Either Needed D&D "One-Shot" PbP

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Either Needed D&D "One-Shot" PbP


The Lazy Dragon
Staff member
Sanctum Master
Local time
Today 3:27 AM
The Realms of Chaos
Hello Adventure!
Welcome to a world of magic and monsters, where you will adventure through realms unknown.

Whether you're a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) expert, or only have a vague idea of what it is, this could be the game for you!

I am looking for 4-5 people interested in playing a Play by Post (PbP) game of 5th edition D&D. For now at least I'm only planning on running a "one-shot", which normally would be a 2-6 hour game, but should last quite a bit longer this way.

For simplicity's sake you'll choose from pre-generated characters. (Sorry if you wanted to build your own).

Dragonborn Sorcerer
Halfling Monk
Drow Rogue
Halfling Rogue
Dwarf Cleric
Half-Orc Paladin
Half-Elf Bard
High Elf Fighter
High Elf Wizard
Human Barbarian
Human Cleric
Human Druid
Human Fighter
Human Paladin
Tiefling Warlock
Wood Elf Ranger

If you're interested please PM me with:
-Your experience with D&D or similar games.
-Which character you would like to play
-And any questions you may have.

My intention is for this to be real laid back, but I ask that you be relatively active so we don't sit around waiting forever for people to take their turns.
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