preferences such as gender and how you would prefer them to look. For safety sake, we can up the age if need be.

What I'm Looking for:
At least three to five sentences in length per post is the most I ask. Ether way, I will do my best to match any length post. I'm probably only at about two paragraph posts myself.
Fluff or smut is fine.
Third person is preferred.
Please keep OOC chat to the inbox.
Everyone has their own schedule and sometimes writers block does hit... or depression. Please just try to post once a month. I will most likely post at least once a week.

Things that are a definite NO:
(think thats it but when in doubt, just ask)

Now onto the characters:
Grimmjow: Bleach
Gin: Bleach
Sebastion: Black Butler
Sesshomaru: Inuyasha
Bakugo: My Hero Academia
Dabi: My Hero Academia
Hiei: Yu Yu Hakusho
Kurama: Yu Yu Hakusho
Hisoka: Hunter X Hunter
Itachi: Naruto
Loki: The MCU
The Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who
Eliot: The Magicians
Draco: Harry Potter
Tyrion: Game of Thrones
Jareth: Labyrinth
Klaus: The Umbrella Academy
Just about any Even Peters character
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