Darkness's retreat

Currently reading:
Darkness's retreat

Prying eyes

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Today 8:47 PM
I'm so glad you are here reading this right now and hope that you find yourself having a fine time within life.

Roleplay is something that I really enjoy and find to be an amazing exercise of the brain and an outlet for creativity. I want to start off by saying that I am by no means an expert and quite often make mistakes but I try my best in all my roles and ask for a bit of patience. I am quite capable of sending short responses as well as long, with the longest I have done about five paragraphs at the moment. I play both male and female characters in both dominant and submissive positions.

At the moment I am looking for a female interested in playing an extremely dark and twisted role! I can play either male or female for this depending on what is preferable.

This does involve some themes that may be harmful to the mental state of some people so if you have any concerns please send me a list of your limits or triggers! For this reason I am not posting the role here and ask that if you are interested in the particularly twisted side of life that you message me for more information!
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