Closed Come Join a Gang

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Closed Come Join a Gang


A Beautiful Nightmare
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Today 4:28 AM
Welcome and come on in.

So I have this idea running around in my head that was inspired by a book I read some time ago. I've tried this a few times one on one and haven't really found the right person for it. So I am trying to give this a shot as a group.

So, if you're into sex, violence, drugs, action, debauchery, or anything along those lines, then keep on reading.​

The Plot/Setting

This is more of a dystopia/utopia setting based story. The basic idea of it is that there are 8 sectors. These sectors will be considered the dystopian area where they revolve one main, luxurious city (utopia). This city built a wall along the perimeter with security to create a boarder between them and the sectors.

The city is ran by powerful, rich people and they control many things in the city and the sectors. Such as goods being imported, exported, weapon control, alcohol, and even fertility from wanting to keep control of the population, especially in the sectors. (Yes this will be a bit more into the futuristic side. Tech is very advanced in this story)


Each sector has their own gang and their own leaders. The sectors are filled with more free spirited, outgoing people with colorful languages. Any taboo, illegal, or illicit actions take place in the sectors. The sectors themselves are more like the poor areas. Some looks better than others depending how much the gang cares about their own home. Some sectors might have it out for others, having their own gang wars, attempting to claim territory, and trying to sell their own booze, drugs, weapons on their terf. Though if there's one thing all the sectors have in common is that they loathe the city they surround, getting into political and cultural issues/wars with them many times before. (Not everyone in the sectors are apart of the gang. There are civilians as well)


The utopian city is a much more reserved area. Lavished in beautiful scenery, tall crystal buildings, very clean, lush, and full of wealthy and very uptight people. The talk of sex, drugs, or anything that's considered debauchery or taboo were topics that they all avoid, wanting their kids and the generation forward to grow up as respectable adults. They fear of tainting their kids with things that are deemed inappropriate. They think the people of the sectors have no self respect or respect towards others and many of them believe them to be incompetent. They are looked at as whores, the unfortunates, pimps, players, muggers, drug dealers, etc.

The utopian city has attacked the sectors before, forcing the sectors to retaliate if needed which can initiate war/battles. (This can be discussed though as I have an idea on how this can happen.)


Now there are a few roles I'm looking to fill. All of our characters except for mine are from sector 2. MC will be described below.​

MC will be the daughter of the councilmen of the city who has been exiled. What for? For being too curious and wanting to try drugs and possibly having sex for the first time with a man who she does not plan to wed. One night stands or casual sex is hard no in the city. Her being the councilman's daughter has brought on a lot of heat and pressure into their family so they made the choice to banish her into sector 2.

Role 1 (Male) - Sector 2's Gang Leader (taken by Vaughn Doom)
This character will probably be the one who finds MC and drags her along into the gang while corrupting her along the way and showing her the ropes of Sector 2. He intelligent and see's MC as leverage (this is optional though, anyone can deal with MC). I'm looking to find someone who can play a strong, dominant character for this role and who knows how to take control. Possibly arrogant too. He enjoys living a carefree life, but can become deadly serious when it comes to business and leading the gang. He needs people's nightmares, making it clear as to why people fear him.

Role 2 (Male) - Gang Member. Leader's right hand man
This role also needs to be played by a badass. One who is loyal to gang and the leader. I was thinking this role could be very sarcastic and arrogant as well. He's a very independent man who's very close to the gang leader that they consider each other as brothers. Just like the leader he too needs to be nightmare. He's the leader's right hand man for a reason.

Role 3 (Female) - Gang Member (taken by Scarlet)
This character must be seductive, cunning, sexy, and also very dangerous. She's an important asset to the gang as she can either run the gang's strip club, fight club, whorehouse, watches over the drug distribution. etc. Whoever has this role will be their choosing. Whether you want this character to be in relationship with Role 2, or create one, that's absolutely fine. Could also potentially become MC's best friend.

Other (not currently looking)
Now I am open to more people playing other gang members, but these are the three roles I'm looking to fill first. So if you see that the roles are taken, just ask that you'd like to be a part of this and I can create another opening for you. If there's a specific role you're looking to play as well, please do let me know.​


So some of the following rules needs to be place so we can all be on the same page.

1) I need you to be really invested in this and be able to reply at least once a week. Because this is group RP we can't have people wait on you forever. However, if you do take longer than a week that is okay, just be sure to let the group know.

2) Please keep communication with everyone in the RP. That way we all know what is going on. I am open to ideas, suggestions, and questions. So let's keep in contact so we can make this a badass fucking story.

3) Let's please be respectful towards one another. I'd like for all of us to get along so we can write something great together. This is a team effort.

4) I'm looking for multi-para writers. I'm expecting serious writers who are all about details and giving everyone something to work with.

5) Must be okay with blood, violence, possible rape, heavy language, alcohol/drug use, and sexually explicit scenes (90% of it won't be vanilla). Limits will be respected, but please keep in mind, due to the nature of this RP there can't be too many.

6) May be required to play multiple characters as well. It's a big world full of a lot people so we may need to fill in for some temporary roles along the way. Characters such as members from other sectors, people from the utopian city, or even just a civilian in the sectors who are not part of the gang.


If interested then just comment below and take your pick. Tell me a little about yourself and if all goes well and I approve then I will add your name to the roles of your choosing. If all roles are taken, don't worry! Just tell me what you'd like to play that would fit into this story, whether it's a middle man, another gang member, anyone! We can discuss and see how things work out :)

Once given the role, I would like to have character sheets made. I will be creating one soon. Because there's so many of us that might participate it'll be easier to keep track.

Thank you!

Character Sheet (if approved)

Nickname/Alias: (optional)
Hair color:
Eye color:
Other: (piercings, tattoos, scars, etc)
Background :
Picture: (animated picture preferred)

NOTE: Not everything is set in stone! This is my basic outline. Once all the roles are filled we will discuss and mold the story as our own. Please be ready to share ideas you may have for this story as I would love to hear them. Any questions, suggestions, and comments, we'll discuss as a group. This will include the world building, how the government is shaped, individual character plots, a general plot, friendships, relationships, hateships, rivals, and more. With that said, if you created a character sheet before we discussed the details you are free to change it up to accommodate to the new details afterwards.​
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Would you take people that are on a learning curve? I kinda like the middle man idea or the female member but I only play solo on here and that's still a curve cuz i came from another way of playing (multi and solo)
Would you take people that are on a learning curve? I kinda like the middle man idea or the female member but I only play solo on here and that's still a curve cuz i came from another way of playing (multi and solo)

By learning curve, what do you mean exactly?
By learning curve, what do you mean exactly?
Mostly the length of my post and how detailed they are (without steering other characters). I found that my intro to RP was different then that is played here so I'm still learning a bit.
Mostly the length of my post and how detailed they are (without steering other characters). I found that my intro to RP was different then that is played here so I'm still learning a bit.

If you'd like to play the female role go for it :) I would just need you to create a character sheet :) which would consist of name, age, other features, background, personality and picture.

Also just a few questions what is your average post length and frequency?
If you'd like to play the female role go for it :) I would just need you to create a character sheet :) which would consist of name, age, other features, background, personality and picture.

Also just a few questions what is your average post length and frequency?
I'll be aiming to post multiple times a week but there might be times that once a week is my max :(

As for the paragraphs, that is my curve. I came from a kind of one liner RP. So I'm going for multiple paragraphs but I sometimes struggle. I also have to admit that I'm trying to find the line between building a story involving other characters and I believe it's called God modding.
I hope I get to chance to learn and grow. So if you feel like taking the gamble with me I'll set of a character sheet.
Well you certainly can't build a world around someone else's character. Your only focus should be yours and yours only unless your partner gives you permission to do something with their character.

How comfortable do you feel about writing multipara? Have you done so before? Because I am looking for this RP to be quite extensive
How comfortable do you feel about writing multipara? Have you done so before? Because I am looking for this RP to be quite extensive

I really want to grow and try so i guess i deel comfortabel but i can't say I've done so before.
I really want to grow and try so i guess i deel comfortabel but i can't say I've done so before.

Hm, I hope you don't mind, but I do look for people with experience in writing multipara and are comfortable doing so. If you only wrote one liners then this might be a little tough to keep up. I suggest you start with one on ones and grow from there :) then maybe in the future we can talk again :)
Hm, I hope you don't mind, but I do look for people with experience in writing multipara and are comfortable doing so. If you only wrote one liners then this might be a little tough to keep up. I suggest you start with one on ones and grow from there :) then maybe in the future we can talk again :)

To bad
Bump. Looking for one of the lead roles. Specifically the right hand man.
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