MxF (Closed) Divinum Sanguinem - Falling in love against her will. ( long term )

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MxF (Closed) Divinum Sanguinem - Falling in love against her will. ( long term )

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Words carry no power without context.
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Today 8:59 PM
Victory City
Hello to all
My name is Alphonse and I have been writing for a over a decade.
I have returned from hiatus and wish to brandish the digital pen once more.
My request is for a long term partner for a story which encompasses some of my favorite genres. ie - Romance, Action, Horror etc.
I enjoy writing a minimum of 5 - 6 paragraphs, something with a little bit of Meat to it.

My ask is for only 3 simple things.
- Engagement. I want to become invested in the story, to look forward to the your next piece, to create something beautiful together.
- Communication. I will listen to you and consider your opinions. Talk with me about what is on your mind and we can work out any required additions/adjustments.
- Consistency. I would like to participate at least twice a week if possible? With the way things are these days, life can often take priority, I understand that better than anyone.
If you need to take time off or can't get back to me consistently just let me know and we can work it out.

I Imagine - A young vampire on the hunt for blood discovers her next meal in a lone man, wandering the halls of his inherited home. But something is different, this blood is unlike any other's, enveloping her senses with warmth and satisfaction; feelings once thought lost. She cannot resist this newfound infatuation and returns for more, maybe even against her own will.

If this piques your interest please feel free to send me a private message and we can hammer out the details.

Thank you for your consideration.
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