MxF Come to the Dark Side

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MxF Come to the Dark Side


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Today 3:04 AM
Hello, Ozone here. Given some of the RP sites I've been on, what I'm about to request is similar to finding gold at the end of the rainbow. But here goes:

1. I'm looking for someone willing to participate in a very dark RP that would go into the torture chamber section of this site. It would have HEAVY elements of bondage and sadism with pain and torment being dominant features of the story, but not the only feature.

2. The most bare-bones version of the plot is a female antagonist that would have our male antagonist at her merciless hands, tormenting him in various ways (sexually or otherwise). I AM OPEN TO PLAYING EITHER CHARACTER. I don't really care about the gender of my writing partner, if you're willing to write as one of these two characters.

3. Possible Plot Pairings (in the order of preference):

a. Criminal Tormentor - Cop/Journalist/Lawyer: A nice, friendly, trendy woman secretly has a second life as a vicious torturer for the criminal underworld, a woman they pay incredibly well to make examples of certain people that are a threat to them. The victim is a cop, or perhaps a journalist about to uncover corruption, or a lawyer that might put away a crime boss. To add to the emotional pain/character development, I would like the victim to know her 'public' side, perhaps even have been romantically involved or friendly.

b. Evil Interrogator - Captured: Woman is a member of an evil regime and is their top interrogator. She's so good at it, and so sadistic, that she actually has her victims gagged during parts of her torment of them so they can't 'break' too early. Our victim could be a spy/soldier, or he could be an innocent bystander unfortunately caught in the situation.

c. Secretary - Boss: She plans on robbing him or she is secretly a member of a group that plans on doing something to his company. Perhaps she seduces him and has him kidnapped/drugged before she eventually gets to torment him both for the information/things she needs, but also just as payback for being a bad boss.

d. Bored/Scorned Girlfriend - Boyfriend: She has either grown bored of him, and with the help of her lover (whom she's been cheating on the boyfriend with), or some other means, eventually torments and taunts the boyfriend before leaving him. Another version could be that he has cheated on her and she finds out, leading to his demise.

4. Limits: My extremes are just that - Extreme. I'm VERY OPEN to working within the limits of my partner.
However, there are some things that while are not true limits, are things I do not want in the RP. They are:
Cross-dressing/Sissy Play, Public slavery (walking around on a leash, etc), Scat (does not include enemas if being used as a torment though).
I also typically prefer to stay away from the idea of 'Professional Dominatrix' stuff. I don't like the victim having to call the domme 'mistress' or 'goddess' or something like that, and I'm not a huge fan of super BDSM type outfits on the female (this is not a deal breaker however).

5. Writing Style: I write in the third person, past tense, and prefer the partner match. I will go into first person if I am writing what the character is thinking, but it will be made clear in the writing. As for length and other things: I typically write paragraphs, sometimes as little as 3, sometimes as many as 7-8. It all depends. I can't work with someone who only does a line or two. As for grammar/spelling, I am not a Nazi, but repeated misspellings of words or poor sentence structure can make it more difficult. If I ever mention it as being an issue, it is usually because I have gotten really, really, really tired of seeing a specific thing.

6. Story vs. Smut - I love character development and world building. Details are my life blood, whether it be describing physical things, emotions, etc. This story will have smut/violence, so the partner does need to be willing to handle a decent portion of it, especially the middle of the story. The beginning and end will probably have less as we set it up and end the story respectively.

7. OOC/Negotiation - I am INCREDIBLY OPEN to talking OOC about the plot, the characters, issues being had, if there's too much smut/too much story, likes/dislikes, if we want to try something etc. I'm also very open to dealing with people's limits, although for a story like this, I hope that they aren't looking for something light/dainty. It needs to be fairly gritty, so if the idea of pain and suffering (physical and some mental/emotional) isn't your thing, I can't really back off on that point.

Overall, if you have any questions, concerns, comments or ideas, PLEASE let me know.
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