Any Dark Thoughts

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Any Dark Thoughts


The Oh-So Friendly Ghost
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Today 5:20 AM
Hello! I'll get to the roleplay(s) but first a bit about me. I'm a college student, so I am not always be the best at replying that day. I do tell you if it will take more than a day though. Sometimes I lose interest if I feel like I have no impact on the roleplay, so do try to ask about things before just simply doing them. I have been roleplaying since I was 8, I have grown with roleplaying and roleplays. I take pride in mine honestly, but I am very happy to change them and adapt! I understand.

My roleplays are mostly story, but I love smut and am very happy to do a smut only roleplay. I have never really had a successful roleplay with no smut. But I am very willing to try. I'm not a huge grammar nazi, but I do spell check generally. I like character sheets, very bare minimum ones are fine! 70/30, 60/40 and 50/50 are all good for each type of ratio. Just tell me what you like! I do ask for 2-3 paragraphs but I can do more if the roleplay permits.

These roleplays are going to be darker, more fucked up type of roleplays. Slice of Lifes maybe yes, but the bad kind. Kidnapper x Kidnapped. Stalker x Stalked. Cannibals. Abused x Abusive maybe if I can think of a good one or if someone suggests. I don't know why I am craving this. I just am.

So this is your final warning. The only thing that I am not doing for sure is Non-Con. And of course everything that is against the rules. No minors in the roleplays or animals in sexual ones. No animals in general. I can't stand animals getting hurt. I'm too big of a baby.

Now! Off to the roleplays!

Stalker x Stalked.1/2 Taken
Female and Female Only
Can include : Literally anything but Non-Con, Supernatural and Scat.
Torture is okay! Wanted actually if this all goes bad. Gore is lovely! Manipulation is allowed.

College is hard on (stalked). Maybe that's why she never noticed how (stalker) was always somehow around when she needed it. Or around all the time really. A few too many pills that are supposed to help and a few too many drinks and then there was the weed she tried to smoke but just ended up coughing and spilling the bowl... (Stalked) needed a break. To not think. Spring break would be her real getaway. At least that's what she was hoping. Until she got into an accident, thankfully not injured, and now her car wouldn't be good to use for a long ass time and Spring break would be over.
God fucking dammit right? So she called up the only person she knew would help her. (Stalker) couldn't help but say yes. They would be alone, truly alone, with each other for a week. Seven days. Seven whole days. Well minus a few hours, but that's all fine and dandy. (Stalked) would be with them, safe with them, happy with them. Free with them. It will be the start to their romance. The beginning of the story they tell their children. Oh their children will be so cute- Getting off topic here.

(Stalked) will call (Stalker) up, crying and sad and really just needing a friend, asking them to come over. They needed them. Of course, (Stalker) replies and is over to (Stalked)'s dorm in record time. Two minutes. (Stalked) explains her situation and how she needs time away from everybody. (Stalker) is happy to give her the car, if she can come along as well. Share half of the expenses and a free car for the week? That's a deal. We will start here, follow them for the road trip and halfway through figure out exactly where we want to go with this.

Will Stalker figure out this isn't the perfect girl like they had hoped? Will they fall in love? Sleep together in a drunken haze? Will Stalker slip up? Let's find out!

(This forum will be updated with more roleplays, please wait or PM for more plots.)
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I like the ideas :) Kidnapped x Kidnapper and Stalk x Stalker are my faves :)
(Dealer) has slowly been falling for their (Addict), slowly being driven into madness because of unrequited love. Rationally they knew that (Addict) only came around to get the drugs. They knew that. But why (Dealer) then? There were so many others, with better product and even better prices. Maybe it was because (Dealer) was wrapped around their finger. They were safe with them.

Let's explore this relationship style. It could go many different routes.

Addicted to Your Love 1/2 Taken
(Addict) needs something more. Something better. Stronger, but safer. Not Coke or LSD but stronger than shroomies or pot. They needed it and now. So of course (Addict) goes to who they know they can convince. Luckily (Dealer) has something new. Experimental. It may take some convincing, but (Dealer) will give in of course. What that convincing is, is up to the player of course. Begging or.. Bodies. Or simply a kiss? We will talk about it.

The drug starts to take affect with (Dealer) and (Addict) in the same room and boy is it strange. (Addict) starts to feel funny. Hungry. Lustful. Needing to be touched. Needing to touch. They took such a small amount and now (Addict) is convinced that they are in love with (Dealer). They need to be close. They need to be touching. They need more.

Can easily go down a cannibal/ or vampire like path were Dealer deals with biting and blood to be with their love. Or it goes down the emotional side, Addict starts to become very codependent. It's nice at least at first. We will choose which path it goes down. But please have something in mind when you contact me.

Price is Right
Out of a job, out of money and out of spirit (Addicted) comes to (Dealer) for help. They need what they generally come for, meds maybe, but (Dealer) has raised the price and (Addict) would of just barely been to afford it before they raised it. Though there is something they could do to make it a fair trade. Be theirs. All (Dealer)'s.

It's a short and simple plot. It can go in two different directions. (Dealer) could use them for their body every time they need the money or drugs. Like a bad Sugar Mommy. (Addict) has to deal with more and more things. They of course can always say no, but really would they anyways? (Addict) secretly loves this arrangement but would never say so.

Or (Dealer) could go down a different route, a darker one. (Addict) is now their slave of sorts. Able to go out into the world, but has rules now. At first they were simple. Easy to follow. Wear this. Come over now. Do that. But they get stranger. More dangerous. More risky. Is (Dealer) training the perfect hit man? The perfect slave? What are they planning? Or are they even planning?

You pick which one we do or maybe even both. (Addict doesn't have to love Dealer, Dealer could be very emotionally unavailable.)
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Bump! Feel free to come to me with any type of ideas!
Hi! Would love to do stalker/stalked, could I be the stalked one?
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