Character(s) Character Log for Stonehand

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Character(s) Character Log for Stonehand

Name: Tracker

como vestir a la moda robot.jpg
Image cred - apparently from Cyberpunk 2077? HYPED! Might even be a more major character - oops? But who knows yet!

Species: Warfare Sniper Bot - XX7 model from NERK Industries - 1 of very few of the XX7 models made before production was quickly cut short. It's believed he is the last of his kind. More in Early Life below.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Personality: Serious, sarcastic, and private. Closed off, and struggles to handle his emotions. Tends to act cold, sometimes even rude.
Arc: Needs to learn to "play nice", learn how to empathize, and open up.
Strengths: Incredible sniper eye and observational awareness, legs equipped with powerful jump-boosting, and high tracking abilities.
Weaknesses: Only some basic knowledge on hacking and cannot work with advanced terminals, stronger than most humans but weak against heavy-type robots and extremely strong beasts, and no emotional awareness.
Long saber - A glowing katana-like blade for close-combat. Can cut cleanly through most metals.
Sniper Gun - Made specifically for far-ranged, sneak shots. Specifically made for Tracker's robot type. Comes with nuclear bullet generation (60 second delay time for bullet production in the chamber. Once bullet is formed, can fire when ready. 1 bullet can be generated/formed at a time.)

Life: Tracker is one of many robots who was originally created to be a war machine. When he was just fresh off the factory press, NERK Industries' main hub for robot production was bombed by their rival company, PRIME co. Tracker managed to survive, being one of the last robots to be in the finalization station to be checked for flaws. The finalization station was somehow strong enough to not completely crush Tracker in rubble. He believes the rest of the robots that were created alongside him were completely obliterated by the destruction. NERK Industries was soon forced to completely shut down after a full-on war with PRIME co. PRIME co. is now the top robot manufacture on all of Proto.

After stumbling through rubble and stepping over living and mechanical corpses, he was forced to find his own path. He quickly became a bounty hunter, earning himself credits for energy cells (more on that in the Robot section here) to remain functional. He now resides in the city of Concort, doing small jobs here and there. He's made quite a few enemies during his time in Concort and barely has anyone he can call a 'friend'.
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