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Today 1:28 PM

HA-HAH! Now that I; Iristein, have captured your attention it is time to taste the fury of my INTRODUCTION COMBO!!!!!
Name: Iristein Ire
Nick-names: Iris, Ire & KingBS (King Beyond the Sanctum)
Age: 25
Location: Australia
Work: Too much!
Sex: Never enough!
Hobbies: Music, Writing, Music, Reading, Music, Nature, Music, Photography, Music, Gaming & Music
(WOAH! A 7 category combo with over 25 words of insight!)

Haven't had enough yet I see... Then try this on for size! My signature move; THE BIO BLASTU!
A wayward wanderer of words, I'm on the hunt for Adventure, Action, Thrills, Horrors and Gore! I'll stumble into any Original battlefield or setting and be sure to leave my mark with my fellow world builders and crafty posters! Most of all I am seeking companions and allies to join and delve deeply into Low/High Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Dystopian, Utopian, Apocalyptic and all-out Chaotic stories of all kinds.

No theme or genre is safe, as long as the story strikes inspiration and imagination I; Iristein, will conquer it and plant my conclusive flag firmly into its belly! If only a single character is needed, I will create it! But if more is required, my arsenal of ideas is sure to be of some help(hopefully)!
(2 Paragraphs of intro RP, sure to stun any enemy with cringe! HA-HAH, I have you!)

Still reading? Perhaps I underestimated your focus, but if you think this is over, then think again! It is time for my ultimate move, my forbidden technique!

Okay, I'll stop having so much fun now, hopefully, you found it at least a bit entertaining. All my basic info is listed above, but you can find some of that info and more on my 'About Me' section of my profile presented in a less convoluted fashion. I have been writing on my own and through emails for quite a while now but often reminisce of some of my earlier years on RP forums and doing T2,3 RP in chat rooms and social games. So I have decided to evolve beyond my small circle of RP-by-Email'ers and give the Sanctum a shot!

I hope to find some great stories to craft and grow with my fellow users while also working on establishing and fleshing out some better and more cooperative writing styles. However, since the Sanctum is so generous as to offer sections for solo stories, chat, blogs and status messages, expect to see me around and about!

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around.
Feel free to ask me anything!
Lmao, I adore it! Clever and funny! Lovely to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here. People are very lovely.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Thank you both for the warm welcome, I'm getting a great vibe from this place.
OMGoodness!!! A breaker of the fourth wall!! Welcome to the Sanctum!! I hope you enjoy your stay here!! ❤
*Fourth wall shenanigans are the bestest! Along with other stuff, of course*
That had me in stitches my friend!

Welcome to the sanctum, I'm sure you'll find everything you're looking for and more within :)

(Also, I was quite fond of my fourth wall... ill be sending you the bill once its been rebuilt. ;) )
Thank you, my new friends. I certainly haven't found any lack of content or creativity around here, I am super keen on continuing to get more familiar and comfortable with the Sanctum.

(Not to worry, for only 2 copper I; Iristein will write you a new wall! One with a 3 sentence description AND HP stat! Resistances will cost you two more winky faces though. :cool:)
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