Any Come On In!

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Any Come On In!

Herp Mk.ii

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Today 12:11 AM
It's me! I've been role-playing for years and I'm ready to bring myself to you lovely people! Just a few things to note before I get into the meat of this request. Please do read it, because it will help you know what kind of person I'm like to RP with.

-I usually like to put out 1-3 paragraphs per post and at least one from you would be appreciated.
-Not really a fan of one liners, but I think most people really wouldn't do that anyway.
-Third person is my one method of writing, again I assume lost of others do this too. That said if you RP in first person I have no real problem with that.
-I love a good story with well crafted places, I usually like to premake a setting for my characters. Putting in your own twist to my world is cool in my book.
-I love story driven RPs, but I love smut even more! I love sexual conflict and a tug of war between two characters when they're in bed rather than one simply overpowering the other.
-Gotta say, I love to play women of different size and forms. Imperfections make things that much more perfect, I like to sometimes put flaws in my character design.
-I do anthro/nonhuman stuff as well, so feel free to talk to me about that stuff.

Monster Hunter World
Splatoon (18+ characters obviously)
Mario Bros.
Bayonetta (Jeanne's a sweet lady)

~Basic Pairings~
-Goblin Guild Member x Fellow Guild Member
-Fast Food Worker x Rival Fast Food Worker
-College Cheerleader x Rival Mascot
-Super Heroine x Ordinary Life Coworker
-Stripper x Bachelor
-Anthro x Human
-Hero vs Villain

I'm open to some other ideas as well and will be updating regularly. Feel free to PM me if you're interested.
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Would be interested in partnering for a human x anthro rp. Experienced in this genre, including fantasy creatures and actual animal (that can talk) species.
I'd actually be very interested in combining Heroine x Co-Worker and Hero x Villain. A pair of super powered individuals with mundane alternate identities and a professional relationship with no idea what they do in their off time.
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