A Mediocre Howdy-Do.

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A Mediocre Howdy-Do.

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Today 8:36 PM
Cloud Eight
A very great and dandy yo and such to all of you who may be reading this introduction. My name isn't real important because everyone I know in the role play community pretty much just calls me Muse so lets just stick with that I suppose. Any who as for role plays that I like to do they mainly pertain to sci-fi to fantasy realms although I can be persuaded to delve into a more slice of life scenario if the story catches my interest. The length of the role play isn't really a pet peeve of mine but I do like them to be on the longer side and have a pretty good bit of detail within the margins, after all I like a good read. As for experience I have like over six years, although I can not really remember when I actually started to role play honestly...it just sorta happened one day.

I guess I should throw something else in here besides role play jargon so here it goes:
  • I like anime and manga so that is always a good starting point with me if we have a similar hobby there.
  • Doctor Who is also a pretty heavy show that I take interest in, mainly due to it's wide reaching possibilities that it can branch out into. #FemaleDoctorAlready
  • M.A.S.H. is another TV series that I adore, although it got pretty preachy as it went on in seasons...
  • I stopped watching TWD after the Governor so yeah, not really into it in all seriousness so not really one to talk to about that extensively.
  • I am a cat and a dog person I don't discriminate. x73
  • I like the woods, not sure why but it's probably because of the lack of annoying rackets.
  • I also adore spicy food, such delicacies are the way to my heart. 0-O
Well that's a bit about me although there are obviously things that are not included but meh such things will be revealed as I don't really shy away from conversation. So this is the Mediocre One concluding this into and scuttling back to his cotton candy cloud for the time being.

Deuces people and anything in-between, Mediocritys Muse
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