The Snack Fairy
I'm absolutely awful at making up plots and ads, but I hope my RPing would make up for it. So, as the title implies, I'm seeking to do some long term, comical romances for my Khajiit. There's plenty of options of how this might work; it's possible the harem is made up of apprentices of his, those trying to learn magic, alchemy, general combat, among many other things from this legendary Dragonborn. Perhaps they're already working for him in Sjel Blad Castle as guards or servants, or perhaps they're admirers of the Dragonborn and just used this as an opportunity to get closer to him. I'm very much hoping for a cute, sweet romance to develop between Ja'vassa and the girls that make up the harem. Though, I'm looking for more story than sex, but this can be discussed. I know the ad wasn't impressive, but again, I hope the roleplay itself would more than make up for it. This can be a 1x1 RP or we could have a small group, regardless, drop me a PM or response here and we'll see what we can do. I hope to hear from you soon!