Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, Torture fantasy?

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Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, Torture fantasy?

Local time
Tomorrow 2:50 AM
Welcome to my little corner.

A bit about me
- happy to play any character of any appearance over the age of 18
- prefer a 70/30 split between story/smut
- enjoy the dark and extreme, and the weird and wonderful
- favourite genres are high fantasy, mythology, supernatural, horror, and historical in no particular order
- enjoy a long sweeping epic, a complicated romance, descriptive environments, and lots of character narrative
- love love love character & relationship development and really get inside their heads, followed closely by world building and plot (world building is my weakness of the three)
- I like to write lots of detail, can answer around 3 times a day in full paragraphs with decent spelling and half decent grammar.

- Slice of life
- Smut and sex for the sake of it / written poorly
- Sexual slavery / women as holes
- Posts less than 5 lines long (I need something to work with)
- Bad grammar
- No one under 21 please, we won't get along
- Poor / empty communication. Please don't waste my time or yours.

Some characters / settings I enjoy
Gods and Goddesses from most pantheons
Anthroes of all kinds
Alice in Wonderland
Sidhe / fairies
Medieval fantasy
Ancient Japan
Some animes - if I get to play the evil sadistic character
Circus / carnival
Fantasy Western
Historical eras - there are so many that I'd love to try; my current fave is ancient Britain / Celts but open to anything worldwide prior to 1900.

Open to all ideas and variations on the theme, looking for creative partners who love getting thier teeth stuck into all this as much as I do. Pm me with your thoughts.

If anyone is interested in doing a mental torture chamber roleplay please pm me for details as this is my current toy. YC would be the one being tortured....

Looking forward to it!
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