Any Dark Fantasy - Searching for a Partner

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Any Dark Fantasy - Searching for a Partner


Most Sinister Miscreant Around
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Hi! My name is Ava, I'm 22 and I've been writing all of my life. I like writing dark fantasy, edgier things with a lot of angst. I'm also into writing romance, especially if it's tragic or doomed in some way. I try to match my roleplay partner in reply length, and my response time varies from daily to weekly depending on a few factors. I am okay with any amount of gore or violence, and I'm also good with writing sexual content but I prefer that it not be the centerpiece of the roleplay. If you want to include sexual content in the roleplay I'm up for discussing what is and isn't okay in terms of such. I personally only write original characters, but I don't mind roleplaying with people who use fandom characters or settings. Here's a plot idea I have, although I'm open to suggestions.

Shadows over Trekov
The city of Trekov stands alone amidst endless dark woods and gloomy mountains, an ancient city with countless secrets that has now reached its age of industry. In the mountains surrounding Trekov, there is an abandoned chapel that was left to ruin after a tragic accident with only one survivor: Sorana Moarte. Lady Moarte is now the duchess of the region, a mysterious and reclusive figure. Ruling more locally is Mayor Blakochiv, who's wife has recently gone missing after a spree of serial killings that took place in the city. He has summoned people from all across the country to look for his wife and the serial killer, and alongside the investigator he has called upon (you), he has the monster hunters named Knight and Paige tagging along in case things go supernaturally awry.
This would be a more gothic horror type story, but it could also involve romance and some detective-esque writing.

In addition, here's a selection of characters I frequently write and you can choose however many you want and I'll work them into a roleplay or make them my protagonist.

Avartes and Ala Alendor
Two elven siblings, as inseperable as they are insufferable. Avartes is dangerous with his wit and Ala more so with a knife. They are anarchists at heart and rogues in the eyes of the law. Avartes always have a backstabbing plot in the works of his mind, and Ala's happy to tag along for the ride. These two are usually used as anti-heroes or anti-villains, swinging between being on the side of the heroes and being on their own side.

A witch who was raised by pirates and then sirens, enamoured by music. She travels the world trying to bring balance to situations where it is out of place. Her intentions are always good but sometimes a darker side gets the better of her. She typically is a more heroic character.

A troubled soul, missing his memory of his childhood as well as his morals. This man is often willing to go to any lengths to get the job done, and that's all he's been trained to care about. He's a professional monster hunter who wields a revolver and a folding silver sword. Despite his darker nature, he does have a soft spot and is not difficult to put on the right path despite how often he veers from it. He's usually an anti-hero type character, but he can stray into the realm of being a straght up hero.

I also have more characters if none of those suit you! Those are just my three most commonly used (groups) of characters!
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