Ten of Swords
"Universal Student," Magic User, Blind and Mute
An oddity, to say the least, Cia Sha was born little as she had come to be in more recent events. She was pretty, but mundane. A lady born into some small wealth in a little town called Pinegap. In her younger days, she was happy learning her father's merchant trade and immersing herself in academia.
Shame for her, that her skills in learning and teaching would prove themselves to be her downfall, as well as her greatest strength. By the time she sought a more collegiate life, her arguments with her father over those choices had died down to an awkward understanding. She went off to the largest town some days away by horse, and she studied, and she graduated.
Cia Sha took her degree in botany and went into study, and that treated her very well. Until of course, her and her colleagues came of a mind to travel North, to a notorious glacier, to seek out an document plant life, as this glacier was not a place civilized society was wont to disturb. Thus, finding guard for their caravan was both difficult and expensive, and the ones who had finally accepted the deal had not done so in sincerity.
They crossed over the desert to frigid foothills, and it wasn't long before they were ambushed by the great beasts of North. Things that had no business being as large as they were, and they gutted the caravan and its people. At least, those who did not flee on sight of them, as their contracted protectors had.
But somehow, miraculously, Cia Sha had survived as a weeping, gory mess. She had to drag herself from there, through the desert, until she passed out in sight of a little church that they had passed earlier that day.
She woke in the care of her first teacher: a Cleric, who taught her how to heal with magic.
From there, she traveled and adventured, no longer able to pursue her dreams as a researcher to any practical degree, being that she could neither read nor write. During that time, she met a psion, Master Aerys, who taught her some semblance of the techniques that allow her to move freely today. It simply wasn't until she returned to study under him properly that she came to know them more intimately, and she did eventually flee to him, after the horrors and predators of the world had shown her that, as she was, she was but a victim, waiting to be plucked of her will and her rights by the whim of another.
That psion then sent her away, with a pocket watch in hand that would allow her to do as she was ordered: travel the multiverse and search for masters of other magics, who could teach her things he could not. Such is her charge, her quest, and her desire.
Given Name: Cia Sha
Family Name: Sicca
Hair: Blonde, uneven, blindly chopped
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
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