Coop's Requests and Muses

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Coop's Requests and Muses


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About me:

Hey, I'm Coop.
You can check out my introduction thread here. That pretty much tells you the basics of about me and that sorta stuff. Basically, I am a laid back individual who likes to write long detailed stuff. I am up for just about anything. Feel free to hitchhike any of my plots for your own use. If anything catches your eye just send me a message.

What I am offering:

-Intermediate to Advance, descriptive posts. I pride myself on my posts and always looking to get better.
-Length can very but I tend to range from the 1000 to 3000 word range. Sometimes they are a little shorter but that tends to be my average. In no way do I expect my partner to match me every time.
-I can post once a day, worse case every other day. Anything longer than that and I will let you know ahead of time.
-Plotting and communication are a big thing to me. I will totally ask you an annoying amount of questions and throw all sorts of ideas at you.
-I don't get butt hurt easily. If your not liking the direction the RP is going. If you don't want to keep going, or just need a break. Just let me know, I totally understand and am totally cool with it. I promise I don't bite(without permission anyways).
-Decent grammar. I make mistakes on occasion like anyone else but tend to do alright. If you don't understand something, just let me know!

What I am looking for:
I am honestly pretty chill when it comes to expectations out of my partners. All I really ask is you communicate with me.
-Length: Please, please, please, give me something to work with. I get we can't all write novels and some times the muse drags. A few good paragraphs can go a looong way. If you need me to pick it up or speed it along, just let me know.
-You can write in English or German(I prefer English).
-Throw me some ideas! It takes two to tango, lets make a story together!

Smut Stuff:
This honestly depends on the character I am playing. About the only thing I won't do is bodily fluid stuff. Otherwise it's a by case kind of deal.


Sins of the Past (Modern, Drama/Romance) (FxF, MxF)
Everyone has sins from the past, all of us make mistakes. For MC it was back in middle school/high school. MC was a bully and a real jerk who often made fun of YC. This escalated until they took it too far(what exactly happened will be determined through plotting) and YC was forced to transfer schools. After that they became bullied themselves by most of the school. Fast forward a few years later and MC only regret is they never got the chance to make it up to YC. They both end up going to the same University and MC sees it as a chance for redemption. Will YC even give him the time of day?

A World Undiscovered (Urban Fantasy Slice of life/Romance) (FxF)
I have several variations on this plot but essentially YC is either a untrained mage and/or normal human. MC comes along and offers to take them on as an apprentice....For a price. YC must agree to become MC's bride. Will they agree or let the real mystery of the world pass them by and continue their bland existence?

This War of Ours (Modernish, Adventure/Action/Romance/Drama) (FxM)
The war between two nations has finally come to an end. It looks as if peace will finally win out. A small faction of rebel groups begin making various attacks. YC is from one nation and MC is from another. The two nations send them to investigate the rebel faction. Will YC and MC get along? Can they get over the fact that each killed so many of their fellow friends? (This is just kind of a general idea I have going so far. Any additions/alterations would be welcome and very helpful)

The Grand Spire (Fantasy, Comedy/Romance) (FxF)
((This RP is totally suppose to be over the top. Kind of poking fun/incorporating a lot of video game and fantasy setting stuff. It's not to suppose to be serious at all. It's also a high smut level at like 70/30 smut/plot though that can change. It's kind of my joke RP. Not saying it can't be serious, I just never intended it to be serious. If you are genuinely interested in making it into a serious and/or long term let me know and we can come up with something. ))
Somewhere at the edge of the human realm lay the Grand Spire. Built long ago by ancient demons to rule over the hellscape. In recent years the Demon Queen(YC) has begun massing hordes of demons to attack the humans. Of course many adventures have sought to climb the grand spire and destroy the Demon Queen. Some for righteous cause. Others because of the huge bounty on her. MC is just a rouge who honestly, could care less. Figuring the tower was full of riches he decides to rob the place. Things don't quite go as planned and when he finally comes face to face with the Demon Queen a unlikely friendship begins to form.

((I'm honestly not super fond of pairings. This is a list of pairings I am sorta interested in. I'm not opposed to others.))

Bully x Bullied (FxF, MxF)
Rocker x Preppy (FxF)
Supernatural x Detective (FxF, MxF)
Poor x Rich (FxF)
Ghost x Human (FxF, MxF)

Pilot x Pilot(FxF, MxF)
Pirate x Soldier (FxF)
Alien x Human (FxF)

Writing Samples:
Coming soon!
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