FxF Craving that needs some vavavoom

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FxF Craving that needs some vavavoom

Hinatu <3

Delayed Awesomeness
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She, Her
Hello my fellow roleplayers! My name is Hinatu/Hina/Whatever you'd like. I have been roleplaying on and off for the past 17-19 years give or take (can't remember when exactly I started, I know it was around 11) So in total with the gaps in which I stopped roleplaying for a bit, about 10 years. I started on this weird little site called Meez.com, which is gone now but it was my weird introduction to the roleplaying world. Since then my style has evolved and changed and I may stop roleplaying for bits of time but I always return as the creative mind cannot be tamed.

I tend to do responses whenever. Sometimes I will respond the same day, sometimes it'll be a week. I reply anywhere from 2-3 paragraphs to 7 paragraphs, it all depends on what's going on in the roleplay, if I'm waiting on a response in character (as nothing bothers me more than when someone answers/moves my character and vice versa so I'd rather only have 2 paragraphs while waiting for YC to respond than do anything without YC's response) I tend to respond OOC more than in just because I like conversing with my partners, we are more than our characters and most of the time I've bonded quite a bit with my partners OOC (not that it's a requirement, just makes for flowing the rp better when we are on the same page)

Now having said the basic response time for myself, I do expect my partner to try to do the same. Responses anywhere from multiple times a day (if we're feeling it) to once a week. If you're unable to respond, just let me know, if you don't want to continue the roleplay? don't feel like we vibe? that's fine, let me know, do not ghost me! If you want to put it on hold because you're just not feeling it, just reach out.

I do not mind gore and violence, just not a huge fan of it just because I've never been an 'action' girl. Do I have roleplays about war and fights and stuff, absolutely, as I'm a fantasy girl and most fantasy roleplays, it comes with the territory.

I'm not one much for fandoms and things of that nature, now do I draw from some plots to make my own world, absolutely! Which leads me to my ideas. I recently rediscovered a movie I used to watch on repeat as a child called "The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns" which is a romeo and juliet style story but between leprechauns and fairies which I ADORED as a child and used to pretend we were the characters with my friends. So my thought is I would love a nice romeo/juliet style roleplay with or without fantasy characters (fantasy preferred though). I'm not talking exactly romeo and juliet just something romance driven but not having it COMPLETELY ALL ABOUT IT romance.

A few ideas I've had rattling around are:

Non-Fantasy- MafiaXGuard/Rival Mafia- are you the mafia bosses daughter who falls unexpectedly for their bodyguard, knowing your father/mother would kill them if they found out? Or are you the mafia boss who falls in love with the Rival Mafia's daughter/son not realizing who they were?

Fantasy- (as with the original inspiration for this craving) Fantasy speciesXHuman/other Fantasy species- are you a fairy who's fallen for a human? maybe you're an elf who fell for an orc?(idk) something to be discussed? Do you come from a kingdom where you are next in line but find yourself entranced by a being who comes to light to be the rival kingdom's next in line? or maybe even their current king/queen who was coming to your kingdom to wage war but became enthralled by you?

Fantasy- VillainXRuler- Maybe you're an evil villain, hellbent on taking down an empire that has wronged you or yours, arriving at the newly crowned ruler's ball disguised and ready to seduce them only to find yourself strangely enthralled by them? Or could you be the ruler just coming into their rule, finding yourself falling for this amazing creature, only to find out they were trying to take you down the whole time? or were they?

Again, just some ideas that I would LOVE to delve deeper into with someone. If you've made it this far and want to message me, just put a lovely little detail about your favorite animal in the pm so I know you've actually read this :) Looking forward to hearing from you!
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