Character(s) Characters from the Vault of Dreams

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Character(s) Characters from the Vault of Dreams


God of Dreams, Prince of Sleep, and HBIC
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Dangerous Business Who Are You? 250 Posts! Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Likes! Chat Monster Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the Sanctum
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He/ Him
I often create new characters for all the threads I participate in, but have decided to put them down in this thread from now on. If you like a certain character and would like to play with him/her, just let me know. I can always tweak a character for a certain RP, and since I like all my characters I wouldn't mind playing them in different settings and scenarios.

Banners for Character sheets, such as the first one, were created by @Semi-Sweet.
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Several RPs I play have monsters as playable characters in the thread, but I have different interpretations of some of them that differ from what's in popular media.

A vampire is essentially a dead person, whose body is reanimated after they die and must feed on blood to continue existing among the living. However, though the stories of vampire lore do hold some truth many of these stories also contain many lies. The vampires of today are probably more dangerous than the stories you're used to, but they are also smart enough to conceal what they do in such a way that it's as if they were never there. Only those with ties to the supernatural are enlightened to their existence.

Currently, there is only one known way to make a vampire. A vampire must choose a victim, drain them nearly out of their blood, and then have them feed from their own until their victim succumbs to the transformation. The transformation does cause a few notable changes in their bodies. As vampires do not need to breathe to continue living their skin does pale from the lack of the circulation of blood, but some do continue just so they can better hide among the living. A vampire's most notable feature is their eyes, which are black and tend to be hypnotic, putting those that get caught in their gaze in a trance. Vampires usually change their eye color with their powers, yet the trancelike state their gaze produces remains.

The strength of a vampire is determined by a few factors. Though age is taken into account - an old vampire is naturally stronger than a young one - the willpower an individual had before being turned can also influence their strength. As a reward for fighting the transformation, their strength grows at a rapid rate. This willpower can manifest itself physically, by harming their sire in some shape or form, or by fighting to hold on to their humanity rather than succumb to it If someone is turned willingly they are considered weak and are fated to not grow that much stronger even if they do turn out to live for a long time.

One of the most common lies in vampire lore is their weakness to sunlight. Vampires do not burn in the sun, or even sparkle, though the sun does hold a sort of power over them. All the talents a vampire possesses aren't available to them under sunlight leaving them almost as defenseless as humans. However, once it's dusk and their powers begin to emerge, it's easier for a vampire to hunt and then they are far from defenseless. Aside from the sun, crucifixes and silver do not harm them as well, though it's rare to find a vampire who finds solace in religion.

The bite from a vampire can do many things. Most of the time a vampire will put someone to sleep, but if a vampire chooses to keep their victim awake the bite can cause an immeasurable amount of pain or a great deal of pleasure - usually the vampire's choice. While drinking a victim's blood a vampire can learn virtually everything about them, including everything they've ever seen or experienced. Fledgling vampires usually can't stop themselves from draining a victim completely, but as they grow older and stronger it becomes easier to control their blood lust.

Vampires possess heightened senses and supernatural strength. The sense of scent of a vampire is 20 times stronger than the average bloodhound and they can hear whispered conversation over great distances, so it's hard to keep anything hidden from them. They also heal very fast - cuts and bruises heal in seconds, and it only takes a few minutes of rest to recover from an injury that would disable a human permanently. However, it is possible to scar a vampire with weapons tinted with magic or with weapons laced in vampire hunter's poison or vervain, which is fatal to a vampire if consumed in large quantities.

Despite a vampire's physical strength, it is unusual for them to use it while fighting one another. One of the first abilities a vampire gains after his or her transformation is the awareness of that part of the brain that's unavailable to humans while they're alive. With this part of the brain unlocked a vampire has the power to do things such as manipulate minds, shapeshift, and read the auras of other creatures, determining their species and strength. Within time, a vampire can cloak their aura, send out psychic blasts to fight with, and if a vampire is exceptionally strong, summon elements. A surefire way for a vampire to become stronger though is for them to feed than another. Vampires can't be drained from their blood, but if another vampire feeds from them anyway to block out the other vampire from their mind disappears.

A unique skill available to vampires is the power to transform into ether, or pure energy, and transport themselves to another place almost instantaneously. Using this skill, however, tends to weaken a vampire temporarily and keep them defenseless. Also, the farther a vampire travels in this form the longer they'll be weakened, so even though it is an interesting little gimmick, you'll rarely find a vampire in this form.

Another myth from vampire lore is that vampires sleep in coffins. Vampires might rise from coffins but they are in no way connected to them. A myth that happens to be true though is their lack of a reflection. Fledging vampires do bear a reflection, but as they grow older their reflection begins to grow faint, and older vampires have no reflection at all. Also, most vampires tend to be drop-dead gorgeous as the transformation tends to clear out most impurities.

Even though vampires tend to be independent they do have a ruler named Luciano, who was the first vampire in existence and therefore one of the strongest in the world. Luciano does not answer where vampires came from and even though he does rule over vampires, is rarely seen. Luciano formed a vampire community known as Aramore which is the only real unified community of vampires in the world. Aramore's location is secret and most vampires receive the location by invitation only. Humans who find the community are simply killed or turned (usually the former) so the location won't be compromised.
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Werewolf lore started to get popular back in the Middle Ages, during the 14th century. A werewolf, or lycanthrope, is a creature that under the light of a full moon, changes into a wolf and then transforms back into a human in the morning, usually with no recollection of what happened the night before. However, even though werewolves are popular the story has gone through many variations – Hollywood and other storytellers often adding their own spin into the myth.

A human can be turned in a variety of ways, though the most common ways are by being bitten by an alpha werewolf or being scratched by one. The latter is not as common as the first, but if the wound is deep enough and they survive, it's possible the human became a werewolf. Also, a werewolf has 4 different forms: Man; man-wolf; wolf-man; and finally wolf. A werewolf in wolf form looks much like a normal wolf, except it's noticeably larger than other wolves in the wild.

A werewolf, like a vampire, has enhanced senses and reflexes. They are stronger, faster, and smarter than humans in all stages, though these senses all become as strong as a vampire's when they are in wolf form. However, a werewolf's sense of scent and taste is the strongest out of all their other senses and stronger than those of a vampire, even when they are in human form. Also, like vampires, werewolves tend to heal very quickly, especially during nights of the full moon.

Werewolves tend to be very loyal creatures. Most werewolves will join the pack of the alpha that turned them and will eventually start living among them. An alpha is the leader of a wolf pack - the only wolf in the pack capable of making new werewolves. An alpha contains a certain level of animalistic instinct that essentially makes them more "wolf-like" than other werewolves and therefore more evolved. This instinct often is displayed through fighting ability and at times, negative and positive characteristics or morals of a werewolf.

If an alpha should die, the alpha's beta will take over. The title of beta is given by the alpha itself. However, before the beta can take over, someone else in the pack can try to take the beta's place by fighting them until one of the wolves either yields or is killed. A clear way to recognize an alpha in a pack of werewolves is to look at their eyes. Even though the eyes of werewolves vary in color, most commonly being blue or yellow, the eyes of an alpha are always red.

Werewolves are hard to kill, but they aren't in any way immortal. Silver weapons do harm them, but weapons tinted with wolfsbane (also called aconite) and magic can also do considerable damage to them. Also, wolfsbane will often "shut" off a werewolf's power, making them almost defenseless. Werewolves can also die of old age though there are stories of werewolves that are immortal. No one knows how this was done, though a werewolf can become immortal with the help of a witch. However, since werewolves are untrusting of other races, it's unlikely.

Even though humans can be turned into werewolves it is also possible to make a werewolf through means of reproduction. If a werewolf mates with another werewolf, a werewolf is born. If a werewolf should, however, mate with another creature their offspring will become half-werewolf. These half-werewolves only have three stages of transformation (man, man-wolf, and wolf-man) but the drawback is that their senses aren't as strong as a werewolf, they can be harmed by "normal" weapons, and they do not heal as quickly.

Werewolves can turn into any of their four stages at will, though during the night of the full moon, they must turn into their wolf form only to turn back into a human in the morning. New werewolves often won't remember what happened when they first turned and be out of control, but those who have been werewolves longer can often control themselves and have a clear recollection of what happened, though they won't be able to resist the transformation.

Since werewolves have enhanced senses and tend to heal very fast, werewolves tend to be gorgeous creatures. When a werewolf is made their body is "perfected" so generally all werewolves are drop-dead gorgeous.
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Original RP: Nemesis: In Love and War


Pseudonyms: Cupid, Amor
Epithets and titles: With golden wings, the Beloved, Loved by the lover, Object of attraction, he who strikes quickly, flies on a course of fire, mighty with a bow
Family: Aphrodite (mother); Ares (father), Hephaestus (step-father); Himeros (brother); Pothos (brother); Phobos (brother); Deimos (brother); Hedone (daughter); Psyche (ex-wife).
Race: 6th generation God
Age: Immortal
  • Immortality - Much like his mother, as long as desire is alive in the world, so will Eros's fountain of ambrosia flow. What makes Eros's fountain different is not only does he receive ambrosia from human desire, but from the desires of the Gods themselves. As such, Eros's fountain has always been plentiful.
  • Superhuman attributes - Because of Eros's parentage, Eros is stronger than even some Gods much older than him. He also inherited his mother's stamina and has proven to be very quick and agile.
  • Flight - Eros, like the rest of the Erotes, was born with a pair of Golden wings that he uses to fly around in.
  • Pheromones - Much like his mother's perfume, being around Eros causes one's desires to be at a heightened state.
History: Eros, along with his brothers Himero and Pothos, is the product of the union of Aphrodite and Ares. Despite being one of the youngest gods in the pantheon, Eros's title of God of Desire proved to be quick dangerous since no one is immune to the arrows he wields. Eros is the reason why some mortals and Gods fall in love, and since he's loyal to his mother, some Gods are careful around him when they're at odds with Aphrodite.

Throughout the millennia of Eros's life, he has been the cause of much debate. When he was a young man, a self-inflicted wound caused him to fall in love with Psyche, but after marrying her and becoming a parent, Aphrodite was able to reverse the effects of Eros's arrow and Eros divorced Psyche (at the grievance of Hera) because according to him, it was not a love of the heart. They are still civil because of Hedone, but they no longer feel love for each other.

Since then, he has had an on-again, off-again affair with Apollo, who he often competes with for the title of "fairest of the Gods". This competition has caused them to be fierce rivals and fierce lovers, and though the affection they feel for each other has been often speculated, it's never been confirmed.

Eros still operates as the God of Desire, though he spends much of his time on Earth. With his stepfather's help, he was able to release Tinder and Grindr and now uses these apps to spread desire globally even when he's off the clock. Despite being more independent than before, he is still very loyal to his mother and remains her favorite son, though he's been a bit more rebellious as of late. The reason why though, Eros thinks, is his business and no one else's.

Appearance: Many agree the Eros's title of God of Desire is well deserved after they've laid eyes on him for the first time. Eros inherited his mother's impressive eyes but grew up bearing dirty blond hair rather than his mom's fair locks. As Eros is also the son of the God of War, he also has an impressive physique, so much so that he deviates from any avatar that portrays him a chubby baby because according to him "I was never chubby". He also has a pair of Golden Wings that he uses to travel around with.

Throughout the last few millennia, Eros grew to love body art, and as a result has tattoos all over his body, except his face. When on earth, his golden wings become a full-scale wing tattoo on his back, and his bow and arrow are characterized by a tattoo on his forearm, allowing them to appear when he needs them. He often wears expensive designer brands, being somewhat materialistic, but he does like to show off.

Magical Objects:
  • Golden Arrows - These arrows are the ones that Eros uses the most. These arrows cause anyone who wounded by one to fall madly in love with whomever Eros chooses, or at least whomever they see first.
  • Lead Arrows - These arrows tend to be blunt and heavy, but have two purposes. They can either harm someone or cause someone to reject love from another.
  • Golden Quiver - Eros's golden quiver is enchanted to never run out of arrows. Whenever he pulls out his last one it fills once again, allowing him to continue working if he feels like it.
  • Lyre - Gifted to him by Hermes, Eros is quite gifted with the instrument. Some feel that Eros could easily use his lyre rather than his arrows to enchant others, but the lyre simply allows his pheromone powers to reach a wider audience.

Pseudonyms: Apollôn, Cy'nthius, Daphnaios, De'lius
Epithets and titles: Averter of evil; radiant god; the hunter; god with the golden arms; the helper; giver of light; god of marble; leader of fate; the shining, pure and bright.
Family: Zeus (father), Leto (mother); Hera (step-mother); Artemis (twin sister)
Race: 5th generation God
Age: Immortal
  • Immortality - Music, and healing (sometimes characterized as light) are things that Apollo presides over, and as such his fountain of ambrosia flows quite well, especially with how prevalent music is in today's society and the advances of medicine throughout the last millennia.
  • Superhuman attributes - Apollo has always been quite athletic so holds his own in terms of strength and stamina. He is fast - though probably not as fast as Artemis - and is exceptional at the bow, never missing his mark.
  • Foresight - Long ago, and even to this day, Apollo sometimes awards some humans with his gift of foresight, seeing into the future. Although gifted in it, Apollo uses this power rarely, preferring to enjoy life as it happens.
  • Healing - Apollo can heal himself and others at an extremely fast rate, so fast that for mortals it's almost instantaneous.
History: Apollo and his twin sister Artemis were born from Zeus's union with the Titan Goddess Leto. Upset with Zeus's infidelity, Hera placed a curse on Leto so she couldn't give birth anywhere on Earth. However, Leto soon found the floating island of Delos, where she gave birth to twins - Apollo and Artemis.

In order to keep them safe from Hera, upon their birth, Apollo and Artemis were fed nectar and ambrosia, allowing them to grow to full-size gods in one day. A few days later Apollo slew the dragon Python at Delphi, sent by Hera to kill Leto and her children, with magical arrows gifted to him by Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and technology.

After he slew Python Apollo became the patron god of Delphi and gifted a worshipper of his with the gift of foresight, this being his first oracle. Apollo would give a worshipper of his this gift every time the previous oracle died, somewhat selective in his process. He also soon became the leader of the Muses, goddesses of art, science, and literature.

For the last few millennia, Apollo has had several relationships, as well as an ongoing affair with Eros that at times he stops due to his rivalry with the young God. Music is often a big contributor to his fountain of ambrosia, though it often flows quicker when advances in medicine happen. Apollo spends most of his time in Olympus but does travel down to Earth from time to time to be a spectator or judge at musical events.

Appearance: Apollo had often been called fairest of the Gods and some find that this moniker fits him quite well. Gifted with a bronze skin complexion, dirty blond hair that's lighter in the warmer months, and a very impressive physique, Apollo draws admirers wherever he goes. Finding that most clothes fit tight on him, he often parades around shirtless, though most others don't seem to mind. When he needs to be dressed it's often quite stylish, often pairing his attire with an elegant blazer or jacket.

Magical Objects:
  • Bow and arrows - Gifted to him by Hephaestus, Apollo is an expert marksman. Apollo can often be distinguished by the arrows he wields during combat.
  • Lyre - Another gift from the Gods, this time from Hermes, Apollo's lyre had the ability to turn into different instruments, all which Apollo mastered, making him more musically gifted than any other God or Goddess. This is what ultimately led him to lead the Muses.
  • Swan-drawn Chariot - When Apollo needs to travel somewhere he boards a grand chariot pulled by seven majestic swans,
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Original RP: Black, Black Heart
Ambrosiano Li Voti Banner.png

Age: 30
Race: Werewolf
Appearance: Ambrosiano was always beautiful, even before he became a werewolf. Blessed with dark hair, hazel eyes, and a bronzed skin complexion, he was admired for his beauty, moreover, when he coupled his good looks with an impressive physique. He tends to dress in an elegant matter, though he does sometimes like to dress a bit more extravagantly.

As a wolf, Ambrosiano appears at a pure white wolf with red eyes, his status of alpha clear. Like most werewolves, he appears larger than normal wolves, but like his human counterpart, is considered beautiful by most on-lookers.

Personality: Ambrosiano is generally well-liked by other people. Tending to see the glass half full, he's always cared deeply for others, and helps others succeed to the best of his ability. He tends to be flirtatious with other people no matter the situation but known to be especially friendly with other men. It's unusual for a werewolf, but most are soon charmed by this werewolf's nature and all-around drop-dead gorgeous looks.

Brief Bio: Ambrosiano, or Ambros as he commonly called, started life as a normal human. He grew up with a sense of purpose, devoting his life to helping others, and wanting to make the world a better place. Shortly before his 18th birthday, on his way home from a party, he cut through the woods to get home a bit faster. It was on this shortcut home that he ran into a large black wolf with red eyes, who suddenly attacked him and bit him on the forearm.

Ambros made it out alive and miraculously, by the time he got home, the deep bite the wolf had given him had disappeared. It wasn't until after the night of the first full moon, that Ambros learned what had happened to him. He had woken up the next morning in the woods, next to 3 strangers and Parrish, a college student that he had met during the party. Parrish explained to him that he had been watching Ambros for a while and after some deliberation, wanted him to be part of his pack.

Declining at first, it wasn't until a few months later that Ambros finally agreed to be part of Parrish's pack. He was finding it harder to control his emerging powers and learned that lone wolves ended up becoming feral or end up dead sooner or later. Ambros proved to be an invaluable part of the pack, helping other members whenever he could and help keep the pack safe whenever dangers arose. He became an amazing fighter, and three years after formally joining the pack, when he finally began living among them, that Parrish made him his beta.

Four years after becoming beta of his pack, Parrish, unfortunately, met his end after they were ambushed by a group of werewolf hunters. The pack had gotten away thanks to his sacrifice, but as per werewolf law, after Parrish perished, Ambros became the new alpha of his pack. Unsure what to do at first, Ambros just followed Parrish's example, but soon enough came into his own, and with his leadership, his pack became well-known in the werewolf community.

AI: Ambros tends to keep his pack quite small. Since he was turned against his will, he doesn't turn others unless they actually want to become werewolves. This has led to his pack being very selective, but very tight-knit as well. Ambros is also gay, something known very well by the rest of his pack.

Cassius Vestuvius Triano Banner.png

Age: Unknown, but appears to be in his early 20's.
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Cassius has always looked shockingly young to other people. He retains the looks he had when he originally died, with blond hair, an unblemished sun-kissed skin complexion, and uses his powers to turn his black eyes into pale green ones. With a lean, well-defined figure, he tends to look good in most clothes but is a big fan of showing off to others.

Personality: Cassius is a rather proud and independent individual. He believes in the value of hard work but is quite materialistic, getting the best that money can buy. Despite this, no one can deny Cassius's charm so the vampire never has to work very hard to capture prey, Bold and outspoken, he tends to share his opinion, but most do listen for what he says often makes a lot of sense.

Brief Bio: Cassius was born in Ancient Greco-Roman times, near the infancy of the Roman Empire. He was part of a rather popular noble family but in order to be well-rounded, his family often sent Cassius and his brother and sister to neighboring countries to learn about their culture and customs. It was during Cassius's 27th year, on one of these trips to India, that Cassius was sired by his own retainer, a man named Moratio.

Cassius and his sire spent many years together, first as partners, and even some time as a couple before Cassius decided to part ways with him. The Roman Empire had just fallen and Cassius was ready to start anew and wanted to do more than be with Moratio for all eternity. Using his powers, he would often make himself the rightful heir of a wealthy family, providing himself with adequate funds to live a relatively easy life.

Once the new World was discovered, Cassius traveled there in order to broaden his horizons. He had never really given up his family's views of being well-rounded, but having already lived for over a thousand years, he felt he had seen much of known world already and was interested in seeing something new. As he had done before, he set himself up to be at a position of power and has been there for most turning points in American history, though he did a spend few centuries across the pond when he wanted a change of scenery.

Currently, Cassius's lastest alias, Liam Donahue, is the head of Vestuvuis Industries, a hugely successful technology company. Liam's real identity is only known by a few people, most notably by Moratio, who made a recent reemergence into Cass's life and now lives in Aelton. Cassius tolerates him, but doesn't care much for him, especially since he constantly reminds him he sired him.

AI: Cassius prefers to be called Cass. Furthermore, as he has lived for over two thousand years and dated both men and women, he considers himself pansexual.
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Original RP: Communing with the Earth

Brys Tudor

Architect 02.jpg
Race: Human
Age: 26
Class: Summoner
Appearance: Brys's appearance has been somewhat warped by his continued studies of summoning magic. His skin has paled considerably, his eyes give off a crimson glow, and began to grow claws rather than fingernails. He has dirty platinum blond hair that's somewhat long, along with a clean-shaven appearance, that makes him appear younger than he really is. Unlike most mages, Brys has a lean, yet toned body figure that speaks of someone who likes to take care of himself, even if he does spend much of his day engrossed in the magical arts.

Personality: Brys is a somewhat serious and honest individual, which makes him seem off-putting to other people at first, but those that get to know him, find that he strives to improve the lives of other people around him. Polite and kind to those he knows best, he's proven to be extremely intelligent and aware of his surroundings, though he doesn't press others for information unless he deems it necessary. Despite the way he seems, he is quite personable, and won't act hostile or disrespectful unless he's provoked. He's always looking to learn more about the world and people around him, eager to help others to the best of his ability.

Brief Bio: Brys Tudor didn't mean to grow up differently from other children. While other children were out playing and goofing off, Brys chose to spend his time studying and learning about the world around him. His curiosity to learn how things worked was so vast, that it came to no surprise when Brys decided to take the path of a mage, learning not only about the physical world around him, but the metaphysical as well. He excelled in his chosen path, and soon Brys became one of the youngest summoners in the Kingdom.

Since Brys became a Summoner, he began to live deep in the forest, en equal distance from where he feels he has the strongest connection to the four main elements. He is often visited by people who live in the city, seeking his help and guidance when they feel they have a particularly difficult problem. Brys always helps any way he can, eager to offer his assistance.
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Original RP: A City Haunt
Jason Harper Banner.png
Assistant Manager at Mozart's Café

Description: Jason Harper has always been admired by others thanks to his good looks, his winning smile, and a charming personality that is second to none. Often believing that one should work hard to get ahead in life, Jason has always been described as very independent, often finding his own way to get what he needed or wanted in life. Graced with dirty blond locks, blue eyes, and a slightly bronzed skin complexion, the young man has always believed in taking very good care of himself, evident by his drop-dead gorgeous physique and how he always strives to look his very best.

Despite being very self-reliant, he does seem to genuinely care for other people and tries to help others the best he can when he feels he can do so. This self-reliance often makes it hard for him to admit to others that he sometimes needs help himself, and often only asks for help when he finds he's desperate. He just doesn't want to feel like a burden to others, even though he has always been known to repay his debts.

Brief Bio: Born in a strictly middle-class family in a small town, Jason has never really had the illusions of grandeur that he felt other people often had. He grew up relatively normal, active in an assortment of sports (though he excelled in lacrosse), and always had a number of good friends, generally liked by others. Finding that his parents were both very hard workers, Jason got a job as soon as he was able to, so he could help out and have his own money.

During High School, Jason joined the lacrosse team and got good grades, enough to be offered a partial scholarship to Northeastern University, which was across the country. He accepted, but after gauging the cost of tuition and living in a new town by himself, he decided to take a gap year to focus on getting some expenses before he started going to school. Talking to Mozart's Coffee, his current job, he was able to secure a position as an Assistant Manager at a new Mozart's that was opening in the city he planned to go to school, Boston, Massachusetts.
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Original RP: Dishonest Dealings

Occupation: Police Detective
Description: Lyle has always been praised for his good looks. The young man stands at 6'2" (188 cm), and he's been praised with brown hair, blue-green eyes, and lightly bronzed skin complexion. Lyle works out every day and has been rewarded with a defined and muscular upper body that most men he's hooked up with compliment him on. He has tattoos down his left arm covering up a surgery scar and got a tattoo of a rose on his mid-section during his college years, something he and a number of his fraternity brothers did.

Lyles is a detective and dresses in suits when investigating a case, always making sure the suit is clean and presentable. When he's not in uniform, it's a complete 180 and he wears tank tops, distressed jeans, and a hoodie of some kind if it's cold outside. Lyle has always been a law-abiding citizen and follows the rules, and is usually polite and respectful. He leaves his vulgarities to the bedroom, but most who have been lucky enough to sleep with him describe him as a great fuck.

Brief Bio: Lyle Colton was born in a relatively small town called Copper's Cove and was the only son of the sheriff in town. Lyle's mom died in a car accident when he was still very young but the young man has always strived to be someone his father is proud of as his wife's death affects him to this day. Lyle played several sports while in High School and was actually offered a football scholarship when he was a senior but he turned it down since he wished to follow in his father's footsteps.

After getting his associate's degree and going through Police Academy Lyle entered the force at the young age of 21. He worked under his father's tutelage for a few years, but after four years of being a police officer, took the detective's exam and passed with a relatively high score. He was Copper's Cove detective for only one year after he was offered a position at Ironhaven March, one of the most dangerous cities in the States. After a few days, Lyle accepted the position, hoping to make Ironhaven March a safer place to live for the citizens there.

  • Came out when he was in High School and lives as an openly gay man
  • Is a musician and plays a multitude of different instruments
  • Is a self-proclaimed gamer, but doesn't get to play as much as he'd like to
Original RP: Le Monde d'Arthur - The Prince's Ball (WIP)

Crown Prince of Camelot
Uther Pendragon (father); Igraine Pendragon (mother, deceased); Blancheneige Pendragon (step-mother); Vortigern Pendragon (Uncle); Madoc Pendragon (brother); Morgan Gorlois (step-brother); Morgause, Moronoe, Morin, Morfudd, Mortaise, Morcades, Morag, Morgana (step-sisters)
The crown prince of Camelot has always been admired for his beauty. He was blessed with Thulain looks, bearing a chiseled face akin to many famous sculptures of art. He took on some of his father's traits, most notably his blond hair and bronzed skin, but inherited green eyes from his late mother. Thanks to his extensive training with a sword Arthur developed to have a strong, well-defined upper body, and on his 20th birthday, in a rare act of rebellion, got a tattoo on his torso. He loves showing it off, the image being one of Sarras in its heyday, the motto of Camelot proudly emblazoned on a ribbon along the bottom.

Arthur's attire is somewhat vast, but he tends to dress as the rank of his title implores him to. He often uses expensive fabrics such as silk, and vouches for vibrant and somewhat hard-to-manufacture colors, with an emphasis on blue - his favorite hue. In the privacy of his room, he strips down to wear almost nothing at all for his room on the castle faces the east. and gets very warm thanks to the rising sun.
The epitome of perfection, at least that's what Arthur is supposed to embody.

The crown prince is brilliant and tends to pay attention to details most wouldn't, making him the perfect tactician. From a young age, he's been confident and bold, though his independence and freedom are hampered thanks to his rank and destined future. Despite this, he's been happy most of his life, even if he is a bit naive about the legacy he will soon inherit.

Something that's also well-known about Arthur is that he's charming and seductive as fuck. The man knows just how to move, knows what to say, and knows when to flash that smile to stick out in people's minds. He's literally charmed the pants off of several stableboys, a nobleman, and even his father's most trusted advisor, Merlin. Arthur tends to get what he wants and isn't above using his rank or charm to do it.
Arthur Pendragon is the firstborn son of Uther Pendragon and his late wife Igraine, and as such has been groomed to reign over Camelot once his father passes away. From an early age, Arthur knew of his role and did his best to perform to the best of his ability. He studied hard, did what was asked of him, and even began to train as a Knight as some kings he was familiar with had been Knights themselves in the past. His training was so extensive, that when his father remarried, he and his new wife Blancheneige chose not to have children so Arthur could keep his legacy.

However, even though Arthur was training to be King, his parents did their best to shield him from the horrors of the world. Arthur knew his father was uniting the Seven Kingdoms, but was never present for any of the negotiations and had never actually witnessed any of the battles he had heard about. Despite being one of the best swordsmen of his cavalry, he was never asked to participate in any battles and a Knight never approached him to ask him to be their squire, even though many of his cavalry had done so.

It was soon clear to Arthur what was happening but continued to follow the rules. When he accompanied his younger brother Madoc to the local taverns he never drank as much as he did, and went back to the castle rather than join him in the brothels. Even though he knew there was a possibility he never would be a Knight continued to train as one, his skills soon on par with a knight even though he never officially acquired the title of one. Honestly, there was only one thing he didn't really have to study for - the art of diplomacy.

For as long as Arthur could remember, he usually got his way. It wasn't just because he was the crown prince - though he supposed it helped - but people tended to see his way after he spoke to them for a while. Arthur was just naturally charming, even when he didn't mean to be. The way he carried himself, the way he spoke, and his dazzling smile, all exuded charm and helped him get most of what he wanted, whether it was some more food on his plate or spending more time at castles in other provinces - the most freedom his parents agreed on.

Even though Arthur was the perfect model of a future King he did rebel sometimes. When he turned 20 he got a tattoo on his torso, something none of his other siblings or relatives ever did. However, the biggest rule that Arthur broke had to do with his sexuality. Arthur was supposed to marry a woman and have children, but he had only been attracted to other men as he grew up. He had used his charm to sleep with several stableboys at the castle, slept with one visiting nobleman, and even managed to share a few breathless nights with Merlin. Knowing others would use this against him, he does his best to hide it unless he has control somehow.

Now, on the eve of his 30th birthday, the prince knows he has to choose a woman to be his queen and somehow impregnate her so he can have heirs of his own. His father has even arranged a week-long celebration just so Arthur can choose his bride-to-be. Arthur is reluctant to attend but will do so, doing what he's told. Perhaps. Arthur can even find a few moments to steal away with another man. There is no reason why he shouldn't have fun himself…
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