Corrupt ~ Characters and Info

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Corrupt ~ Characters and Info


Dame of the Moon's Darkness
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Interest Check

RP Thread



1. If you aren't willing to deal with gore and bloody scenes don't join.

2. You can make as many characters as you can handle, just don't take on too much.

3. Please no self-lovers, self crushes are fine, but nothing more than that.

4. No one-liners, it's hard for others to work with that.

5. Don't kill off someone's character/s unless given permission to do so.

6. Please let me know if you are going to vanish for a bit, that way I can just move your characters along with the story.

7. If you get tired of a character and want to kill them off, let me know and we will have some major event happen to kill off your character and anyone else's who wishes to have their character killed.

8. Have fun, I want to make this a fun and drama-filled kind of rp.

Character Sheet

In Group, put Raven, Haven, Vex, or Loner


Origin Hybrids

Origin x Bulker
Origin x Healer
Origin x Electric
Origin x Shade
Origin x Hollow
Origin x Flame/Combustion
Origin x Ice
Origin x Electric
Origin x Swift
Origin x Toxin

Swift Hybrids

Swift x Origin
Swift x Shade
Swift x Bulker
Swift x Hollow
Swift x Toxin
Swift x Healer
Swift x Ice
Swift x Flame/Combustion
Swift x Electric

Bulker Hybrids

Bulker x Origin
Bulker x Swift
Bulker x Hollow
Bulker x Shade
Bulker x Toxin
Bulker x Flame/Combustion
Bulker x Ice
Bulker x Healer
Bulker x Electric

Shade Hybrids

Shade x Origin
Shade x Bulker
Shade x Swift
Shade x Hollow
Shade x Toxin
Shade x Healer
Shade x Electric
Shade x Ice
Shade x Flame/Combustion

Hollow Hybrids

Hollow x Origin
Hollow x Swift
Hollow x Shade
Hollow x Bulker
Hollow x Healer
Hollow x Flame/Combustion
Hollow x ToxinHollow x Electric
Hollow x Ice

Toxin Hybrids

Toxin x Origin
Toxin x Swift
Toxin x Bulker
Toxin x Hollow
Toxin x Shade
Toxin x Healer
Toxin x Electric
Toxic x Ice
Toxic x Flame/Combustion

Healer Hybrids

Healer x Origin
Healer x Swift
Healer x Bulker
Healer x Shade
Healer x Hollow
Healer x Toxin
Healer x Flame/Combustion
Healer x Electric
Healer x Ice

Electric Hybrids

Electric x Origin
Electric x Bulker
Electric x Shade
Electric x Hollow
Electric x Swift
Electric x Toxin
Electric x Healer
Electric x Flame/Combustion
Electric x Ice

Ice Hybrids

Ice x Origin
Ice x Hollow
Ice x Swift
Ice x Shade
Ice x Bulker
Ice x Toxin
Ice x Flame/Combustion
Ice x Electric
Ice x Healer

Flame/Combustion Hybrids

Flame/Combustion x Origin
Flame/Combustion x Swift
Flame/Combustion x Shade
Flame/Combustion x Bulker
Flame/Combustion x Hollow
Flame/Combustion x Toxin
Flame/Combustion x Electric
Flame/Combustion x Ice
Flame/Combustion x Healer

Flame/Combustion x Electric x Shade (Kamal-first gen of the tribrid)
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Origin
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Swift
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Bulker
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Toxin
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Ice
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Healer
Flame/Combustion x Electric x Hollow
Shade x Toxin x Ice
Shade x Toxin x Bulker
Shade x Toxin x Healer
Shade x Toxin x Hollow
Shade x Toxin x Origin
Shade x Toxin x Electric
Shade x Toxin x Ice
Shade x Toxin x Swift
Shade x Toxin x Flame/Combustion
Electric x Shade x Healer
Electric x Shade x Hollow
Electric x Shade x Swift
Electric x Shade x Origin
Electric x Shade x Bulker
Electric x Shade x Toxin
Electric x Shade x Ice
Electric x Shade x Flame/Combustion
Ice x Swift x Shade
Ice x Swift x Origin
Ice x Swift x Toxin
Ice x Swift x Bulker
Ice x Swift x Flame/Combustion
Ice x Swift x Electric
Ice x Swift x Hollow
Ice x Swift x Healer
Healer x Ice x Electric
Healer x Ice x Hollow
Healer x Ice x Bulker
Healer x Ice x Origin
Healer x Ice x Toxin
Healer x Ice x Flame/Combustion
Healer x Ice x Swift
Healer x Ice x Shade
Bulker x Swift x Shade
Bulker x Swift x Healer
Bulker x Swift x Hollow
Bulker x Swift x Origin
Bulker x Swift x Flame/Combustion
Bulker x Swift x Ice
Bulker x Swift x Electric
Bulker x Swift x Toxin
Toxin x Origin x Ice
Toxin x Origin x Flame/Combustion
Toxin x Origin x Electric
Toxin x Origin x Healer
Toxin x Origin x Shade
Toxin x Origin x Swift
Toxin x Origin x Bulker

You get the point(These lists are made thanks to ZAlcyoneus








Experiment Type(if one):







Vincent Banks- 49(DarkBloodMoon


Zhao Chun - 35(ZAlcyoneus


Flavia Milphidippa "Cheshire" Florius - 25(Pyxie
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Addie Thomas - 22(DarkBloodMoon
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Liu Wen - 21(ZAlcyoneus
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Civilians(6) These can be people too old or young to fight, or even people who just don't know how to fight
First Gen - Swift - Stella Garth - 28(DarkBloodMoon
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Raven Bandits
Lucy Howell - 23(DarkBloodMoon


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Angel Fervant - 29(DarkBloodMoon

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Sybil Rose Wolf - 18(ZAlcyoneus
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Jaxon Smith - 19(DarkBloodMoon
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Kronus Ash Owl - 45(ZAlcyoneus


Olympia Redding - 32(Pyxie


Edgar Winston - 29(DarkBloodMoon
First Gen - Shade
- Arrow Fenrir Banks(aka Obsidian) - 21(ZAlcyoneus
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Second Gen
- Tocix - Rain Oak - 20(ZAlcyoneus
______ - __(

First Gen - Origin - Charlotte Felia Wirz - 23(Pyx
- Kamal Ashwood - 18(ZAlcyoneus

Loners(Not Limited)
Erin Banks - 28(DarkBloodMoon
Ajax Hunter Wolf - 25(ZAlcyoneus
Diaval Anubis Wolf - 18(ZAlcyoneus
Mother of Experiments - Blight
- Adélie| Sarah| LeStrange - 21(Adeline Basset
First Gen - Origin
- Landon Tryter - 25(DarkBloodMoon
First Gen - Bulker
- Desi Tryter - 21(DarkBloodMoon


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This map informs you of the number of zombies in the areas.
Corrupt danger zones.png
Blackout Areas - These places are overrun with zombies, you will be lucky to get out unscathed if you dare to venture into them. So you better be prepared.

Dark Grey Areas - In these spots you'll find a heavy amount of zombies, but you can catch breaks here and there. So you aren't always running for your life.

Light Grey Areas - There are still a decent number of zombies, but way fewer than what you may find in Dark Grey.

White Areas - These areas are ones that have a decent amount of humans still hunting down the zombies. They are much clearer and safer to walk around freely within. However, you will still find zombies so don't drop your guard down.

Reason for the Danger levels around each Group

goes on patrols making sure that the outer areas of their territory is as safe as possible as they have children and teens that could wander out into the open.

Raven is in light grey due to being in a forest section and there being a slight increase of zombies to due animal zombies.

Vex Cathedral is in white as they collect zombies, studying them and killing ones that may pose a threat to their base. They are adamant about gaining control and not having another accident happen like at the old Vex Corp.

*Haven Traveling*
Roughly 31/2 miles to the BigSuperMarket

Roughly 11/2 miles to the closest gas station

Roughly 11/2 miles to the closest Grocery store

Taking 520 is Roughly 7 miles to the Big Hospital/ taking 90th is roughly 91/2 miles to the big hospital

Taking the top of the lake is roughly 81/2 to Raven Territory/ Taking the bottom of the lake is roughly 101/2 to Raven territory

Roughly 61/2 miles to old Vex Corp

Roughly 21/2 miles to Vex Cathedral

*Vex Cathedral Traveling*

Roughly 3 miles to the BigSuperMarket

Roughly 3 miles to the closest gas station

Roughly 2 miles to the closest Grocery store

Taking 520 is Roughly 5 miles to the Big Hospital/ taking 90th is roughly 71/2 miles to the big hospital

Taking the top of the lake is roughly 11 to Raven Territory/ Taking the bottom of the lake is roughly 91/2 to Raven territory

Roughly 5 miles to old Vex Corp

Roughly 31/2 miles to Haven

*Raven Traveling*

Roughly 7 miles to the BigSuperMarket

Roughly 3 miles to the closest gas station

Roughly 2 miles to the closest Grocery store

Taking 520 is Roughly 161/2 miles to the Big Hospital/ taking 90th is roughly 111/2 miles to the big hospital

Taking the top of the lake is roughly 81/2 to Haven/ Taking the bottom of the lake is roughly 101/2 to Haven

Roughly 141/2 miles to old Vex Corp

Taking the top of the lake is roughly 11 to Vex Cathedral/ Taking the bottom of the lake is roughly 91/2 to Vex Cathedral


Haven is a somewhat larger settlement that has been set up. It's based in an old apartment building and there is an electric fence running around the area to help keep the zombies out. It isn't in the best of conditions, but still is home to many humans. Everyone has each other's back, they go on supply runs, and defend the only place that feels somewhat like a home to them. The electric fence around the outskirts of the building gives them some leeway and helps keep out most of the zombies. This allows them to have a bit more free-roaming but sometimes a few zombies manage to slip in every once in a while. They even have a large high-tech generator, and even though it doesn't make a lot of sounds, they are saving it for when winter hits and will need more fuel for backup purposes. Within the fence, there is a small storage unit and a few houses that have likely already been cleared and cleaned out of supplies.

*Raven Territory*
This group of Ravens has been on the move, they couldn't settle down in one place and separated from their larger group. However, as they arrived in this area, they took notice there was a decent amount of possible supply areas and took over a large cabin in the wooded area. Sure it may not be normal, to want to be surrounded by woods possibly crawling with zombie animals. But you also have a better hunting chance living there so why not. Thanks to the cabin having possibly been someone's camping cabin, there was actually a decent amount of canned goods and jerky. So they were at least good on a decent amount of food and are able to keep ahead of it.

Vex Cathedral
To anyone randomly passing by it would look like a normal Cathedral wasting away in the forest. But for a certain group of people, it was much more than that. It was their home and their grounds to build a whole new lab and continue the plans Vex Corp once had. Yes, a shabby old cathedral hides tunnels beneath it that had saved a few of the workers from the original Vex Corp. No one will ever truly know what this new leader of Vex could be up to. But it is very doubtful it will do the world any good. This will lead to possible new zombie types being created and more experiments along with it!!!!

*Ruined City*
In these sections, you will find all kinds of small businesses and homes that are in ruins.

Houses - In the houses, you might find some needed supplies, but there is a higher chance you'll find nothing or maybe only run into a family of zombies.

Businesses - There are tons of businesses scattered all over the city, some may have nothing you can use, and others might have needed food, medic, or building supplies. But be careful you don't walk into an entire company of zombies.

The Big Hospital - This place has a ton of medical supplies, and even some food and beverages, however, there are a ton of zombies in the place all of which range from the lowest threat level to the highest. So very few dare venture in and if they do, it's unlikely they make it out alive.

The Big SuperMarket - There is still a decent amount of supplies, they are hidden in a sense. So you have to hunt for them. On top of that, you will find a random flux of zombies here and there, mainly Origins outside that venture in. But in the back storage house that is currently still locked up, there is a high chance you are going to run into Shades.

The Gas Stations - These places may have a few drinks and snacks left in them. But it also will have fuel, which is the main purpose for those who have a generator.

The Grocery Stores - Grocery Stores will still have a wide range of supplies for you, but keep in mind they are smaller quarters with possible high zombie numbers.

First-Gen Zombie Lore
Least dangerous to most dangerous

Origin Zombies - White eyes: These are the basic of the basic, they walk around aimlessly looking for things to eat. Vex Corp deemed them useless and cast them into underground tunnels. Since they are mindless and are attracted to sound and blood, they are easier to kill. They don't run, simply walk. Though they are slow, they are able to hear and smell things from miles away. Making them great use, for other zombies to find new prey. If you see Origin Zombies you can bet they are likely being followed by other kinds.

Weak Points - Head, Neck, Entire spine
Bulker Zombies - Black eyes: These ones that have somehow grown to be huge and strong, they could tear a human in half if they wanted. At one point these zombies were normal-sized, Bulkers were never anything Vex Corp intended. While these are large and can rip a person in half, they are very slow, even an Origin Zombie could move faster than them. They do have another perk besides being big and strong, their flesh is almost impenetrable, making it harder to kill them even though they are slow.

Weak Points - Eyes, Throat, Lower spine
Swift Zombies - Red eyes: These were made so that the wars could be ended faster, though they turned out to be so wild and crazy they couldn't be controlled at all. These tend to travel in groups of three, making them even harder to fight off and their speed has made many fall victim. They are also able to sense the first movements their prey is about to make to evade them. Giving them the chance to change their attack and strict a harsh blow.

Weak Points - Legs, Head
Shade Zombies - Gold eyes: These zombies can only move during the nighttime, they burn away if they are in the sun. They have perfect eyesight at night and can move as fast as Swift Zombies at times. Shades are dangerous because they don't need to track you down by blood or sound. They can find you just by looking as they have a strange combination of thermal/night vision. Their bodies can also blend well in the shadows, making it even harder to see them at night. And even though their golden eyes should be a dead give away some have thought their eyes to be flashlights of people off in the distance with how brightly they seem to shine.

Weak Points - Any form of bright light, including fire, Eyes
Hollow Zombies - Purple eyes: They were made with the hopes to control Origin Zombies. Vex Corp found they could control the Hollows until they tasted flesh, then they turned crazy. Hollows are the most deadly due to the fact they are smart and they can control all the other zombies. They are also able to regenerate limbs if they consume enough flesh and blood. So out of all the Zombies they look more human and alive than others, the only difference is their purple eyes and their flesh is almost a grey color.

Weak Points - Head

Animal Shades - Gold eyes: Are able to blend into the darkness and are much more stealthy. They will either gain thermal vision or night vision and if they already had either of those, it is enhanced. They are only able to move at night though because they too will burn under the sun

Weak Points - Any form of bright light, including fire, Eyes
Animal Origins - White eyes: Practically nothing can hide from them, their tracking skills are unparalleled as it just heightens what they probably already had to begin with.

Weak Points - Neck, Nose, Ears
Animal Bulkers - Black eyes: Their skin is tougher than normal animals, depending on the animal it could be almost impossible to pierce through, Black eyes.

Weak Points - Eyes, Ears, Throat
Animal Swifts - Red eyes: Faster than normal and able to dodge attacks and know when something is going to attack them

Weak Points - Legs, Head
Animal Hollows - Purple eyes: Become smarter, able to control other animal zombies, even if they aren't the same kind of animal.

Weak Points - Head


*Second-Gen Zombie Lore*

Toxic - Lime Green Eyes

Their skin alone with like acid and will eat through your flesh if you touch them or if they touch you. They also have a toxic mist they can cough out that will stay around them for about 5 minutes and they can do this 3 minutes after they did the first one.

Flame/Combustion - Orange Eyes
These zombies have skin that is scorching hot and they can decide if they wish to explode on you or just burn you with their touch. They also can spew out a lava-like liquid that burns through things.

Healing - Pink Eyes
You thought regenerating Hollows was bad, just try dealing with zombies that can heal other zombies within a 10ft radius.

Ice - Bright Blue
These zombies are cold to the touch and even leave a frozen trail behind them as they walk. Though if it's super warm it melts away. They hate the heat, so if its hot you will most likely find them somewhere cold. They can freeze things by touching them, it spreads across the surface in a matter of minutes if the touch is continuous. If you get bit you have to worry about your body going into a state of shock due to the cold rushing into your veins.

Electric - Yellow
These zombies are hell on technology is they get close enough, they can fry the systems with the electronic pulses they create that reach about 6ft out. They are also able to paralyze you if you get hit with the shockwave. Though these zombies tend to stay hidden from the rain....


*Hybrid Zombie Lore*

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Appearance: Image_992627.jpg

Name: Landon Tryter

Age: 25

Weapon/s: A black Katana and 44 magnum

History: Landon was offered a high-ranking position at Vex Corp, with the promise that he would be doing great things for the world. He wanted to do just that, in order to help pay for his sister's hospital bills. However, once he entered the place and found out that they were experimenting on people he couldn't bring himself to do it. He went about his job as usual with the intention of gathering evidence to get the place shut down, but he was caught in a matter of days. Everything was taken from him and they wouldn't even give him the option to leave in peace by threatening to kill his sister. Instead, they tossed him into one of the cages with others who had been kidnapped or tricked and he was stuck there waiting. Day after day he would watch as others vanished. One day it was his turn, they came in, shooting him with some form of tranquilizer, and when he came to he was strapped to a bed. It felt like his body was on fire as sweat dripped from his body and pain covered every inch of him. Everything after that was a blur, before he knew it he was tossed into a different cage, one by himself. But he could hear the growls and eerie noises of the other monsters not far from him. To this day those sounds haunt his dreams, waking him when he hears any zombie nearby.

Group: Loner, soon-to-be Haven

Rank: Will be Fighter

Relatives: None alive

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Other: He is the Origin Experiment


Appearance: thumb-1920-728084.png

Name: Addie Thomas

Age: 22

Weapon/s: A single silver dagger

History: Addie had been busy studying for medical school when the world decided to turn crazy. She had always been smart, and her smarts were what saved her for as long as they had. However, all hope seemed lost one night when she found herself trapped in a rather decent group of Origin Zombies. She had been fighting them off but was tired out and that's when people from Haven showed up. Taking out the zombies and making sure she hadn't been bitten. From that moment she offered her services to Haven, informing them of her knowledge of healing and plants alike. They accepted her into their group and she had been taking care of any injured people since. From what she has seen, it takes a completely healthy adult anywhere from 15 to 24 hours to change into a zombie. For a healthy child, it takes almost 2 to 5 hours. And for those who are sick, turn in a span as fast as 20 minutes sometimes. But these times are only rough guesses, not to mention that's only if the person has been bitten once. If the person has been bitten more than one time then their change happens much faster.

Group: Haven

Rank: Healer

Relatives: None Alive

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Other: Addie is trying to figure out how to put an end to people turning.


Appearance: 4540510-short-hair-original-characters-anime-anime-girls-gun-weapon-smoking-m14-ebr.png

Name: Lucy Howell

Age: 23

Weapon/s: 2, 99mm pistols, a tac-force stiletto folding knife, and an AR10

History: Lucy was always pushed into things by her parents, they didn't give a damn as long as their daughter did as told and made them money. This of course pushed her to the edge, and she became known as the Twisted Beauty. People didn't approach her with trifle stuff, if they had something to talk about it had better be for a good reason. Little did her mother and father know, that in her spare time she was hanging out with gang members. Learning to use weapons and even fight. She was waiting for the perfect chance to strike down her parents, that had caused her so much suffering. Soon she got her wish, at first when news spread about zombies, she wasn't sure it was real. But when someone at her father's company began eating another employee the realness of it sunk in. She used that chance, rushing home before trapping her mother and father in their room. She didn't give them slow deaths though, she made sure they suffered before leaving them to rot away in their room. While everyone else was panicking she made her way through the world running into a gang member she had hung out with before and being invited to join their group now called the Ravens. She made quick work in gaining the rank of Second-in-command, as not many could handle her. Most were caught off guard by her beauty and silken words, giving her the chance to bring them to the ground.

Group: Raven

Rank: Second-In-Command

Relatives: None Alive, She killed them

Crush: Damion Raven

Lover: Open

Other: 5'9

Appearance: Image_964219.jpg

Name: Vincent Banks

Age: 49

Weapon/s: Throwing daggers, a 1911 45 pistol, Buck knife

History: Vince has seen many things in his life, and he has been through a lot of tough times. Losing his first wife due to an accident and her leaving a will saying that his son would be taken from him broke his heart. All because he was always so work-focused and she felt he wouldn't have the time for a child. But as usual, work kept him on his toes and he didn't have much time to grieve. As Taylor had figured, he didn't have time to worry about raising his kid, but he did make sure that Erin had everything he ever needed. As time rolled along he was swept away in work and offered a new job at Vex Corp. But he was quick in doing his research on the place and found out exactly what they were doing. Love was what kept him there for so long, he thought he'd never love again, but then he met Elizabeth River. She was beautiful and her smarts matched him if not outranked him. His love for her came to a quick and sharp end, as she went against him in the topic of experimenting on humans. He tried talking some reason into the members of Vex Corp, but no one bothered listening to him. Since he was something of a bigshot in the world, they couldn't simply get rid of him and he was too smart to fall into their death traps. And then he heard of the accident at Vex Corp and the world as he knew crumbled to the ground. He felt partly at fault for everything that happened, he wasn't even aware that he had another son with Elizabeth. All he knew was he needed to create some kind of place where humans could be safe and that's what he did. Creating Haven, a place for anyone willing to work together or unable to fend for themselves, to call home.

Group: Haven

Rank: Leader

Relatives: Arrow Banks, Youngest Son - Erin Banks, Oldest Son - Elizabeth River, Ex-Lover(Dead) - Taylor Fawn, Ex-Wife(Dead)

Crush: None

Lover: Not interested

Other: 6'0
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Name: Arrow Fenrir Banks (aka Obsidian)
Age: 21 (August 1st 2001)
Weapon/s: A bow and arrows, incendiary and regular arrows as well as a 7.5" military tactical combat knife his mother gave him that she got from her father
History: Born on Lughnasadh, or August 1st in the Gregorian Year at midnight, Arrow was the product of a ill-fated love between a pair of Vex Corp scientists; one Elizabeth River and one Vincent Banks. His mother was a geneticist, a doctor, responsible for taking blood and running tests on it as well as the general health of everyone at the corporation while his father was said to be a important person in the corporation as well, being a data scientist. The relationship between his parents kept his father there a long time, perhaps longer than intended but somehow they had a falling out while his mother was pregnant. Afterwards they lost touch when his father left the corporation, his father never knowing that his mother was pregnant. Despite her pregnancy, Elizabeth continued working up until she gave birth and afterwards was allowed to raise him at the corporation and have thee months off to bond with the child.

Raised within Vex Corporation, his mother barely spoke of his father, instead raising him as a single parent. She never let her work get in the way of being a parent though being one of the few children there he didn't get much of a chance to socialize with others his age outside of the corporation. His mother would end up becoming pregnant with a second child when he was two years old, however he never knew of the father of his half-sibling but remembers the pregnancy being hard on his mother. Unfortunately, the baby had passed away at birth. However, over the years these friends of his disappeared until there was only himself and another boy left. One day the other boy was taken away and never came back, leaving Arrow the only child in the corporation. Neither his mother nor the adults said anything and after that day, he never saw the other boy's parent either. It had been the same with the other children as well, their parents left or disappeared with their children.

Vex would pay for his education after testing him and getting from his mother who his father was though they made sure that Arrow was loyal to them over anyone else. They couldn't erase the loyalty and love to his mother, however and when he was seven years old he stumbled upon one of the boys that disappeared and that was when he discovered one of the boys was now not the same. That was the day when Arrow discovered that his mother and others were attempting to make zombies. His mother got into an argument with the leader of Vex on a visit to the facility three months later and Arrow paid with his humanity and life. Arrow was taken away from his mother and experimented on by the adults who had cared for him, turning him into the shade experiment, a punishment towards his mother for arguing with the leader. Brainwashed and manipulated, Arrow earned the nickname 'Obsidian' and was tortured and molded. Over time, the brainwashing was no longer needed, his mother's death when he was fifteen causing his mind to snap and he fled with Mortem when Vex's accident happened, now surviving on his own away from what remains of society. Unknowingly, his 'best friend' is really his half-brother and his half-brother is really alive. He would eventually rejoin Vex as he had nowhere else to go and didn't trust people barring Kronus who he sees as a mentor and father figure.
Group: Vex/Loner
Rank: Shade Experiment
Relatives: Vincent Banks (father & leader of Haven), Elizabeth River (mother & scientist of Vex), Erin Banks (older half brother from his father), Kamal "Phoenix" Ashwood (half-brother from mother)
Crush: Open
Lover: Open
  • He is the shade experiment and loyal to Vex Corporation despite everything that happened to him and his mother.
  • He likes dogs and has a companion named Mortem that his mother attempted experimenting on at the bequest of one of the higher ups at Vex to serve as a companion and protector of her son when she had to work. Mortem has purple-red eyes.
  • Has ties to Haven through his father and half-brother though his half-brother's existence is unknown to him
  • The experiments to turn him into a shade zombie messes with his eyesight, making them sensitive to bright light.
  • Sees his experimentation as a blessing rather than a curse
  • His eyes shine in the darkness
  • His mind is fractured and he has a hard time holding onto his sanity at times, Mortem's the only thing keeping him from snapping completely
  • Has a good understanding of medicine from his mother and a general understanding of technology
  • Living on his own, he's had to learn to hunt and survive off what he can find or steal, not even afraid to pick items or supplies off the dead
  • Has night vision and thermal vision, plus can combine them
  • Loves stealing stuff
  • Can manipulate and create darkness element

Mortem | Age: 3 years | Gender: Male | Breed: German Shepherd x Rottweiler | Loyalty: Elizabeth (deceased), Arrow (master), some loyalty to Vex | Hollow x Swift Hybrid

Name: Sybil Rose Wolf
Age: 18 years
Weapon/s: A staff, couple twin daggers, throwing stars
History: Sybil grew up on a small family farm in one of the Great Plain states of the continental USA with her parents, older brothers and younger sister, twin brother and paternal grandmother. Things were fine until the outbreak, her family supplying eggs and herbs to town residents but otherwise living off what they grew, raised, hunted and foraged. Her father, tired of city life, made the decision to become a survivalist and live off the grid as it were, living off the land. When the society changed, her family were oblivious to it at first. Until one of their animals were attacked by a 'rabid pack of coyotes' which were really zombie coyotes. They were forced to put their entire livestock down though not before the children's' mother was bitten along with her older brother and younger sister. Her grandmother took her, Diaval and Ajax with her away from their burning farm.

They managed to live off the land and scavenge or loot from the dead, throwing in with a small group of survivors that had hidden in the sewers. However some zombies got in and attacked, the group no match for them or their dogs that turned on them as they got bitten. Sybil managed to escape but her grandmother got bit in the process by a swift zombie and Sybil shot her so she wouldn't turn, leaving what she knew behind with some children. Eventually they were picked up by some Raven scouts but in need of a healer only, the children were seen as a unnecessary burden and killed, Sybil being made to become their healer in order to protect the weakest of the children. This turned out to be a lie for as soon as she agreed, the last of the children were killed.
Group: Raven
Rank: Healer
Relatives: Abigail Wolf (grandmother-deceased), Sasha Wolf (father-deceased), Iris Wolf (mother-deceased), Clemency Wolf (sister-deceased), Ajax Wolf (older brother-alive, unknown whereabouts) Daemon Wolf (brother-deceased), Diaval Wolf (twin brother-alive-unknown), Chariot Wolf (nephew-alive-unknown), Iridium Wolf (aunt-deceased), Patrick Owl (cousin-deceased), Leo Wolf (uncle)
Crush: Open
Lover: Open
  • She trained underneath her grandmother as a healer, learning how to make herb medicines and poison/antidotes
  • Has survival skills from before she became part of Raven
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Jillian White
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Knives and lots of them, all hidden on his person.
He mainly uses two tactical knives, each in one hand. He uses a lot of throwing knives as well.

Jillian grew up on the street with no set place to call home. He was given to his grandmother her being his sole caregiver. However she fell very ill
early on in his life.

He didn't mind being on his own, he felt it gave him more freedom if anything. With seemingly no consequences it led Jillian into a bad habit of… 'burrowing things'

That's was his main way of survival. He wasn't always the tallest or biggest kid growing up, his small frame made it easy to sneak in and out of places and be quick on his feet. He was good at this hobby of his. Until one day he stole from the wrong person. He just so happened to pickpocket one of the scariest gang members in his area. Let's just say he's missing a couple of fingers.

However the man took pity on him and saw his potential. Jillian went from being a lone wolf fending for himself to an errand boy that would swipe anything he was asked for.

Unfortunately being a kid on the street with no place to go made him an easy target for people who knew he wouldn't be missed.

That's when he was taken off the streets and used immediately as an experiment. That was not fun for him.



Linda White (Grandmother)



-He is one of the experimented (Swift)
He has a soft spot for fish. When he was younger he and his sister had a goldfish, and he loved that goldfish… but one day he came home from school and… the fish was gone :(
- At times he is highly energetic (most of the time)
-Very unpredictable with what he says and what he does.
- Impulsive
- Very optimistic
- Can never pay attention
- Due to his past he struggles a lot with Kleptomania
- Laughs at the wrong times
- He really likes plants
- Can sleep almost anywhere
- Don't give him coffee.

Red eyes
White hair
A couple ear piercings
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Jillian White
View attachment 65945


Knives and lots of them, all hidden on his person.
He mainly uses two tactical knives, each in one hand. He uses a lot of throwing knives as well.

Jillian grew up on the street with no set place to call home. He was given to his grandmother her being his sole caregiver. However she fell very ill
early on in his life.

He didn't mind being on his own, he felt it gave him more freedom if anything. With seemingly no consequences it led Jillian into a bad habit of… 'burrowing things'

That's was his main way of survival. He wasn't always the tallest or biggest kid growing up, his small frame made it easy to sneak in and out of places and be quick on his feet. He was good at this hobby of his. Until one day he stole from the wrong person. He just so happened to pickpocket one of the scariest gang members in his area. Let's just say he's missing a couple of fingers.

However the man took pity on him and saw his potential. Jillian went from being a lone wolf fending for himself to an errand boy that would swipe anything he was asked for.

Unfortunately being a kid on the street with no place to go made him an easy target for people who knew he wouldn't be missed.

That's when he was taken off the streets and used immediately as an experiment. That was not fun for him.



Linda White (Grandmother)



-He is one of the experimented (Swift)
He has a soft spot for fish. When he was younger he and his sister had a goldfish, and he loved that goldfish… but one day he came home from school and… the fish was gone :(
- At times he is highly energetic (most of the time)
-Very unpredictable with what he says and what he does.
- Impulsive
- Very optimistic
- Can never pay attention
- Due to his past he struggles a lot with Kleptomania
- Laughs at the wrong times
- He really likes plants
- Can sleep almost anywhere
- Don't give him coffee.

Red eyes
White hair
A couple ear piercings
View attachment 65944
Haha I absolutely love the end 'Don't give him coffee ' Accepted of course
(editing rn)
Damion Raven


Black metal baseball bat named Consequences, the word painted bold and large on it. Also a revolver.

Damion grew up in a family that was cruel and cold, his father being a vicious gang leader of a gang called "blackbird."

His father did love his son very much but as an outsider you wouldn't believe it. Damion was the youngest of five and treated the worst, having been the youngest. The eldest was always praised for being the toughest, the smartest, and most promising according to his father.

His sister Fiona was smart and decided to leave the lifestyle of her family, and she was lucky enough that they let her go. However Damion had too much pried and he had to work harder to prove himself worthy to his father. And he did just that. He began to take out his anger in the most productive way he could. Punishing those who crossed him and his father, his main choice equipment to show the consequences of angering the family was consequence herself, the name of his black metal bat.

His name got out there and he got the reputation of being the scariest, cruelest members of the Raven family. Damion was proud and thought his father would be too. His father was ashamed of him, calling him 'unpredictable' and a 'firecracker' just waiting to be set off. And his father, a man of class and strategy could not have ticking time bomb in his gang.

There were always bad guys and good guys before the world went to shit. But during a time like this the good became bad, and the bad became downright evil. The Raven Bandits were created by yours truly… the Raven family.

Damion is the group leader of the twisted group. He wasn't always the one in charge. In fact it was his father. His brothers were right there leading the group.

Damion was an outcast in the group, and he wasn't letting that happen again. So he began to kill his family members one by one without them knowing who the culprit was. At last his father was left. He used his father's execution to show the rest of the Bandits that he was incharge and anyone who crossed him would suffer the same fate.

Raven Bandits


Rafael Raven: Father
Dean Raven: Eldest brother
Derek Raven: Second eldest brother
Dominic Raven: Third eldest brother
(They're dead..)

Fiona Cross: Second youngest sister
(One of the leaders of Haven)


-Damion at first seems like a reasonable, calm, collected guy. However he is extremely manipulative and has a scary temper.
-He loves to put a few bullets in the revolver and taunt his victims to play Russian roulette.
-He loves cats
-A stress smoker
-Surprisingly always smells good
-he is trying breathing techniques to calm his anger.

Dark brown eyes
Black wavy hair
Has many battle scars
!IT'S NOT ORV!.jpeg
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Fiona (Raven) Cross


Sniper and a machete

During Fiona's childhood to mid-teens she was raised in the head family of the gang "Blackbird." Growing up was difficult trying to live up to the family name, her brothers devoting all their time and effort for their fathers approval. Her heart broke watching her baby brother, Damion, commit horrible acts desperate to get a sliver of attention from their father.

This was a wake-up call for Fiona and she had to get out as quickly as she could. Usually how it goes is once you're a part of the blackbird, you never leave especially being a member of the head family. Thankfully for Fiona because of her older brothers always pleasing her father. He felt no need to keep her around to carry on his legacy and keep up with the family reputation. In fact because of the superiority her brothers held, he felt as though she'd be a disappointment. So when she left, no one came looking for her.

Fiona ended up engaged with a kind man named Samuel. He knew of her past and didn't see her as a monster, he saw her for who she was not the family name she was born into. Together they were planning to have a family. That was until a disease spread turning humans into zombies.

They heard of a place called Haven. That gave them the hope her and fiance needed. They travelled far to get to the safe place however, a day before they reached the destination, Fiona's worst nightmare came true. Fending off the zombies, Samuel was badly injured. The infection from the wounds he received spread quickly. He made her promise that she will go to Haven and continue to fight, for herself and for others. Fiona didn't let her fiance turn, she couldn't bear letting him become a monster. She wanted to remember him for the kind man he was.

The next day Fiona made it to her destination. There she did everything to show she was worthy of staying and pulled her weight. Thanks to her leadership skills her father taught she found herself being someone that others looked up to, turning to her for help and listened when she had suggestions. It wasn't long until she became one of the leaders.

Because of the name her brother made for himself and the bandit group he created, she decided that it was best no one knew her ties to her brother.


Leader (second in command if leader is taken?)

Rafael Raven: Father
Dean Raven: Eldest brother
Derek Raven: Second eldest brother
Dominic Raven: Third eldest brother
(They're dead..)

Damion Raven: Youngest brother
(leader of Raven Bandits)

Samuel (deceased)

-There are times where her past behavior comes out and anger gets the better of her.
-She is very forward and blunt with her ideas
-She's a stress smoker and very often although she tries to hide it, so when she's craving a cigarette she will eat candy
-She has a big sweet tooth
-She puts a lot of thought into what she does and says
-She wears her engagement ring on a necklace
-Fiona is very motherly, adapting a role to take care of others suited her best.
-At a young age it was discovered that Fiona suffered from a chronic illness, the doctors had yet to figure out just what it was. Many diagnoses were thrown around but they never stuck. The unknown illness impacted her immune system making her almost always sick, the illness made it hard for her to breathe at times and she suffered from chronic pain that affected her hips and chest the most.
-Although she is constantly helping others she refuses whenever help is offered to her.

Long black hair usually in a loose braid
Green eyes
Has a Raven tattoo on the back of her shoulder _ (27).jpeg
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Fiona (Raven) Cross


Sniper and a machete

During Fiona's childhood to mid-teens she was raised in the head family of the gang "Blackbird." Growing up was difficult trying to live up to the family name, her brothers devoting all their time and effort for their fathers approval. Her heart broke watching her baby brother, Damion, commit horrible acts desperate to get a sliver of attention from their father.

This was a wake-up call for Fiona and she had to get out as quickly as she could. Usually how it goes is once you're a part of the blackbird, you never leave especially being a member of the head family. Thankfully for Fiona because of her older brothers always pleasing her father. He felt no need to keep her around to carry on his legacy and keep up with the family reputation. In fact because of the superiority her brothers held, he felt as though she'd be a disappointment. So when she left, no one came looking for her.

Fiona ended up engaged with a kind man named Samuel. He knew of her past and didn't see her as a monster, he saw her for who she was not the family name she was born into. Together they were planning to have a family. That was until a disease spread turning humans into zombies.

They heard of a place called Haven. That gave them the hope her and fiance needed. They travelled far to get to the safe place however, a day before they reached the destination, Fiona's worst nightmare came true. Fending off the zombies, Samuel was badly injured. The infection from the wounds he received spread quickly. He made her promise that she will go to Haven and continue to fight, for herself and for others. Fiona didn't let her fiance turn, she couldn't bear letting him become a monster. She wanted to remember him for the kind man he was.

The next day Fiona made it to her destination. There she did everything to show she was worthy of staying and pulled her weight. Thanks to her leadership skills her father taught she found herself being someone that others looked up to, turning to her for help and listened when she had suggestions. It wasn't long until she became one of the leaders.

Because of the name her brother made for himself and the bandit group he created, she decided that it was best no one knew her ties to her brother.


Leader (second in command if leader is taken?)

Rafael Raven: Father
Dean Raven: Eldest brother
Derek Raven: Second eldest brother
Dominic Raven: Third eldest brother
(They're dead..)

Damion Raven: Youngest brother
(leader of Raven Bandits)

Samuel (deceased)

-There are times where her past behavior comes out and anger gets the better of her.
-She is very forward and blunt with her ideas
-She's a stress smoker and very often although she tries to hide it, so when she's craving a cigarette she will eat candy
-She has a big sweet tooth
-She puts a lot of thought into what she does and says
-She wears her engagement ring on a necklace
-Fiona is very motherly, adapting a role to take care of others suited her best.

Long black hair usually in a loose braid
Green eyes
Has a Raven tattoo on the back of her shoulderView attachment 65988
(editing rn)
Damion Raven


Black metal baseball bat named Consequences, the word painted bold and large on it. Also a revolver.

Damion grew up in a family that was cruel and cold, his father being a vicious gang leader of a gang called "blackbird."

His father did love his son very much but as an outsider you wouldn't believe it. Damion was the youngest of five and treated the worst, having been the youngest. The eldest was always praised for being the toughest, the smartest, and most promising according to his father.

His sister Fiona was smart and decided to leave the lifestyle of her family, and she was lucky enough that they let her go. However Damion had too much pried and he had to work harder to prove himself worthy to his father. And he did just that. He began to take out his anger in the most productive way he could. Punishing those who crossed him and his father, his main choice equipment to show the consequences of angering the family was consequence herself, the name of his black metal bat.

His name got out there and he got the reputation of being the scariest, cruelest members of the Raven family. Damion was proud and thought his father would be too. His father was ashamed of him, calling him 'unpredictable' and a 'firecracker' just waiting to be set off. And his father, a man of class and strategy could not have ticking time bomb in his gang.

There were always bad guys and good guys before the world went to shit. But during a time like this the good became bad, and the bad became downright evil. The Raven Bandits were created by yours truly… the Raven family.

Damion is the group leader of the twisted group. He wasn't always the one in charge. In fact it was his father. His brothers were right there leading the group.

Damion was an outcast in the group, and he wasn't letting that happen again. So he began to kill his family members one by one without them knowing who the culprit was. At last his father was left. He used his father's execution to show the rest of the Bandits that he was incharge and anyone who crossed him would suffer the same fate.

Raven Bandits


Rafael Raven: Father
Dean Raven: Eldest brother
Derek Raven: Second eldest brother
Dominic Raven: Third eldest brother
(They're dead..)

Fiona Cross: Second youngest sister
(One of the leaders of Haven)


-Damion at first seems like a reasonable, calm, collected guy. However he is extremely manipulative and has a scary temper.
-He loves to put a few bullets in the revolver and taunt his victims to play Russian roulette.
-He loves cats
-A stress smoker
-Surprisingly always smells good
-he is trying breathing techniques to calm his anger.

Dark brown eyes
Black wavy hair
Has many battle scars
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Damion is accepted

Fiona can be accepted as the second leader of Haven if you want
Appearance: Image_136758.jpg

Name: Erin Banks

Age: 28

Weapon/s: Twin black swords, a 357 revolver, 2 black karambits

History: Erin's life was a mess before the world turned upside down. His mother passed away when he was 5 and then he has ripped away from his father without knowing anything. At first, he blamed his mother, having been told it was her dying wish, but as he got older he began to understand. His mother hadn't set it up with cruel intentions, she had done so knowing his father wouldn't have the time of day for him. Erin turned to his studies and began a hobby of collecting things. His new family bought him whatever he wanted. Not that any of it held true meaning to him, it just made his lonely world fill a little more full. When he was old enough he went out on his own looking for his father, come to find the man was with another woman. He turned his back from his father, sending him one final letter, to stop sending money to the people that had 'raised' him as he wouldn't be there any longer. He set off, traveling the world and changing his focus to collecting all manner of weapons. Some were simply cool, others he took the time to learn how to use. Though none of it mattered once the world ended, he didn't even bother keeping the things he collected. He gave them out to people in need of ways to protect themselves only keeping on him his favorites.

Group: None

Rank: Loner

Relatives: Arrow Banks, Younger half brother - Vincent Banks, Father, Taylor Fawn, Mother(Dead)

Crush: None

Lover: none

Other: His hair was originally a light blonde, but he began dying it silver a long time ago. Since it hasn't really ever turned back to blonde which it is fine with. Pretty sure he fried the true color of his hair.


Appearance: HD-wallpaper-anime-original-blue-eyes-brown-hair-long-hair.jpg

Name: Stella Garth

Age: 28

Weapon/s: Single simple thin sword

History: Stella was working to finish that last requirement to get her teacher's degree. She had always loved the idea of being able to teach others, but her dream was shattered when the world crashed down on them. She didn't know what to do or how to react and she got to watch the most horrendous sight ever, her students being killed by monsters.... It was like a nightmare and she froze up, watching the thing that had once been a dog tear into the kids she had been watching over. Their screams still haunt her to this moment. The only reason she made it out alive was thanks to another student dragging her away. Though she knows this world is now a fight or be killed, she still struggles to wrap her head around it. Fighting was never her strong suit, so she is simply stuck being a burden upon others and doing what she can to help around Haven.

Group: Haven

Rank: Civilian

Relatives: None alive

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Other: She cooks and organizes the food supplies for Haven, not to mention watching over any kids that they may have there.


Appearance: png-transparent-myanimelist-woman-female-brown-hair-anime-girl-child-cg-artwork-black-hair.png

Name: Angel Fervant

Age: 29

Weapon/s: Two 9mm pistols, twin long daggers, stored in her boots

History: Growing up Angel always felt her parents certainly had a great sense of humor for naming her such. She hated it when people would tell her, that her name suited her and she was sooo well behaved. If anything her younger sister should have been called Angel. She was the one who was the sweetheart, meanwhile, Ange was out partying, and getting into all sorts of trouble. She didn't care about what her parents told her, nor did she care about finishing school. She ran away from home a total of 5 times before her parents barred her in her room. But she still managed to break out and then she vanished from their lives, living on the streets, fighting for food and money to live. Most would say it was such a struggle but for her, life was great. No one nagged her, no one expected anything from her she could just focus on surviving and if anyone tried to take her on. She'd kick their ass, it was simple compared to living a normal life. When the zombies come to be, it didn't have much effect on her other than there were stronger enemies to take on. She managed for a while, but as more and more of the monsters appeared she had to turn to help. Finding a group of people that went by the name of Raven, suited her taste and she fit in well. Enjoyed the fact that most in the group were cruel and some even had pasts somewhat akin to hers.

Group: Raven

Rank: Fighter

Relatives: None alive that she knows of

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Other: She has scars all over her body from the fights she has been in previously.

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Alex Thorne


Shotgun and many … many .. explosives

When Alex was little her father would find small one time jobs to fix other folks' broken down items, like cars, repair appliances and even fix up anything old and antique. That was Alex's favourite, when her father would bring in fascinating oddities to fix. Alex was never popular at school, she was an outcast and always alone, that was okay because as she grew older she began to take after her father and helped him with his work. Repairing things gave her a sense of purpose and accomplishment in life so she always preferred working on things over people,

They weren't the richest family but they did just fine when they were able to work. However, there would be times when customers were nowhere to be seen. Both Alex and her father had the same love for old antiques and dreamed the same dream that day they could open an antique shop.

Then that special day happened. They opened an antique shop. It was small, and the location was a little hidden but it was Alex's and her father's everything, and they were proud of it. This gave Alex more room to be creative, not only fixing things but making something entirely different and new.

One day Alex's father fell ill, and when this happened she was forced to close down the shop. She didn't know enough as her father did and the business was already at a rocky point financially. She took her skills to the military and became their main mechanic. During her time working in the military she met Kronus, someone who truly inspired her. She'd now made it her mission to accompany him and help him achieve his goals.



Henry Thorne: father
Status dead :(


-When out on runs she collects odd items that she clearly doesn't need
-Her eyes are always dry so sometimes she wears safety goggles
-She is fascinated by bugs but terrified of bees
-Nine times out of ten if you come to her with something broken she can repair and find a way to enhance the quality or function, if that's not the outcome then she completely butchered the project trying to create something too abstract.
-She likes making and setting off explosives. She loves when things go "boom"
-She talks loudly
-Always listens to music when she works
-She's devoted herself to Kronus and supports his decision to recreate Vex and will do anything she can to help him reach his goal.

Hazel eyes
Brown curly hair often covered up with an orange hat
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Thank you! Not sure yet if I will make Sybil's brother Ajax or her twin Diaval.
A tough decision! You should flip a coin haha
Maybe. Might just wait and see how things go.
Alex Thorne


Shotgun and many … many .. explosives

When Alex was little her father would find small one time jobs to fix other folks' broken down items, like cars, repair appliances and even fix up anything old and antique. That was Alex's favourite, when her father would bring in fascinating oddities to fix. Alex was never popular at school, she was an outcast and always alone, that was okay because as she grew older she began to take after her father and helped him with his work. Repairing things gave her a sense of purpose and accomplishment in life so she always prefered working on things over people,

They weren't the richest family but they did just fine when they were able to work. However there would be times where customers were nowhere to be seen. Both Alex and her father had the same love for old antiques and dreamed the same dream that day they could open an antique shop.

Then that special day happened. They opened an antique shop. It was small, and the location was a little hidden but it was Alex's and her father's everything and they were proud of it. This gave Alex more room to be creative, not only fixing things but making something entirely different and new.

One morning before work she ended up sleeping in, which she never did. On her way to the shop the infected swarmed the streets. Desperate, she made her way to the shop only to discover her father wasn't there.

She's not too sure how long she's been safe at Haven; she still wonders where her father is. She hopes he is well. Hell, she still prays he's alive.



Henry Thorne: father
Status unknown


-When out on runs she collects odd items that she clearly doesn't need
-Her eyes are always dry so sometimes she wears safety goggles
-She is fascinated by bugs but terrified of bees
-Nine times out of ten if you come to her with something broken she can repair and find a way to enhance the quality or function, if that's not the outcome then she completely butchered the project trying to create something too abstract.
-She likes making and setting off explosives. She loves when things go "boom"
-She talks loudly
-Always listens to music when she works

Hazel eyes
Brown curly hair often covered up with a orange hat
View attachment 66152
Accepted, haha

zombie_in_my_head_by_zunaki_d5mvzan-pre (1).jpg

Bluebird's Character Sheet

Art reference by Zunaki


Allie's a short person - she'd vanish from your sight in a crowd, but soon you'd find her by the flashes of her long blue hair.
By the jumpy, half-relaxed, and half-composed walk, while she smiles, you'd know her from afar.

Up close you'd note her sporty figure. Her freckled cheeks, small nose, and bi-colored eyes mesmerizing onlookers.

Kindness and curiosity beam from her eyes, but her small lips part from time to time as if she wishes to reveal a secret, but always keeps it to herself.

So imagine a girl with straight, long hair in the color of the deep sky, a small nose, freckled cheeks, and eyes in green and blue shades. Her skin is fair, and she wears a black shirt with a broken heart, tight blue jeans, and sports shoes. Occasionally she wears a blue tank top with a black blouse and jeans.

+Notable Features: blue hair, bi-colored eyes, freckled cheeks

General information:

"They call me Blue, or Bluebird, but my name, or rather the name I retained after someone is Adélie. I don't like using it..." - Bluebird.

Full Name: Adélie| Sarah| LeStrange
Nickname/s: Blue, Allie, Stranger, Bluebird
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 15th May
Gender: female
Ethnicity/Nationality: Franco-American, caucasian
+Place of Origin/Birthplace: Louisiana, but lives in NY
+Sexual Orientation: -
+Blood Type: O -
+Star Sign: Taurus
+Moral Alignment: neutral
+MBTI Type:
+Weapons: A trusty old metal bat with an unreadable signature of a celebrity. Well, at least she claims it to be. the case


"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can sew you, nor can I dull the pain to make your death peaceful. You're bleeding internally, and for that I'd need much better equipment than what we have. I'd say you have a couple hours before the point of no return. Unless, someone would be crazy enough to take a risk..." - Bluebird.

General Personality:

Allie's the kind of person you want to have around when you need kindness from those around you. A bit of positivity when everything's too grim and painful for you. Fair warning, she may be a bit nosy when she cares.

She may be morbid at times and odd when it comes to her curiosity, but she's always helpful to those around her. Helpful and passionate about the things she loves - be it science or jogging.

It's not unusual for her to swarm you with ideas when she has any. Although those ideas often stay as ideas, and nothing more, for perfectionism and inability to reach the too high bar she sets for herself lead to failure, fear, and avoidance.

She can rarely lash out in anger, be silently judgmental of others, and be confrontational when she disagrees with someone wholeheartedly.

It's a pity that one has to admit she's a bit of a coward, but once she sets sights on something, she mostly manages to achieve it - persistence saves her sometimes and sometimes does not.

Oh, and as much as she likes to talk, learn new things about you, there's little she'll say about herself - private type, one may say. Or maybe she's afraid of revealing something, that she'd rather keep a secret.

Likes: Ashwagandha tea, jogging, basketball (Providence Steamrollers and Brooklyn Nets), cup of coffee, lasagna ,observing life, rain, sea
Dislikes: smoke/cigar, football, cars, confrontations
+Hobbies: sketching, yoga, basketball, swimming, jogging
+Mental Illnesses | Disabilities: once had DMD (I know what it is ^^)

PersistentKindCuriousPassionate and Private
CowardlyStubbornPerfectionistMorbid and Nosy


"I hate fire. I can't stand it. It just... leaves a long lasting mark upon me." - Bluebird.


An irrational fear of failure, that comes from the fact she's a perfectionist


Irrational fear of fire, that originates from the fact she once fell into fire. OR perhaps there's more to this tale.


Fear of doing, or being not good enough. Again connected to perfectionism.


"What's a group? A congregation of living beings met with an unknown, thinking they can resist the worst of the world by being together. They are not wrong, but at the same time, they are lambs going to slaughter. Not all get to see the aftermath, but I do like watching how things unfold." - Bluebird.

Traveling Trader/Medic

Bluebird, or Allie as some may call her might pass off as a loner and at times she does prefer solitude - venturing alone into the unknown, searching for answers to her countless questions.

Outside of these periods, she tends to tag along with a group, usually picking one that offers the least danger to her, which in her humble opinion is Haven.

A place riddled with strong trying to protect the weak, which isn't what you normally see in nature. A fascinating piece of the human psyche she's yet to grasp.

Regardless, she comes and goes, acting as a traveling stranger with goods to sell - most of them medical supplies accompanied by a helping hand if asked to tend to the wounded. She's not the greatest flesh sewer, but her limited knowledge from her studies and hobbies does help bring the mortality down wherever she arrives. Then there are her helpful bits of advice about the movement of the hordes and infected she encountered. Always at a price, of course, she has her own needs in the end.

Rank: Traveling Trader (If possible)/ Medic (last resort due to her medical knowledge, she might prove useful at this position for simple things)

Relatives, Crush, Lovers, Other:

Blood-related (supposedly):
  • Sarah LeStrange
  • Eugene LeStrange
  • Valerie Connor
Non-blood related:
  • Gavin Wilks
  • Rupert
  • Henrik Hirsh
  • Damel Ja (DJ)
  • Niesha Gray
  • She once had a cat called Grim



  • She's the Blight, the beginning of it all - the first whose blood was taken, and whose blood wrought havoc around the world. It's unclear what her abilities are, and perhaps, she doesn't know them too well herself.


"Everyone holds some secret, be it a light one, or a heavy kind, you don't want anyone to know. Alas, I-I'd probably kill anyone who knows..." - Bluebird.

A loud yawn traveled through a lab. It came from a man with blonde hair and fair skin.
His comfy ass, far too used to sitting, rested on a stool adjusted to his short height while his blue eyes gazed at the computer screen. His eyebrows up and high, lips parted slightly. He wished to speak but could not for a moment or two until finally he raised his hand and covered his lips. Then a whisper came:
"What the hell?"
A couple of minutes ago, he discovered something strange in his patient's blood. And now, a few minutes after typing all the observed data into the computer. The computer-generated outcome left him shocked with its results. But he didn't get to think about it long in peace.
"Watch your hands man!"
Echoed loudly throughout the lab and made him pull his hands back reflexively before pushing himself back on the stool and turning around. Still sitting, Henrik saw a man that easily towered above him even if he chose to stand up.
Henrik was 5'5, while the man towering above him was 6'2, and had skin like an olive, if not slightly lighter.
"You know, you are the last person I thought I'd be telling that."
"Yeah, right, I thought you were gone by now DJ," A chuckle reached Hernik's ears in return.
"Come on, call me Dam while we're here. No one calls me DJ at work.-" his eyes wandered to the right and up but quickly focused back on Henrik "-well, except for you." DJ, or Dam, as he said himself smiled brightly.
"Anyway, what is it this time that keeps you here?" DJ asked.
Henrik looked to the side, parted lips to speak, but only air came out at first. He closed them, then parted again, this time looking at DJ.
"Just something that bothers me. Nothing too important."
Hearing it, DJ raised his hand to his chin and soon came the usual sound signaling his thoughtfulness and doubt towards Henrik's words.
"Hmm… really?"
Darn, there's the hum of his. I'm not getting out of this easily. - Henrik thought and slowly nodded.
"Yeah. I'm just double-checking Adélie's blood. Better safe than sorry after what happened to her half a year ago." Henrik held his breath while DJ examined his expression slowly.
"Hmm…" DJ hummed again, then smiled, seemingly satisfied with the answer.
"Well, you always were double-checking things and later waking up sleep-deprived. Just don't forget about our meeting tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know," Henrik started to turn around with his stool, but his words weren't taken in well by DJ.
"Nah, man. You don't. It's annoying that I need to play the mother here, but don't forget that the kid looks up to you. What you do, how you act defines her too."
Henrik looked him in the eyes and couldn't help but wonder what DJ was thinking.
"She's not a kid DJ."
"Eighteen and a half, still a kid to me, no matter what she went through. Oh, and Dam. No DJ around here."
"Alright, fine… Dam." He raised his hands in a peaceful gesture while letting out a soft sigh.
"Listen, I ain't trying to be an ass. You chose to be friends, and I kinda did lead you there, so you know."
Henrik nodded.
"Right..-" Henrik replied, then added, "-See you tomorrow, won't be late, I promise."
"Hey, be late again, and she'll be the one dealing blows this time!" DJ raised his voice and left laughing.
Henrik kept staring at the spot DJ was just seconds ago, expecting his sudden return, but that never happened. Finally, he turned back to the screen and looked at the data.
"This is so out of our league…" He murmured and bit his lower lip as he continued to stare for a minute, then hovered the mouse over the delete button yet hesitated.
A few minutes later, Henrik left the laboratory while bidding farewell to the janitor and left for home.

Heart pounding, sweat dripping down his forehead, glasses close to slipping off due to how wet his ears were from the drops that kept coming down.
He got off the bus as quickly as he could and ran as fast as possible. Only five minutes left, and he made a promise he ought to keep. Other people walking in big groups didn't help either. He had to maneuver around them, often losing his speed in return. He turned right, kept on running, then turned left and straight on, the rest of the road was.
He had less than a minute when he saw DJ in the distance, who had his phone out, and Henrik was sure he was counting the time. Even saw him raise his hand and yell:
"Run Henrik! Run!" Then burst out into laughter.
Henrik made a few final quick and long steps and collapsed onto his knees in front of him once he reached DJ. His breathing was heavy and loud.
"I… made it," Henrik said, struggling with each word.
"Well, to be honest, you're one second late," DJ replied.
Henrik couldn't see him grinning due to his head being down. And sight stuck onto the cold stone underneath him, but still, he had his thoughts on the matter.
"G-go to hell… man."
"As long as I get beautiful ladies there, but seriously…" DJ said, and Henrik could see his knee as he knelt in front of him.
"You alright?"
Henrik raised his head to look at the friend, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
"Yeah, just… not used to running."
"Oh, I know. It's no wonder you're so skinny."
"Y-yeah…- Henrik said and slowly got up to his feet. - I'll regret all that running."
"Bet you will. Should've gotten up earlier or gone to sleep earlier." DJ stated, and Henrik glared at him but chose not to comment.
"Where's Adélie?" Henrik asked, then both felt a quick tap at the shoulder and into their view came the girl they talked about.
She had long blue hair, freckles covering her cheeks, and a nose, on which rested sunglasses that covered her eyes.
"I'm here. You two are so distracted, and it's the middle of a path so...." She said, then all three noticed complaints from people around them.
"At least we're not blocking cars. Just busy ass people. " DJ commented.
"Well, you wouldn't like that if you two were in a hurry." She said.
"That's right, let's… move," Henrik said, lowering his head and raising his hand to the chest - his heart now mostly calmed, but his legs ached from all the running he did.
"Hey! Henrik , you better move!" He heard, raised his head, and only now noticed that DJ and Adélie were already moving forward. He caught up to them quickly.
Adélie was in the front, walking backward and with hands behind her back. - Smiling brightly and occasionally looking around with her bi-colored eyes hidden underneath the glasses.
Henrik and DJ were slightly behind, walking side by side and both almost at the same time spoke:
"You shouldn't be walking like that. It's dangerous." Their voices mixed, and as soon as they heard one another, they looked at each other, all while Adélie chuckled.
"You two are like brothers!" She exclaimed while adjusting the pace to those before her. She quickly stepped to the right to make space for a puffy man.
"We're not related," Henrik said.
"Not a chance. I'm way more handsome than he is!" DJ raised his voice and grinned at Henrik.
"Still, you shouldn't walk like that…" Henrik tried to continue, but Adélie just waved her hand.
"Oh, it's fine. I know where I'm going."
"You do?" DJ raised his eyebrow, visibly doubting someone could know where they are going while walking backward. Henrik nodded as if agreeing with him.
"Well, yes. I'm following the smell of the food!" She exclaimed it and smiled as if it was something obvious. The thing was: neither of the other two could smell anything.
Henrik parted his lips to speak, but before he could, DJ came in with his reply.
"Oh, right. Lead the way then."
Adélie smiled and finally turned around. Henrik, in turn, relaxed due to the fact she was no longer walking backward.
DJ reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone, then set a timer - something that Henrik cursed himself for not thinking of sooner.

By the time they found the smell of the mentioned food, ten minutes had passed. It turned out to be coming from a hot dog stand, and after a brief question of whether they would like to eat too, Allie went off to buy hot dogs.
DJ leaned towards Hernik while they waited and whispered without making Henrik blink as if he expected it.
"What bothered you last night again?"
"A couple of things. I didn't expect that."
"Well, it ain't normal."
Adélie briefly tilted her head and glanced at them as they talked, then she raised her voice.
"No! Not that one! The one to the right, then the other two farthest to the left."
"Alright, alright young lady! No need to raise thy voice. What's the difference anyway?"
The obese seller asked.
"They look better," she replied and bit her lower lip.
They went on a stroll after buying hot dogs.
"So Henrik gave me this book about various drugs, and it's so ridiculously long that I can't help but question how someone can even learn all of them," Adélie said, then took a bite out of the hot- dog they bought just minutes ago.
"Uh-huh." was all that DJ could do in terms of reply, while his mouth was full due to the hot dog.
"What caught my attention the most is the list of antibiotics, and how their adverse reactions…" Adélie kept talking, DJ listening while Henrik, with his hot-dog, still left whole, was alone in his thoughts.
Where does it end, and where does she start? - Henrik questioned and briefly looked at the girl, who kept talking and smiling.
"... in case of ibuprofen, the adverse reactions tend to include nausea…" She kept talking while he considered the matter for a few more seconds, then finally shook his head and heard a question coming from DJ.
"So, will you answer her question?"
"H-huh?" He looked at the two and noticed her waiting for an answer to a question he didn't know, but he did have an answer still. Sort of.
"Well, if you read the previous books I told you of, the matter would be much more obvious. How about you read them, then we return to the question?"
"Deal! But eat the hot dog." Adélie replied.
He took one look at the hot dog, the bane of his existence, one thing he disliked since childhood, and yet somehow she persuaded him to get one, and now he had to take a bite.
He couldn't help but wince, then bite in, and raise his eyebrows a moment later.​
"Hey, it's pretty good."
"I know! I picked the best ones he had!" Adélie smiled brightly, and he couldn't help but reply to that smile with his own.

That was the past now long gone as men and women - humans have to struggle to survive. A year, era, time in which she didn't wish to live in, but it remains intriguing and entertaining nonetheles.


"What can I do? An excellent question! Alas, I'm afraid there's little I can say in that regard." - Bluebird.

Mimicry: evolutionary biology explains it as evolved resemblance between organisms. Putting it in simpler words, it could be described as a situation when one object resembles another or when one organism resembles an object or an organism - e.g: caterpillars resemble twigs, bark, leaves. The point of mimicry is to provide an advantage over other species. A defence mechanism for some, and a useful tools for predators in other cases. It's unclear how limited Bluebird's mimicry is, but at the moment she revealed herself capable of voice mimicry when replicating Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice.
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Bluebird's Character Sheet

Art reference by Zunaki


Allie's a short person - she'd vanish from your sight in a crowd, but soon you'd find her by the flashes of her long blue hair.
By the jumpy, half-relaxed, and half-composed walk, while she smiles, you'd know her from afar.

Up close you'd note her sporty figure. Her freckled cheeks, small nose, and bi-colored eyes mesmerizing onlookers.

Kindness and curiosity beam from her eyes, but her small lips part from time to time as if she wishes to reveal a secret, but always keeps it to herself.

So imagine a girl with straight, long hair in the color of the deep sky, a small nose, freckled cheeks, and eyes in green and blue shades. Her skin is fair, and she wears a black shirt with a broken heart, tight blue jeans, and sports shoes. Occasionally she wears a blue tank top with a black blouse and jeans.

+Notable Features: blue hair, bi-colored eyes, freckled cheeks

General information:

"They call me Blue, or Bluebird, but my name, or rather the name I retained after someone is Adélie. I don't like using it..." - Bluebird.

Full Name: Adélie| Sarah| LeStrange
Nickname/s: Blue, Allie, Stranger, Bluebird
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 15th May
Gender: female
Ethnicity/Nationality: Franco-American, caucasian
+Place of Origin/Birthplace: Louisiana, but lives in NY
+Sexual Orientation: -
+Blood Type: O -
+Star Sign: Taurus
+Moral Alignment: neutral
+MBTI Type:
+Weapons: A trusty old metal bat with an unreadable signature of a celebrity. Well, at least she claims it to be. the case


"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can sew you, nor can I dull the pain to make your death peaceful. You're bleeding internally, and for that I'd need much better equipment than what we have. I'd say you have a couple hours before the point of no return. Unless, someone would be crazy enough to take a risk..." - Bluebird.

General Personality:

Allie's the kind of person you want to have around when you need kindness from those around you. A bit of positivity when everything's too grim and painful for you. Fair warning, she may be a bit nosy when she cares.

She may be morbid at times and odd when it comes to her curiosity, but she's always helpful to those around her. Helpful and passionate about the things she loves - be it science or jogging.

It's not unusual for her to swarm you with ideas when she has any. Although those ideas often stay as ideas, and nothing more, for perfectionism and inability to reach the too high bar she sets for herself lead to failure, fear, and avoidance.

She can rarely lash out in anger, be silently judgmental of others, and be confrontational when she disagrees with someone wholeheartedly.

It's a pity that one has to admit she's a bit of a coward, but once she sets sights on something, she mostly manages to achieve it - persistence saves her sometimes and sometimes does not.

Oh, and as much as she likes to talk, learn new things about you, there's little she'll say about herself - private type, one may say. Or maybe she's afraid of revealing something, that she'd rather keep a secret.

Likes: Ashwagandha tea, jogging, basketball (Providence Steamrollers and Brooklyn Nets), cup of coffee, lasagna ,observing life, rain, sea
Dislikes: smoke/cigar, football, cars, confrontations
+Hobbies: sketching, yoga, basketball, swimming, jogging
+Mental Illnesses | Disabilities: once had DMD (I know what it is ^^)

PersistentKindCuriousPassionate and Private
CowardlyStubbornPerfectionistMorbid and Nosy


"I hate fire. I can't stand it. It just... leaves a long lasting mark upon me." - Bluebird.


An irrational fear of failure, that comes from the fact she's a perfectionist


Irrational fear of fire, that originates from the fact she once fell into fire. OR perhaps there's more to this tale.


Fear of doing, or being not good enough. Again connected to perfectionism.


"What's a group? A congregation of living beings met with an unknown, thinking they can resist the worst of the world by being together. They are not wrong, but at the same time, they are lambs going to slaughter. Not all get to see the aftermath, but I do like watching how things unfold." - Bluebird.

Traveling Trader/Medic

Bluebird, or Allie as some may call her might pass off as a loner and at times she does prefer solitude - venturing alone into the unknown, searching for answers to her countless questions.

Outside of these periods, she tends to tag along with a group, usually picking one that offers the least danger to her, which in her humble opinion is Haven.

A place riddled with strong trying to protect the weak, which isn't what you normally see in nature. A fascinating piece of the human psyche she's yet to grasp.

Regardless, she comes and goes, acting as a traveling stranger with goods to sell - most of them medical supplies accompanied by a helping hand if asked to tend to the wounded. She's not the greatest flesh sewer, but her limited knowledge from her studies and hobbies does help bring the mortality down wherever she arrives. Then there are her helpful bits of advice about the movement of the hordes and infected she encountered. Always at a price, of course, she has her own needs in the end.

Rank: Traveling Trade (If possible)/ Medic (last resort due to her medical knowledge, she might prove useful at this position for simple things)

Relatives, Crush, Lovers, Other:

Blood-related (supposedly):
  • Sarah LeStrange
  • Eugene LeStrange
  • Valerie Connor
Non-blood related:
  • Gavin Wilks
  • Rupert
  • Henrik Hirsh
  • Damel Ja (DJ)
  • Niesha Gray
  • She once had a cat called Grim



  • She's the Blight, the beginning of it all - the first whose blood was taken, and whose blood wrought havoc around the world. It's unclear what her abilities are, and perhaps, she doesn't know them too well herself.


"Everyone holds some secret, be it a light one, or a heavy kind, you don't want anyone to know. Alas, I-I'd probably kill anyone who knows..." - Bluebird.

A loud yawn traveled through a lab. It came from a man with blonde hair and fair skin.
His comfy ass, far too used to sitting, rested on a stool adjusted to his short height while his blue eyes gazed at the computer screen. His eyebrows up and high, lips parted slightly. He wished to speak but could not for a moment or two until finally he raised his hand and covered his lips. Then a whisper came:
"What the hell?"
A couple of minutes ago, he discovered something strange in his patient's blood. And now, a few minutes after typing all the observed data into the computer. The computer-generated outcome left him shocked with its results. But he didn't get to think about it long in peace.
"Watch your hands man!"
Echoed loudly throughout the lab and made him pull his hands back reflexively before pushing himself back on the stool and turning around. Still sitting, Henrik saw a man that easily towered above him even if he chose to stand up.
Henrik was 5'5, while the man towering above him was 6'2, and had skin like an olive, if not slightly lighter.
"You know, you are the last person I thought I'd be telling that."
"Yeah, right, I thought you were gone by now DJ," A chuckle reached Hernik's ears in return.
"Come on, call me Dam while we're here. No one calls me DJ at work.-" his eyes wandered to the right and up but quickly focused back on Henrik "-well, except for you." DJ, or Dam, as he said himself smiled brightly.
"Anyway, what is it this time that keeps you here?" DJ asked.
Henrik looked to the side, parted lips to speak, but only air came out at first. He closed them, then parted again, this time looking at DJ.
"Just something that bothers me. Nothing too important."
Hearing it, DJ raised his hand to his chin and soon came the usual sound signaling his thoughtfulness and doubt towards Henrik's words.
"Hmm… really?"
Darn, there's the hum of his. I'm not getting out of this easily. - Henrik thought and slowly nodded.
"Yeah. I'm just double-checking Adélie's blood. Better safe than sorry after what happened to her half a year ago." Henrik held his breath while DJ examined his expression slowly.
"Hmm…" DJ hummed again, then smiled, seemingly satisfied with the answer.
"Well, you always were double-checking things and later waking up sleep-deprived. Just don't forget about our meeting tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know," Henrik started to turn around with his stool, but his words weren't taken in well by DJ.
"Nah, man. You don't. It's annoying that I need to play the mother here, but don't forget that the kid looks up to you. What you do, how you act defines her too."
Henrik looked him in the eyes and couldn't help but wonder what DJ was thinking.
"She's not a kid DJ."
"Eighteen and a half, still a kid to me, no matter what she went through. Oh, and Dam. No DJ around here."
"Alright, fine… Dam." He raised his hands in a peaceful gesture while letting out a soft sigh.
"Listen, I ain't trying to be an ass. You chose to be friends, and I kinda did lead you there, so you know."
Henrik nodded.
"Right..-" Henrik replied, then added, "-See you tomorrow, won't be late, I promise."
"Hey, be late again, and she'll be the one dealing blows this time!" DJ raised his voice and left laughing.
Henrik kept staring at the spot DJ was just seconds ago, expecting his sudden return, but that never happened. Finally, he turned back to the screen and looked at the data.
"This is so out of our league…" He murmured and bit his lower lip as he continued to stare for a minute, then hovered the mouse over the delete button yet hesitated.
A few minutes later, Henrik left the laboratory while bidding farewell to the janitor and left for home.

Heart pounding, sweat dripping down his forehead, glasses close to slipping off due to how wet his ears were from the drops that kept coming down.
He got off the bus as quickly as he could and ran as fast as possible. Only five minutes left, and he made a promise he ought to keep. Other people walking in big groups didn't help either. He had to maneuver around them, often losing his speed in return. He turned right, kept on running, then turned left and straight on, the rest of the road was.
He had less than a minute when he saw DJ in the distance, who had his phone out, and Henrik was sure he was counting the time. Even saw him raise his hand and yell:
"Run Henrik! Run!" Then burst out into laughter.
Henrik made a few final quick and long steps and collapsed onto his knees in front of him once he reached DJ. His breathing was heavy and loud.
"I… made it," Henrik said, struggling with each word.
"Well, to be honest, you're one second late," DJ replied.
Henrik couldn't see him grinning due to his head being down. And sight stuck onto the cold stone underneath him, but still, he had his thoughts on the matter.
"G-go to hell… man."
"As long as I get beautiful ladies there, but seriously…" DJ said, and Henrik could see his knee as he knelt in front of him.
"You alright?"
Henrik raised his head to look at the friend, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
"Yeah, just… not used to running."
"Oh, I know. It's no wonder you're so skinny."
"Y-yeah…- Henrik said and slowly got up to his feet. - I'll regret all that running."
"Bet you will. Should've gotten up earlier or gone to sleep earlier." DJ stated, and Henrik glared at him but chose not to comment.
"Where's Adélie?" Henrik asked, then both felt a quick tap at the shoulder and into their view came the girl they talked about.
She had long blue hair, freckles covering her cheeks, and a nose, on which rested sunglasses that covered her eyes.
"I'm here. You two are so distracted, and it's the middle of a path so...." She said, then all three noticed complaints from people around them.
"At least we're not blocking cars. Just busy ass people. " DJ commented.
"Well, you wouldn't like that if you two were in a hurry." She said.
"That's right, let's… move," Henrik said, lowering his head and raising his hand to the chest - his heart now mostly calmed, but his legs ached from all the running he did.
"Hey! Henrik , you better move!" He heard, raised his head, and only now noticed that DJ and Adélie were already moving forward. He caught up to them quickly.
Adélie was in the front, walking backward and with hands behind her back. - Smiling brightly and occasionally looking around with her bi-colored eyes hidden underneath the glasses.
Henrik and DJ were slightly behind, walking side by side and both almost at the same time spoke:
"You shouldn't be walking like that. It's dangerous." Their voices mixed, and as soon as they heard one another, they looked at each other, all while Adélie chuckled.
"You two are like brothers!" She exclaimed while adjusting the pace to those before her. She quickly stepped to the right to make space for a puffy man.
"We're not related," Henrik said.
"Not a chance. I'm way more handsome than he is!" DJ raised his voice and grinned at Henrik.
"Still, you shouldn't walk like that…" Henrik tried to continue, but Adélie just waved her hand.
"Oh, it's fine. I know where I'm going."
"You do?" DJ raised his eyebrow, visibly doubting someone could know where they are going while walking backward. Henrik nodded as if agreeing with him.
"Well, yes. I'm following the smell of the food!" She exclaimed it and smiled as if it was something obvious. The thing was: neither of the other two could smell anything.
Henrik parted his lips to speak, but before he could, DJ came in with his reply.
"Oh, right. Lead the way then."
Adélie smiled and finally turned around. Henrik, in turn, relaxed due to the fact she was no longer walking backward.
DJ reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone, then set a timer - something that Henrik cursed himself for not thinking of sooner.

By the time they found the smell of the mentioned food, ten minutes had passed. It turned out to be coming from a hot dog stand, and after a brief question of whether they would like to eat too, Allie went off to buy hot dogs.
DJ leaned towards Hernik while they waited and whispered without making Henrik blink as if he expected it.
"What bothered you last night again?"
"A couple of things. I didn't expect that."
"Well, it ain't normal."
Adélie briefly tilted her head and glanced at them as they talked, then she raised her voice.
"No! Not that one! The one to the right, then the other two farthest to the left."
"Alright, alright young lady! No need to raise thy voice. What's the difference anyway?"
The obese seller asked.
"They look better," she replied and bit her lower lip.
They went on a stroll after buying hot dogs.
"So Henrik gave me this book about various drugs, and it's so ridiculously long that I can't help but question how someone can even learn all of them," Adélie said, then took a bite out of the hot- dog they bought just minutes ago.
"Uh-huh." was all that DJ could do in terms of reply, while his mouth was full due to the hot dog.
"What caught my attention the most is the list of antibiotics, and how their adverse reactions…" Adélie kept talking, DJ listening while Henrik, with his hot-dog, still left whole, was alone in his thoughts.
Where does it end, and where does she start? - Henrik questioned and briefly looked at the girl, who kept talking and smiling.
"... in case of ibuprofen, the adverse reactions tend to include nausea…" She kept talking while he considered the matter for a few more seconds, then finally shook his head and heard a question coming from DJ.
"So, will you answer her question?"
"H-huh?" He looked at the two and noticed her waiting for an answer to a question he didn't know, but he did have an answer still. Sort of.
"Well, if you read the previous books I told you of, the matter would be much more obvious. How about you read them, then we return to the question?"
"Deal! But eat the hot dog." Adélie replied.
He took one look at the hot dog, the bane of his existence, one thing he disliked since childhood, and yet somehow she persuaded him to get one, and now he had to take a bite.
He couldn't help but wince, then bite in, and raise his eyebrows a moment later.​
"Hey, it's pretty good."
"I know! I picked the best ones he had!" Adélie smiled brightly, and he couldn't help but reply to that smile with his own.

That was the past now long gone as men and women - humans have to struggle to survive. A year, era, time in which she didn't wish to live in, but it remains intriguing and entertaining nonetheles.
Accepted and I absolutely love her pic!!!! That is freaking badass!!!
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