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You can call me Rat, I'm currently out of school and working. I have been writing for many years always had an interest in it since my grandmother was a writer. Although I wouldn't say I'm new at roleplaying as I have been for four years I have fallen out of it due to the fact I have been busy. I do wish to get back into it which is why I'm making this thread right now~

Getting back into something I love will be a huge step for me and hopefully it'll get my motivation back into writing.

What I need:

I need a good story before getting into the romance and smut. Don't get me wrong, I love the sexy scenes just as much as a mouse love cheese, however having a good character base and a storyline really sets things into place for me.

My roleplay partner and I should have some form of communication between each other to make things more smooth, if you're not comfortable with something or have an idea I will need you to tell me! As I will be able to tell you.

Just like everyone else, I DO get busy with life. That's also where communication comes in, I will do my best to tell you if I won't be able to reply, or when you should expect a reply from me. Just because if I haven't replied to you doesn't mean I've forgotten about you. Also do note that I write on my phone so my replies will automatically take some time to write out.

-Long term-
When I get a roleplay starting and I'm really into it I wish to continue it for as long as I can, keep these characters going. I would wish for my partner wanting the same as in wanting a long term partner.

-No one liners-
Pretty self explanatory, with that being said I'm not looking for a novel (Although that would be rad.) Something with at least a paragraph long, give me something I can work on. I tend to match my partners length.

What I roleplay:

I'm not very conformed into playing a certain gender or role, I like to be able to flip flop around, I'm usually able to accommodate towards your preference and likings. I do have preferences and no-nos which I will go over.

I prefer romance, slice of life, horror, paranormal and fantasy. The only reasons I'd say I prefer those is because those are the ones I often do AND are use to. I'm no stranger to darker themed roleplays, I do love to mix a little bit of mental health into my characters and let their freak flag fly. I am rather fascinated by the underlining of the way a human brain works and if I can tie a rather 'unhealthy' brain into that I'd be so thrilled!

I prefer playing male genders although I enjoy playing feminine males, or females in general, again I'm used to playing male genders and have had more experience with doing so.

Now, about what I'm not willing to do-----

I will not roleplay rape or excessive gore,

No furries


Or anything gross like that, I'm a squeamish person.


Now here's where I get stuck, I'm wanting to do everything and explore anything that actually confining into one plot is difficult for me, I prefer to talk it out with my partner. Note that I am able (and enjoy) playing two roles at the same time.

There's always those vague pairings such as

Supernatural being x human
Angel x demon
Student x Exchange Student
Bad boy (or girl) x Good girl (or boy)
Tough x Shy:
Blind girl(or boy) x Normal boy (or girl)
Deaf boy(or girl) x Normal girl (or boy)
Nerd x Jock
Rich boy (or girl) x Poor girl (or boy)
Friends with benefits
Arranged marriage
Boy x Girlfriend's best friend
Maid x Master

I'd love to hear what ideas you have, feel free to message me :)
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