Character(s) Dark's assorted characters

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Character(s) Dark's assorted characters


White Knight extraordinaire.
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Mists of Avalon
Roland Caine. 6'3", dark brown eyes, black hair, full goatee. Dragon-mage, descended from an ancient dragon and its mortal lover. Although very powerful in his own right, and many long generations removed- Roland cannot transform or fly, but has a very powerful connection to the elements.

Crystal is an amorphous spirit of ice and frost. With no true solid form, she chooses to appear as a 12" tall slender female in shades of white and light blue. She is the constant companion to Roland and the fire lizard Cinder.

Cinder is a fire lizard nred from centuries in the blistering heat of primal fires. His scales are iridescent red and orange, he measures about 2 1/2 ft long. Cinder enjoys the occasional game of "find me " with Crystal.

The three reside at Wyvern's Keep- a castle fortress bearing many empty rooms, unexplored tunnels rumored to have been constructed by one of Roland's ancestors. While some of the known passages reveal heated springs, lava beds, and awe inspiring crystal formations- legend claims others lead to the Far Deeps, home to living gemstones of rare substance and power.

He has been seen many times over the centuries, often mistaken for the Wandering Jew. The Native Americans have stories of sightings; as do the Northmen of Ireland, Greenland, and Scandinavia. Ancient Chinese mythology makes mention of this dark stranger. The Celts speak of him as well, but in hushed tones and furtive glances. Most cultures agree that his appearance is a sign of pending disaster or catastrophe.
The earliest recorded sightings occurred in what is currently known as the Middle East: from just west of Egypt, south halfway down the East African coast, to the other side of the great rivers, and north into modern Europe. His face is always shaded or covered; his voice is rough and raspy, hands are weathered and coarse.
He stands approximately 6'4", and walks with a slight limp in his right leg. Even in the worst days of the Old West, the Stranger never wore a gun. He never seemed to need one. Recent centuries have him mostly confined to North America. In the northern mountains, he is wrapped in thick furs. West and midwest; a duster of unique design and materials- down to his ankles and a wide brimmed hat pulled low. He has never been against hard labor- splitting rails, pulling a plow, cutting firewood, or handling giant sized logs are all in his experience.
Early twentieth century, sightings were rare and often doubted. He had been seen as the non-descript steel mill worker, the quiet one in the mines, reverent & respectful but never once seen in church or on church grounds.

Daughters of Lilith: A rite of passage passed down among certain women around the world from oldest living grandmother to granddaughter after first menses.
It has been the duty of the Daughters to fight the Children of the Serpent since time immemorial. The Children are those who either trace back to Cain; choose to further the Ancient Serpent's ways among Man; or that have been so far immersed in his timeless evil. Among those throughout history are: Amelia Earhart, Sacagawea, Anne Bonny, Helen of Troy, and Queen Hippolyta.

Michael James Talbott. 6'0", brown hair, golden brown eyes. Single, owner/CEO of Talbot Enterprises- a wide ranging corporation with a hand in everything from construction to electronics and finances. Talbot appears to be in his mid 40s with only the faintest touch of gray. He is the area's most eligible bachelor- five years running. Independently weal6, occasionally puts his hand personally in security projects. Distinguished military career in Afghanistan and Iraq. <Michael currently is involved in personal security detail for the President- SSgt(r) Alexander James Vaughn, U S Army. What a very select few know is that Talbot is a hereditary werewolf. > (He has served in WWII -under another name- and in Vietnam. )
Michael is a rarity among his kind-he is a lone Alpha. Fierce, loyal, protective and bedrock dependable.
Oldest of his mother's children; Michael currently owns the land his immediate family lives on, plus a large portion of the nearby woods - as a 'nature preserve '.

As I have it on the paper.

Character: Crown princess, heir to the throne, adventurous & bored with "politics, high court and such". Unknown to nobility & royalty alike- sneaks out occasionally to 'waylay' what she considers 'the overburdened' politicos & greedy nobles; she is the notorious thief & cutpurse law enforcement has named the 'Scarlet Hood '. No real harm is done except to the so-called dignity of her chosen victims.
Unknown to Princess Caitlyn, though; is the identity of her sometime partner 'Shadow Claw' - an equally particular bandit of approximately her own age (18 but on the small side)- her childhood friend and confidant, James- a local 3rd son of a lesser noble. James knows Caitlyn's secret and is almost always around in case she needs it on her escapades. However, she has not guessed who Shadow Claw is, nor that James might know her secret.
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