Character(s) Characters of Mars

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Character(s) Characters of Mars


Embrace the Dark to Accept the Light
Local time
Today 7:53 PM
Divone Moulstone
Age: Early 20s
Hair: Fine Ivory almost silver in moonlight.
Eyes: Ancient Amethyst
Figure: Short with deep curves.
Markings: Porcelain skin with ancient silver text which brilliantly illuminate with inner light while in the depths of darkness.

Personality: Due to being isolated from the main population, Divone is a bit quiet especially around males, but when challenged she becomes outspoke and determined. Willing to place other's good welfare above her own suffering, she would seem like a model heroine but she has a temper and broken mind.

Magick: As a born "Magi" (a female born possess the Inner Light) she has the gift illumination which causes the markings upon her skin to glow and attract demons/monsters within the darkness.
---within darkness her strength, speed, and endurance is exceedingly increased, but within the light/sun/day she is such weaker.
---within the darkness she has night vision.
---expertly trained in hand to hand combat.

Basic Background: Born in the World where monsters/demons born of the night terrorize cities, towns, and villages, only Magi born females can help ease the suffering of the general population; Magis are sent our to live in their own tribe by the age of their first blood (11-14) which is when their Inner Light proves theirtheir birthright.

During the evening hours all Cities (wealthy), Towns (mid-class), and only some Villages (sounds) are protected by magic light barriers forming dome like structures over them. During this time the Magis are tasked to protect the general population from monsters/demons.

Monsters/demons born from the darkness have the abilities to infect pure darkness into any living being, however Magis are more equipped to defend against the Dark Infection.

*Will have at least one more OC later!**
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