Roleplay Addict
- Local time
- Tomorrow 3:32 AM
- Messages
- 937
- Age
- 26

- Name: Cyne Reyny
- Age: 24
- Gender: Male
- Height: 6'8"
- Personality: Confident, careless, mean, flirty, self-obsessed.
Cyne has pale blue skin, with no scars or blemishes. He has a round face. Cyne has two yellow pupils in his right eye, whilst his left eye is blind. His hair is navy (dark blue), its curly and goes down to the middle of his back. Most of his height comes from his longer than average legs, making his body out of proportion. Otherwise his body is normal, other than his other set of hands, making him look more like a spider than human.
If anyone is interesting in roleplaying with this character please go here
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