Damycles the 'Chinese Knock Off' of Damocles

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Damycles the 'Chinese Knock Off' of Damocles


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Today 2:02 AM
So, introductions then, anyways, hello there you can call me Damycles and...

You see it's funny when I started this I 'had' an idea of what I was going to write. Keyword being, had, of course. But honestly, at this point, I'm not really sure what to say.

I'm a college student, that's a thing that's going on in my life that's sort of semi-interesting. And well, I tend to like watching these anime things that keep coming out every now and again, as well as listen to a ludicrously large volume of music from so many genres that I've stopped trying to list them at this point. I mean, post punk, I didn't even know post punk was a thing until a month ago and now that's a part of my life. Then there's Igorrr who's so weirdly experimental I don't know if I should classify that as hardcore experimental metal or "Chicken-Core".

But aside from that, much like a lot of other people I happen to have a hobby for writing things, a hobby which I am a bit out of practice with these days but I'm hoping to get back into a bit more and improve upon.

In terms of well, what I like to write about, honestly it's gone through various, phases, as far as I can tell. And I guess those phases heavily coincide with how I keep changing as a person as I navigate this weird and strange thing called life.

At first, I was an all fantasy guy, give me a fantastical location and an evil overlord to beat and I'll be running ten minutes before you can say "go" and get disqualified because that's now how races work. Then I got into the more hardcore sci-fi cyberpunk stuff, which was, coincidentally when I also got into a lot of Radiohead but that's a story for another day. But these days it's really hard to tell. My genre preferences aren't as limited as they used to be. Rather, in a sense, my interest tends to hinge on how much I can sell myself on the concepts I can imagine with the scenario presented to me. But then again that's probably much more normal than I think it is.

Anyways, I am going to be with you guys for, time. I don't know how much time, really depends on my schedule really and sometimes I can just get really busy so, who knows at this point.

Pleasure to be with you all, hope we can have some fun together.
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