Character(s) CharlieKitty's Character List

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Character(s) CharlieKitty's Character List


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Roleplay: To Catch A Thief
Name: Eleanor Baker
Age: 18
Birthday: June 22
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Appearance: Soft face and features, small breasts, slender/underweight. She has light long blonde hair that she commonly puts under a cap to pass as a boy and blue eyes. She commonly wears male working class clothes, or a simple cotton dress.
Personality: Eleanor is kind, yet impulsive. She tries to do the best she can but is often short sighted. She cares about those that she loves deeply and will do anything to protect them. Internally, she is often anxious and worries about the possibilities of her future and it is hard to get her to enjoy the present moment. She's found that time with her friends has eased these struggles somewhat. However, she still worries about the kind of person that she is versus the person that she may have to become.
Likes: Tea, books, animals, chess
Dislikes: Surprises, people that bring her family into conflicts, large/deep bodies of water,
Backstory: Eleanor grew up in a working class family. Her mother was a maid and her father a sailor for the royal navy. He died when she was three years old and so she has very little memory of her father. Her mother had gotten a job after her father's death with a wealthy family as one of their maids that was at least able to pay the bills Eleanor was allowed to go with her mother to work. However, when Eleanor was ten her mother became pregnant and was promptly fired from her job leaving them struggling further for money. Giving birth to Eleanor's sister took much of her mother's strength and both almost did not make it. This left her mother weak and her sister grew up as a fairly sickly child. Her mother then took to prostituting herself to make ends meet. When Eleanor was fourteen, her mother contracted scarlet fever that damaged her brain, which began to degenerate, leaving their mother an invalid and Eleanor to find a way to provide for their family. Eleanor had been caught stealing from a mansion owned by the Silver's twins. She is currently working there as a maid for Lorus and Lillyan Silvers. She has made many friends at the mansion including her best friend, Kiefer.

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Name: Corinne Kensley
Age: 22
Sex: F
Birthplace: London, England
Skills: Multilingual [English, French, German (minor)], Piano/piano composition, highly intelligent,
Family: Mother [Deceased], Father [64], Sister 27
Personality: Growing up, Corinne was fairly shy and introverted. She was never the type of person to go out and be a socialite. Instead, she focused on things that she could do alone which mostly included her studies and reading. After once accused of being uptight, she learned to put on a mask when dealing with others and has learned to use that to her advantage as she got older. Despite the difference between her real self and the mask she puts on, she does wish for genuine connections with others, but feels like she can't experience that due to her current double life.
History: Corinne's father was a wealthy businessman and former member of the Royal Navy with ties to members of parliament and her mother was an heiress of a shipping company. She was doted on as a child and given the best that her family could offer. Even through the financial crisis, her family remained more than comfortable and they never went without. When she was old enough and completed her secondary education, she went to Paris to see the world and receive her University degree. However, she found herself stuck there when Germany conquered and occupied France. During the battle, she lost friends and a lover to the fighting. She along with other students had begun to organize resistance amongst the students and information networks in the early days of the occupation and this eventually caught the attention of the right people.

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Open For Roleplays

Name: Juliette Park
Nickname: Julie, Jule(s)
Age: 19
Birthdate: November 20
Zodiac: Scorpio
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Blue
Nationality: Half-Korean
Education: 2 years of college, graduated high school early; Currently a Junior majoring in Social Work.
Family Members: Father- Jae-ho Park (55), Mother- Elizabeth Morris-Park (50), Brother- Jake Park (26)
Appearance: She has brown hair, brown eyes, and a petite frame. She stands at about 5'4. She has a tattoo of song lyrics on the outside of her right thigh.
Personality: Generally fairly bubbly and happy, Juliette is often an optimist that tries to make people's days and lives brighter. She is witty and intelligent, although she can be impulsive with a stubborn streak from time to time as well as naive. She has a tendency to shut down when things are 'too much' for her or refuse to open up about her own issues, making it difficult to communicate to her while she is stressed.
Likes: Anime & other cartoons, Alternative-Rock music, Books/Reading, Collecting cute mugs, Food (especially sweets), Tea, Wine (Rose and sweet reds)
Dislikes: Deadlines, Judgement, Onions, Overly-tidy people, Spiders, The color green
History: Juliette grew up as the youngest daughter to her father, the son of Korean immigrants, and her mother, a professor that teaches 'classics' at [University near hometown]. Being a good deal younger than her elder brother, Juliette followed him around often to look up to him. However, even when they got older and her brother left for school Juliette was still treated like the 'baby' of the family.
Determined to get away from her loving (but smothering) parents, Juliette left for college... just enough room for distance but easy enough to visit. She is currently studying Social Work and is in the beginning of her junior year at [location].

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Name: Emalie Aalders
Nickname: Emma
Sex/Gender: Female/Woman
Age: 25
DOB: March 1
Nationality: American
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Additional tattoos, markings, scars: Pierced ears, a "J" on her left wrist as well as her son's birthday in white ink below that, a rabbit on the back of her right arm, a wolf on her left forearm, a woman outline on her thigh
Family: Mother- Regina Pancei [Deceased] Father- [Unknown] Siblings- Rebecca Aalders [23], Children- Jaxon Aalders [5]
Languages spoken: American sign language (ASL), English (Native), French (Some, can understand), Spanish (Conversational)
Personality: Emalie is the more reasonable and responsible of the Aalders sisters. She always comes at things with a collected head and logic, even if it means putting her happiness at an expense. She is exceptionally self-sacrificing and a hard worker, which is why she did so well in college despite having a child and a full-time job. However, she is also known to stretch herself thin to exhaustion. Despite this, she is fairly clever and still enjoys joking around and relaxing with a drink and her journal when she gets the time.
History: Emalie is the first daughter of Regina Pancei and the eldest Aalders sibling. Her mother, maiden name Regina Aalders, was a fairly successful businesswoman. Using the same donor, she had her daughters a year and a half apart and made sure that they wanted for nothing. However, that all changed when their mother got married to Anthony Pancei, an abusive drunk of a man. Unfortunately, their mother died via suicide when Emalie was fifteen and the sisters were left in the custody of Anthony. It didn't take long for him to begin to hurt the girls, eventually forcing Emalie and later on her sister into a prostitution ring when they had come of age. Unfortunately, one night after taking her sister's place she wound up pregnant. Afraid of what he'd do to her, Emalie fled Nevada to move to New York where she went to college shortly after having her son. After receiving a degree in business administration with a minor in psychology, she received the offer of a good job located in LA and moved there on the promise of never having to worry about money again so long as she worked there.

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Roleplay: Titanium Deities

Name: Aelica Fischer
Age: 23
DOB: July 28
Likes: Beer, puzzles, cats, and friendly competition
Dislikes: People that make 'stupid mistakes', rich people in general, things being out of her control, waiting
Appearance: Aelica is 5'4 with a lithe build and toned muscles. She has hazel eyes and blonde hair. Her sharp jawline would have some of the children joke about her appearance, saying that if she chopped all of her hair off that she would look like a man. As such, she has kept her hair long enough that it reached her mid-back and often wears mascara and eyeliner to deal with this insecurity. Her left arm is a cybernetic prosthesis and her face on her left side has marks that show where the synthetic flesh on her face meets the organic skin.
Personality: Aelica as a person is fairly honest and responsible. Much of the time, she is happy following the rules set out before her and performing her duties set out before her. As a child, she did fairly well in school because of her good behavior and initiative with getting things done and when she joined the Navy, it continued there. However, her honesty comes with a negative side as she has a tendency to be blunt and callous to those around her and has a hard time masking her emotions. This has caused issues on occasion with her superiors as she isn't afraid to say something when she thinks that they are doing something incorrectly or morally wrong, in addition to some of those below her branding her as 'bossy' and a 'know it all'.
History: Aelica was considered a fairly good and well behaved child. Even on the few occasions that she broke rules, she had a tendency to get away with them or lighter than some of her peers. She was good at school and popular with her friends. However, she was closest to her childhood friend [YC] whom had grown up on the same street as her when they were children after her parents had moved there when she was seven.
Her life had been fairly average up until she was [AGE OF ACCIDENT HERE] that had managed to not only take several lives, but cause Aelica permanent injury as well due to the collateral damage from the blast. She lost much of her left arm up to just below the shoulder as well as received terrible scarring on her face that had burnt down nearly to the bone. Thankfully, she survived, but Aelica was in the hospital for months recovering. After she woke up and was eventually released, she refused to look into the mirror and dropped out of school as she chose to be homeschooled instead. This lead to isolation and eventually she knew that she was losing friends, feeling even [YC] pulling away.
However, her dedication to her studies was Aelica's saving grace and she found herself facing an offer from the Naval Academy: four years of service and they could fix her arm. She took them up on the offer and soon enough she was fit with a top of the line prosthetic implant.... and for a few more year of service, they would fix her appearance as well! After finishing the academy she found herself piloting some of the very similar mech suits that she had found herself injured by. However, she finds herself surprisingly at peace inside of the machines... as if she did her job well enough, she had the possible chance of preventing tragedies like the one that had befallen her old home town.

Roleplay: Life's Dramatic Adventures: The Dragon&The Maid

Name: Kaneko Hana (Hana)
Age: 20 (Birthday: April 8)
Personality: Hana is known by her peers to be a bit loud and mean (specifically: to men) as well as an overachiever and a good leader, despite being a bit bossy.
Known info/traits/talents:
  • Has a younger sister, father is supposedly a wealthy business owner mother died when Hana was still in highschool,
  • is a member of the student leadership and kendo club.
  • Currently attending university (third year) to pursue a career in either law or social work.
  • Works at The Honey Cafe, a maid cafe
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Name: Regina Conrad
Age: 25
Height: 5'5
Weight: 129
Likes: The smell of a darkroom, reading, graphic novels, boba tea
Dislikes: Dogs, wine, the color green
Backstory: Regina grew up with a fairly happy life as a child. She was an overachiever with a stay-at-home mom and a dad that loved and doted on her, to the point that it was very possible that she could be considered spoiled by some.
It all came crashing down when her dad died in a helicopter accident when regina was twelve years ago. It hit both Regina and her mother fairly hard, although it seemed like her mother bounced back faster than Regina did. When her mother started dating again, Regina didn't feel like enough time had passed even after four years and was fairly upset when her mother had started dating again. It got even worse when her mom got engaged to Michael's father and they moved from Regina's childhood home to somewhere that could fit their new family.
From the start, Regina wanted nothing to do with Michael or his father and she made it clear. When she could she engrossed herself in school and after-school activities. Thankfully, all of her hard work paid off and she received a scholarship to go to the Art Institute of Chicago. From then on she only visited on holidays.
She's recently moved about an hour's drive from Los Angeles and with part of her inheritance/trust from her father's passing she purchased a condo and works as a photographer.
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Open For Stories

Name: Alexandria Catherine Mercado
Nickname: Alex
Sex/Gender: Female/Woman
Age: 21
DOB: October 19
Nationality: American (Ethnicity: Filipino )
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Additional tattoos, markings, scars: Pierced ears, small scars in abdomen from laparoscopic appendix surgery at age 12, crescent moon on left wrist (dominant hand)
Family: Mother- Maria Mercado [42] Father- [Unknown] Siblings- Isabella Mercado [18]
Languages spoken: English, Filipino (Fluent in both) Understands minimal Spanish, unable to understand most conversation and unable to speak it
Personality: Having grown up the oldest child of a young mother, Alexandria feels a lot of pressure to excel and perform well. A people pleaser, she often tries to help others at her own expense even when she really doesn't want to, at least with those that she cares about or looks up to. On the surface it is easy for her to seem self confident and reassured. However, within her own brain she's constantly wishing she could just drop everything and run away from California to live her own life rather than having to focus on making sure she makes her family proud and that her sister is taken care of. She is intelligent and has a quick wit. However, she gets scatterbrained easily especially when stressed out, often forgetting small things and is chronically late. When her stress is at it's highest or when she feels hurt, she has been known to lash out in emotional outbursts as she doesn't know how to cope in ways other than bottling things up until they reach a boiling point.
History: Alex grew up with her grandparents for a good chunk of her younger life. She had an average childhood, they were poor and her grandparents were both disabled. However, it meant that her grandparents were home to watch her while Alex's mother Maria worked retail during the day. Shortly after having her second child conceived from another one of her boyfriends, her mother met a man that had just gotten out of military bootcamp and moved to San Diego so that way her mother could be with him, moving Alex and Isabella away from their grandparent's home in Fresno. Being that he was often deployed, Alex didn't see much of him, but the memories that she did have of him weren't pleasant. The marriage lasted ten years, but felt relatively short lived for Alex, considering that once she was old enough to get out of the house she got a job or immersed herself in school work... anything to avoid being stuck at home. However, her mother still held some resentment toward her daughter for her inability to get along with her step-father. Meanwhile, Alexandria blamed her mother for choosing a man over her own children.
After reaching adulthood and graduating with honors, Alex had thought that she'd seen the light at the end of the tunnel. However, just two weeks before Alex had been about to leave for college to go to art school in New York at the University of Columbia, her mother wound up in a serious car crash. Forgoing her scholarship, Alex stayed at home thinking that she would take a gap year. Unfortunately, that gap year turned into her staying at home the year after that going to school part-time for media marketing instead at UofC: San Diego where she could help her mother with money because she was no longer able to work full time with her injury. She works at a coffee shop located off of campus as well as nannying during summers and breaks, trying to make what she can and save it.

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Roleplay: Broken Promises

Name: Sheanne Beletré
Nickname/Casual name: Shea
Age: 24
Appearance: Sheanne stands at 165cm with a slender body and toned musculature. She has pale skin, black hair, and golden hazel eyes. She often has some sort of feathers adorned on her person as well as always has a garnet amulet on her neck.
Personality: Sheanne isn't a very trusting person to begin with, so it is difficult to impossible for the woman to be seen without a guard up. Those who have, either were killed in the battle that had brought Sheanne to power or killed by Sheanne herself... for betrayals either real or imagined. Nobody could really confirm for certain, but the whispers about the queen often talked about how such a beautiful confident woman had turned into a paranoid tyrant that would much rather be feared and rule with ever-gaining power than be respected or loved. Had the wool been pulled over their eyes, or did something change along the way?
Likes: Strawberries and cream, birds, reading
Dislikes: Large bodies of water, dogs (she had them banned from the palace), dark wet places, parties
Path: Blood/Chaos Magic
History: Sheanne began her training the same way most mages did, taken away approximately two weeks after the manifestation of her power at the age of fourteen. There, she began the rigorous process that many did not make it out of alive. She watched as some of her friends attempted escape only to receive consequences that could have been even worse than death... becoming a shell of their former selves. In any case, when they 'passed', there was only one path for them: serving the crown.
At the age of eighteen, Sheanne found her opportunity to escape. Armed with the knowledge that they had learned, her and three other mages set to take their vows escaped before they could take part in the blood binding ritual that tied them to the crown forever, only half of them made it...
For three years, Sheanne grew her power and built up supporters amongst rogue mages and their sympathizers. With the help of those that she'd recruited as well as students she'd helped save from The Order since her own escape, they took over the monarchy so that way others didn't have to suffer as they did. And with that, they looked towards a new leader... her.
However, leading a revolution and leading a nation are two very different things as she would come to find out. Her early rule was full of rioting and uprisings to protest the rule of mages of all things by those that had been supportive of the crown, followed shortly after by famine and food shortages. The latter would be stressful enough to threaten a breakdown the most staunch of leaders, nonetheless a person who had nearly no idea what she was doing. However, it only caused her to try and tighten the grip on a land and leadership that was already falling through her fingers... even as things begun to recover, faith in the new system began to waiver....

Clothing style, with reds and black
The Barrett Family:
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing was founded in 1982 by Katherine's ancestor Ronald James Barrett. However, there was always something hidden behind the family business. While at the time, supernatural creatures remained hidden, the Barrett family knew about them and viewed them as a threat which only contributed to the tensions of the humans and supernaturals. They hunted them by night while selling weapons that, in the future, would later be used to fight them by day. Human or supernatural creature, the Barrett family had no issues leaving a trail of blood in their path.

When supernaturals came to the public eye in 2037, the Barrett family were more than happy to secure government contracts to fight them. Over the next eighty years, they grew even stronger until 2089 when Katherine's grandfather officially declared their stance against the violence and persecution against the supernaturals and worked with lawmakers for their rights as citizens. However, they were still a weapons company, and their products and "defense systems" still wound up in the hands of those that would use them to harm no matter the species. It wasn't until when Katherine's father took over in 2100 that they began to step away from weapons in general.

Name: Katherine Paige Barrett (Kar'ith Ars-Gotia)
Nickname: Kat
Age: 22
D.O.B: April 7
Height: 5'1
Weight: 115lbs
Species: Devil
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Head of the Barrett family, CEO of Barrett Manufacturing & Holdings
Personality: Because of her family, Katherine has always had big shoes to fill. As a child, she was a bossy overachiever and, because of her family's status quite spoiled. However, despite her naivete, she was never cruel or unkind to others, despite her lack of knowledge in the real world. As an adult, Katherine uses her drive and hard-working attitude to help run her family's company and legacy and try and help shine a better light in the more darker corners of society. However, much of this is still viewed through the rose-colored glasses given to her by a famous family and fortune. Don't let her soft nature fool you, though, as she is still quite shrewd regarding her company, isn't afraid of being hard on people if it involves her ideals or business, and doesn't like hearing the word 'no'.
Appearance: Katherine is a fairly small woman, looking up towards nearly everybody as she only stands a 5'1 in height. She has soft features that often have her mistaken for somebody about four or five years her younger rather than the CEO of a billion-dollar company and a grown woman. Her hair is a very light blonde, bordering on white, and her eyes are a dark violet-blue color. She is slender with a very feminine body shape. However, much of this is often covered in more conservative dress.
Likes: Tea, piano, romance novels, sushi, the beach, sunshine, puzzles/riddles
Dislikes: Barking/poorly behaved dogs, sweets, parties/crowds, bullies, sitting at a desk, yelling
Strengths/Skills: Good marksman, highly intelligent, martial artist, money
Languages spoken: English, French, Italian, Japanese
Family: Father- Kier Ars-Gotia Mother- Shyla (Deceased); Siblings (Eldest to youngest) Fenriz (M, Wrath), Batiba (F, Lust), Nissa (F, Envy). Seth (M, Greed), Gregor (M, Sloth), Samael (M, Gluttony)
Background: Kat is the youngest-born daughter of Kier, the king of the underworld. Despite the regular expectations, her family or her were not raised to be evil. Rather, they were taught how to rule over each aspect of Hell to be able to keep those that are evil from returning to the world and causing more harm. Upon their birth, each child was raised with a certain destiny in mind and given an item to help guide their strength and power. However, as a great evil threatened even the very world that the devils called home and war approached, Kier sent each of his children to be reincarnated on earth to learn how to assimilate with humanity and when they were deemed 'ready' summoned back to the underworld. When it was Kat's turn, as a human she was reincarnated with all of her memories due to her powers. However, the family that she was born to happened to be the elite heads of the Barrett corporation, a weapons manufacturing company. As a child, she wanted for nothing and was the apple of her parent's eyes. Unfortunately, this came crashing down as she turned seventeen and her parents died in an accident where there were assumptions of foul play involved. Because of this, Kat was forced to take up the mantle of her parents and begin to run the company as she began to move away from weapons altogether and focus on philanthropy and prosthetics.

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Roleplay//: TBD with @AdrasteiaLea

Name: Spencer Lewis
Age: 27
DOB: December 19
Gender: Transgender man
Note: Assigned female at birth, has not undergone bottom surgery
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Note: Spencer is non-monogamous and would not willingly enter a relationship with any sort of 'rules' that are enforced by another partner
Height: 5'7
Weight: 154 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Short brown hair
Tattoos/Scars: Has scars on his chest due to undergoing top surgery, several tattoos
Personality: Spencer is outwardly very energetic and outspoken. However, he is also honest to a fault and incredibly blunt. He doesn't like to mince words or beat around the bush regarding things that may be upsetting or bothering him. Often, he doesn't worry about how things will effect others with a few exceptions, usually partners or family members being one of them if he knows that they are sensitive. Unfortunately, he still can be tactless with even them from time to time. He is also very confident, sometimes to the point of being arrogant, and is a bit immature.
Occupation: Unemployed, does side jobs for money
Skills: Excellent marksman, skilled mechanic
History: (Note: Spencer is a transgender man. Because of this, he was born female but uses male pronouns. In this history, he will be referred to as a male before his transition, but his 'dead name' and female status will be referenced.)
Spencer was born as 'Sarah Lewis' to a single mother in a small town located in central Indiana. He had a normal childhood for somebody socialized as a girl, although he was always more of a 'tomboy' and enjoyed going outside to play with friends in the woods and engaging in sports rather than traditional feminine activities. When he was in high school, his mother met somebody at a work conference and they moved to Philadelphia because of his mother's new job and she got married when Spencer was sixteen. Being the average teenager with hormones and dealing with feelings that he didn't understand, he was fairly rebellious during this time and fairly emotionally volatile in the home. When he was seventeen, he forced himself to finish his classes early to graduate early and ended up joining the Marine Corps. He did well, at first, but eventually the same thoughts about the feelings he felt as a child and teen returned. It wasn't until his first contract had been completed, that Spencer had realized that he was trans. He came out to his family and his mother, step-father, and step-sister were all very supportive. However, the biggest blow to his mental health, hadn't been when he came out but rather when his mother died during a 'routine' procedure during surgery only a month later. Having been away because of work, Spencer felt guilt for not being there and sought solace in alcohol while spiraling into a depression. He was eventually released from the marines on a medical discharge when he was twenty-four and moved back to Philadelphia. However, he struggled to maintain a job because of his mental health issues and thus has gone from job to job for the last few years crashing with friends & romantic partners or whenever he could afford an extended stay motel.

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Name: Jacob Alexander Lywood
Nicknames (If any): Jake
Gender/Sex: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 37
DOB: July 23
Nationality: American
Height: 6'2
Weight: 85 kg
Eyes Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Additional tattoos, markings, or scars: Several circular and oval scars that are 5-10mm in size over the top of his back and his shoulder with some on his upper chest near the clavicle. Discolored linear scarring between the shoulder blades and mid-back.
Family: None
Languages Spoken: English, French
Occupation: Computer forensic analyst
Personality: Jacob is the definition of the devil-in-disguise. While he may seem confident and charming up front, much of his charm is a practiced mask to be able to manipulate and control those around him as he often views everyone else as below him in some way or another. However, it isn't hard for many to recognize his confidence for arrogance when somebody truly gets to know him and even then, many turn a blind eye as he 'isn't hurting anybody' and usually has the skills to back his attitude up. He is easy to anger when he doesn't get his way, but has practiced hiding and masking it to avoid outbursts of violence so that it doesn't affect his real life.
History: Jacob grew up in Union County, Illinois. He never knew his father, and his mother was an abusive alcoholic and drug addict that more often than not forced Jacob to fend for himself. She had a string of boyfriends that were just as bad, if not worse, than she was. However, due to the sheer number of them he never bothered to learn their names. It wasn't until social workers had come to pick him up and remove him from his mother's custody when he was seven years old due to him not attending or being enrolled in school that Jacob even learned that he had an actual name other than what nickname/pet-name his druggie mother called him. From there he was sent to live with his grandparents who were strict, but loving, and Jacob was able to have a relatively happy life there until his teenage years until he was fourteen when his mother came back into his life seemingly stable and sober and he moved back in with his mother of his own volition when his grandparents got sick. However, the woman quickly fell back into old habits and began to deteriorate, with the abuse once again rearing it's ugly head in a much more sinister and disturbing form. When he was seventeen, Jacob's mother died of a heroin overdose and he filed for emancipation from the state that same year. From there, Jacob joined the US Army and served eight years, earning his degree while in the service as a cyber-security technician. However, when his second contract was up, some 'unresolved incidents' prevented Jacob from being able to re-enlist into the armed forces. Deciding to continue his education, he immigrated to Canada to get his master's in Computer Forensics in Ontario. From there, he obtained his degree and began the work of establishing permanent residency and citizenship. Once he got a job, he moved a handful of miles away from the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario working as a private consultant often aiding local investigations with their work when needed.
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Name: Mila Petrov
Gender/Sex: Woman/Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 22
DOB: April 28
Nationality: Russian
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lbs
Eyes Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Additional tattoos, markings, or scars: Scars around her wrists and ankles from restraints, scar and slight bump over her nose from a former break, bullet wound scar in left shoulder
Family: None living
Languages Spoken: Russian, Some German
Occupation: N/A
History &Personality: Mila was born in Leningrad to her father, a leather tanner, and her mother a housewife. She was the youngest of three children, and the only daughter. She had a comfortable life until the war started. However, once the time came for the men to be sent off to war it left only Mila and her mother left. During the siege of the city, Mila's mother sacrificed herself so that Mila would be able to escape. Armed with nothing but a hunting rifle, she was able to escape with her life. Unfortunately, her life wouldn't get any easier and a year after losing her home and mother, Mila learned that her father had also been killed and the status of her brothers was unknown. With little to no options available so that she could survive and care for herself, Mila joined the army and did rather well for her age, becoming a sniper for the Soviet Army until her capture near the end of the war.
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Name: Annabelle Taylor
Nickname: Bella
Gender/Sex: Woman/Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 19
DOB: February 21
Nationality: American
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lbs
Eyes Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Additional tattoos, markings, or scars: Scars on her arms
Family: Leon Taylor [Father, 40]
Languages Spoken: English
Occupation: Works part-time at a bookstore
History &Personality: Annabelle grew up poor most of her life but their family was always able to get by. However, that changed once Annabelle's mother died when she was fourteen. Faced with the loss of his wife and a daughter to raise, Annabelle's father turned to drinking and gambling as if he thought he would somehow hit the lottery and fix the financial pits that the family found themselves in. Despite wanting to leave and get out of the small town and trailer park that they live in, Annabelle stayed to be able to help support her father and works part-time at a used book store so that they have enough money to stay afloat despite her father's habits.

Name: Mackenzie Wheeler
Nickname: Max
Age: 21
DOB: June 22
Gender/Sex: Woman/Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'5
Weight: 128 lbs
Special Markings, Scars, etc : Max has several tattoos over her body and no visible scars. She has several ear piercings, and a pierced nose.
Education: High school, some college
Skills: Can read and play sheet music, piano, violin, guitar, vocals
Family: Shannon Scotts-Wheeler (Mother, 48), Michael Wheeler (Father, 52), Samantha Wheeler (Sister, 24)
Personality: Max is an immovable force that once you get started, is impossible to stop. While it is hard to capture her interest, when it is done she gives whatever it is her complete undivided attention and loyalty, whether it be her hobbies, achieving her dreams, or her loved ones. She allows very few people to be close to her because of walls she has built up, but when they are allowed to get close they are able to see that despite her abrasive and often sarcastic exterior, Max is quite sensitive and when she shows her emotions she does so very passionately. However, she often shields her real emotions from those she doesn't know (or like, in some cases) because she views it as a protective measure. While she does yearn for connections with others, she also feels like others couldn't understand and so she prevents them from getting close. For her, music is more than just a hobby it is the very air she breathes and she is able to talk about it for hours. When she isn't working on her own art, she is spending money to attend concerts and shows.
Likes: Books, conspiracy theories, drinking games, thunderstorms, painted rocks
Dislikes: Astrology, Boats or large bodies of water, mannequins/scarecrows/etc, puzzles or trivia of any kind
History: Max grew up in a suburban town just outside of Nashville, TN. She grew up in the typical suburban life: decent school, church on Sundays, solidly middle-class family with the picket fence... her parents divorced when she was twelve, and her wine-addicted mom with insecurity issues got to keep the kids and project onto her and her older sister. With her dad barely in the picture and her mom eventually getting married, Max sought out comfort in the one thing that always seemed to give her peace: music. In middle school she joined orchestra where she learned violin and played it through high school, and later took that knowledge to be able to teach herself guitar after seeing her first Symphony of Shadows show live which she then claimed "changed her life" afterward and still says that to this day. She tried her hand at college, but dropped out when she failed to find her passion for it and instead dedicated herself to working on music full-time while working part-time at a strip club as a cocktail waitress.
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Name: Samantha Winters
Nickname: Sam
Age: 23
DOB: February 1
Gender/Sex: Woman/Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'2
Weight: 114 lbs
Special Markings, Scars, etc : Nothing of note
Education: University degree in marketing and advertisement from Columbia
Skills: Speaks French and Mandarin in addition to English, can do quick math often in her head
Family: Daniel Winters (Father, deceased), Carmella Winters (Mother, 51), Derik Winters (Brother, 30), Tiana Winters (Sister, 21)
Personality: When it comes to her professional life and her education, Samantha is often focused and serious. She likes to think of herself as responsible. However, she is a chronic people pleaser who also is hard on herself when she lets people down. She has a tendency to stretch herself thin, and often because of stress forgets things... that, or she is just forgetful. Despite this, it doesn't stop Sam from trying her best and even when she gets knocked down it only forces her to try harder. She is outgoing and enjoys socializing and meeting new people, which is why she got into marketing because it offered the potential of more excitement than the standard well-paying office job.
Likes: Autumn, Chinese food in pajamas, seltzer water, strawberries, and white wine
Dislikes: Digital books, heights, red meat, soda, the color green
History: Samantha doesn't talk much about her family and keeps tight wraps on who knows what about her. She is open about the fact that she is a middle child and her father had died when she was eleven. However, she doesn't go into details or speak about her mother or childhood at all and only goes to visit home for a weekend in the summer and another weekend in the winter. Once she graduated high school, Samantha paid her own way through college using scholarships and student loans. Her final year of university, she had the chance to attend a semester of school in England and used that time to build connections and eventually secure herself a job and is currently on a work visa. She has been at [CURRENT JOB] for two months now after a rigorous selection process and leaving an unpaid internship for a different company.
Name: Meira
Age: 138 (if we count reincarnations)
Age appearance: Early twenties
Gender: Weapon
Species: Weapon
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Appearance: Meira can shapeshift into many forms, but most often in their human form they take the form of a young human woman in her early twenties with silver and pink hair with amber colored eyes. She willingly chooses to be short, standing at about 5'1. However, she is willing to change appearance if needed although she generally prefers to stay human in appearance for whatever reason.
Likes: Boba tea, Cats and other soft things, Sweets (mainly chocolate), television, Warmth
Dislikes: Boredom, cars, closed or tight spaces, police, shifting between forms, vegetables
Personality & History: Despite her soft and fragile feminine appearance, Meira is fairly strong-willed and sharp tongued. She is reluctant about her role as a weapon, and seems relatively cold and unattached to most things on the surface. However, she is still deeply loyal to those that she cares about and is soft-hearted to those in need or weaker than her, even if she has a strange way of showing it. Unfortunately, the passage of time and lack of memories or socialization has not aided with this and she often comes off as rude.

Meria's memories are too fuzzy and distant to remember much of her past. However, the memories that do come flooding to her are violent and graphic showing those that she had become closest to being ripped apart and her body shattering into fractals of energy before being released into the ether and returning to the cycle, with each new memory more painful than the last.
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Name: Aamon Ars-Gotia
Nickname: Amon
Species: Devil
Sex/Gender: Shiftable/ Male identified
Age: Ancient
Appearance: Amon is able to use powers to shift appearance if needed, but doesn't often and prefers to stay in his human form. He usually stands at about six-foot-five and has well-built muscle. He most often takes the appearance of a male with terra-cotta golden-brown skin with dark brown/black hair and brown eyes and slight facial hair. However, on occasion his left eye turns yellow with the iris shape of something that is inhuman, which leads him to often wear sunglasses.
Additional tattoos, markings, scars: Pierced ears, an eye of horus tattoo on his right hand, and a scripted tattoo on his right side ribs that says Non timebo hominem nisi Deum. Amon has a scar over his left eye and brow though it is faint. He has no other visible scars.
Family: Beleth Ars-Gotia [Father], Several siblings [70 of them that are full-blooded demons, not counting any half-breeds, 43 of which are still alive at the time of the story's start]
Languages spoken: Several
Personality: Amon is fairly aloof and relaxed for somebody of his position and power. It takes a lot to anger him, but when that switch flips, he is bloodthirsty and merciless to those that cross him and it is as if he is another person entirely, and 'the devil' in him truly comes out. However, he tries his best to keep this side of himself hidden as best possible. Most of the time, he tries to be somewhat chivalrous despite his inner nature; and was known to be quite charming.
Backstory: Amon is the youngest of the children of Beleth, the king of the underworld and the leader of the devils. When he lived under his father's rule, Amon controlled 70 legions of demons and lesser devils to carry out his father's will. However, unwilling to be a servant for the man who barely acknowledged his existence, Amon left with his best friend (and guard/servant) to the human world to live out his eternal life as one of them.

Name: Olivia Lynn Hoffman
Nickname: Liv, Livvie
Sex/Gender: Female/Woman
Age: 22
DOB: June 23
Nationality: American
Height: 5'6
Weight: 111 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Additional tattoos, markings, scars: Her zodiac symbol on the inside of her lower lip, but no other visible tattoos. No scars of note.
Family: Mother- Julia Hoffman [57] Father- Henry K. Hoffman [Deceased] Siblings- None
Languages spoken: English (Fluent), French (conversational)
Likes: Fashion, musicals, romance novels, tea, the ocean
Dislikes: Customers, guns, heights, her mother
Personality & History: Olivia is sensitive, stubborn, with a quick wit. She was born in Savannah, Georgia to her mother and father in June of 2000. She was well taken care of as a child, and wanted for nearly nothing, save for her parents' time. Raised primarily by a nanny and her father, she was distant from her mother whom preferred to focus on her career rather than the child that was so demanding of her time and attention. Things changed for Olivia after her father died when she was fourteen. With a loss that she failed to find closure for mixed with the demands of her mother in regard to Olivia's own success, she began to develop an eating disorder.
When Olivia was eighteen, she graduated high school with honors. Originally intent on leaving for New York to become a model, Olivia was forced with the options of: college or be cut off financially. She did try to attend about three years of school part-time. However, she was never one for studies and ultimately ended up dropping out and leaving for New York anyway. Armed with nothing more than her savings, she got a small apartment in a shady area of town and a job at a bank to support herself while her struggling modeling career failed to take off fast enough.

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