Cheese needs some pasta!

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Cheese needs some pasta!


Perfectly Imperfect
Local time
Today 1:49 PM
United states
Teehee sorry for the "cheesy" name

Hello loves~

My name is Bree and I am here looking for something very specific, well someone I should say

A few things first, I do not do pure smut and I am very particular about any smut I do. I will not force my character a certian way towards yours so they can have a quickie. I want to be convinced that ours would actually do it if that makes sense

Also, dont reply to me with one or 2 lines after I give you 4 or 5 paragraphs, if you feel like you cant match my writing (or if you feel like I dont match yours) let's talk it out! It's a partnership not just one sided in anyway

So now that we have the veggies out of the way, let's get to the meat, or just the good stuff: Plots!!!!!

1. MC was just a girl, and YC is just a boy. They both attended the same college, and well faith pushed them together. MC was failing a class and ended up at YC's dorm room for tutoring and well..... it was history from that point on

They got married, they bought a house, and MC was pregnant (YC didnt know)! Everything was going so perfectly until YC joined the military, and not much after was deployed over seas.

MC was so angry at YC for doing this. Why would he leave her like this? On her own? What was she to do. Thay was until one day someone knocked on her door and well. His officer was in front of her. YC was dead. He truly had left her all alone to raise their son. What was she going to do?

5 years later, MC is remarried and now has a 4 year old little boy. Life is quiet. Just what she needed, right?

Well also YC was never killed in war. He was a POW, after his bunker was bombed they all had assumed no man had made it out alive, but YC did, and was quickly taken in by the enemies. The US (or wherever) didnt know until now, the finally got the men out and sent them home, and It was perfect time

Now what happens? Let's find out

2. (I'll add more plots later)

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